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由美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机,已经波及到实体经济;要分析原因寻找对策,关键的前提在于树立信心、沉着应对。尤其要做好国内的事情,科学发展,又好又快发展,才是战胜危机、立于不败之地的根本。  相似文献   
我国新公司法当中修改了股东知情权的内容,谓之一大进步。但同时有不完善之处,尤其在对公司商业秘密保护方面问题突出。在保证股东的知情权利益的同时兼顾公司的经营利益,从立法规定到执法公正再到司法救济上,减少甚至避免二者之间冲突的发生。  相似文献   
职工文化自信是文化自信的具体体现,打造健康文明、昂扬向上的职工文化,离不开工人阶级和广大劳动群众的伟大品格,离不开工匠精神、劳模精神和劳动精神。这三种精神,是新时代职工文化建设的旗帜,是新时代职工文化自信的引领。  相似文献   
《德意志意识形态》对虚幻共同体的论述及其当代意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思恩格斯在<德意志意识形态>中认为国家是虚幻的共同体,作为独立的东西而与各个个人对立起来,不能从根本上普遍地代表每个人的利益和价值追求,但是,个人只有在虚幻共同体中才能打开通向最终自由解放的道路.这些论述反映着马克思恩格斯对国家、集体、共同利益的独特视角.共同体是否具有虚幻性质,与它对个人利益的满足程度有关,也与人们对它的设定有关.研究这个问题对我们认识和解决当前我国政治经济改革中的有关问题具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   
In Douglas v Hello! Ltd (No 3) , the Court of Appeal noted that one ramification of 'shoehorning' invasions of privacy into the cause of action of breach of confidence is that 'it does not fall to be treated as a tort under English law'. In contrast, this article contends that English courts should explicitly recognise and develop a framework for a tort of privacy, and outlines one possible version—comprising both privacy interests and the elements of the potential tort. The framework draws upon longstanding Canadian and United States jurisprudence, as well as recent fascinating Australasian decisions that have grappled with privacy claims. In reality, breach of confidence is becoming an unrecognizable cousin of the creature which Megarry J described in Coco v AN Clark (Engineers) Ltd in 1969. If, however, it is to be buttressed by a judicially-created tort of privacy, then that tort's elements must be capable of being feasibly articulated and applied.  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义的道路自信、理论自信和制度自信是有其依据的。道路自信来源于道路选择的正确性,理论自信来源于理论本身的科学性,制度自信的依据是制度本身的优越性。中国特色社会主义的道路自信、理论自信和制度自信相辅相成,缺一不可,它们之间是相互促进的关系,三者构成了一个完整的统一体,共同推进中国特色社会主义事业的进一步发展。  相似文献   
In many emerging and authoritarian countries, civil society organizations that focus on political or sensitive policy issues are being cracked down upon, while service-oriented ones are given a relatively greater ability to operate. What might the consequence of this be for democratic practice given the important role civic organizations play in this process? We examine this question by considering whether the absence of confidence in a country's governing institutions is related to membership in service-rather than governance-focused civic organizations, and how such membership is associated with elite-challenging, political activities in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. We find that individuals who have no confidence in state institutions are less likely to seek membership in governance-focused civic organizations, but not necessarily in service-focused ones. At the same time, membership in both types of civic organizations is associated with participation in political activities, while beliefs that a country is run democratically decreases it. This suggests that a variety of civic organizational types, even those without an explicit governance-focus, contingent on perceptions of democratic governance and other covariates held constant, enhance democratic practice.  相似文献   
A reported likelihood ratio for the value of evidence is very often a point estimate based on various types of reference data. When presented in court, such frequentist likelihood ratio gets a higher scientific value if it is accompanied by an error bound. This becomes particularly important when the magnitude of the likelihood ratio is modest and thus is giving less support for the forwarded proposition. Here, we investigate methods for error bound estimation for the specific case of digital camera identification. The underlying probability distributions are continuous and previously proposed models for those are used, but the derived methodology is otherwise general. Both asymptotic and resampling distributions are applied in combination with different types of point estimators. The results show that resampling is preferable for assessment based on asymptotic distributions. Further, assessment of parametric estimators is superior to evaluation of kernel estimators when background data are limited.  相似文献   
司法公正是司法取得公信力的基础,承载这一基础的则是司法判决。只有被社会认可的司法判决才能宣示司法公正。然而,司法判决必须接受社会生活中的另类规范——情理——的审查,否则将不被认可。法官作为日常生活中的一员,无法回避社会交往中情理的熏陶与约束。而当下社会把法律问题道德化的惯常定势与传统的清官情结,导致司法公正的认同往往取决于法官个体的可信度。判断法官可信度的依据乃是法官日常行为的表现,通过交往,生成法官的信任基础,这种信任被逐渐转嫁至司法判决之上,从而促进并有利于司法公信的生成。  相似文献   
This paper seeks to analyze the deficiencies, underlying flaws, and prospects of the Sino-US military maritime safety consultation mechanism, based on maritime incident prevention theories and typical cases. It also on also offers suggestions on the future development of the Sino-US maritime offers maritime confidence-building mechanism.  相似文献   
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