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In recent years ‘movement parties’ such as Syriza in Greece, the Movimento 5 Stelle in Italy, Podemos in Spain and—to a lesser extent—Bloco de Esquerda in Portugal shook national party systems, breaking the consolidated dynamics of political competition. Despite growing interest in movement parties, there has been scant attention to the role of citizens adopting unconventional forms of action and using digital media in accounting for their electoral performance. To fill this gap, four original internet-based post-electoral surveys are employed showing that protesters and digital media users are more likely to vote for these parties, despite important country differences.  相似文献   
扩大的权利与扩大的义务——数字艺术行为哲学论要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字艺术是一种基于人工智能技术创生的新型艺术形态,其本质在于双重互动不确定性机制.在该机制的作用下,数字艺术行为秩序较之原子艺术行为秩序发生了重大而深远的变化.首先,数字艺术开拓出一种人人享有的创作权和传播权,消解了原子艺术秩序中的艺术创作特权和传播特权,数字艺术创作权利的本质是一种艺术发表权.其次,通过艺术发表权,数字艺术衍生出一种原子艺术秩序没有的艺术接触权,接触权也是一种普遍的、平等的、人人共享的艺术权利.另外,数字艺术还抑制了主权者的艺术监管权力.数字艺术上述扩大的权利也相应为数字艺术主体衍生出同等数量的艺术义务.相对于原子艺术秩序中的那些义务,数字艺术义务的履行即尊重各项数字艺术权利的行使、避免生产传播有损于社会大众身心健康的艺术作品在当下人工智能社会遭遇到了巨大的挑战.  相似文献   
Visualization of fingerprint deposits by digital color mapping of light reflected from the surface of heated brass, copper, aluminum, and tin has been investigated using Adobe® Photoshop®. Metals were heated to a range of temperatures (T) between 50°C and 500°C in 50°C intervals with enhancement being optimal when the metals are heated to 250°C, 350°C, 50°C, and 300°C, respectively, and the hue values adjusted to 247°, 245°, 5°, and 34°, respectively. Fingerprint visualization after color mapping was not degraded by subsequent washing of the metals and color mapping did not compromise the visibility of the fingerprint for all values of T. The optimum value of T for fingerprint visibility is significantly dependent of the standard reduction potential of the metal with Kendall's Tau (τ) = 0.953 (p < 0.001). For brass, this correlation is obtained when considering the standard reduction potential of zinc rather than copper.  相似文献   
近年来,以数字货币为媒介和手段的犯罪案件频发且涉案金额巨大。尽管各国执法机构不断颁发各种法律法规对此进行防范,但由于数字货币相较于传统货币具有特有的易用性、匿名性等多种特性,使其极难被发现,即使发现也难以收缴控制。文章从数字货币的概念入手,阐明了其与电子货币和虚拟货币的关系;以多种数字货币为实例,分析了其不同于传统货币的独有特性;并以此为基础,从警务实战角度出发,归纳总结了警察在侦查案件时需要注意的几点问题。  相似文献   
与数字证据相关的概念很多,但它们的内涵和外延存在一定差异,从提出概念的出发点、载体、表现形式、研究范围等角度分析数字证据、电子证据、科学证据、电子记录等概念的差异,并进一步提出对数字证据进行专门研究的科学性和必要性。  相似文献   
对中国图书馆立法问题的思考及认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从国内外图书馆立法背景和图书馆发展趋势出发,对图书馆是否立法进行了研究,分析了中国图书馆事业立法的必要性,提出图书馆急需制定出一部具有中国特色的图书馆法,才能保障和促进图书馆事业的繁荣与发展。  相似文献   
随着知识信息更新速度不断加快、学科之间不断交叉融合,用户对图书馆信息服务的要求也变得更加专业化和针对化,原有的图书馆人才结构已经跟不上时代的发展,因此迫切的需要图书馆的复合人才,从图书馆复合人才的概念和内涵入手,分析了培养图书馆复合人才的必要性和相应的对策。  相似文献   
A simple technique for imaging the human skeleton with a flatbed scanner is presented using the auricular surface of the ilium as an example. A flatbed scanner with resolution capabilities of 600 dpi or greater allows for images of human bones. The auricular surface of the ilium was selected to demonstrate this technique as it is a fairly three-dimensional area that can be difficult to record photographically. Fifty left ilia of various ages at death from the Athens Collection were selected from which three observers (SCF, CE, and IM) scored the morphology of the auricular surface using a well-established aging method. Observations were taken of the dry bone, of digital photographs of the bone, and of scanned images of the bone, and in that sequence. Results indicate that scores of scanned images are equivalent or better than digital images of the same ilia. This technique allows for sharing data electronically with ease.  相似文献   
The characteristics of knife tool marks retained on hard tissues can be used to outline the shape and angle of a knife. The purpose of this study was to describe such marks on bone tissues that had been chopped with knives. A chopping stage with a gravity accelerator and a fixed bone platform was designed to reconstruct the chopping action. A digital microscope was also used to measure the knife angle (θ) and retained V-shape tool mark angle (ψ) in a pig skull. The κ value (elasticity coefficient; θ/ψ) was derived and recorded after the knife angle (θ) and the accompanied velocity were compared with the proportional impulsive force of the knife and ψ on the bone. The constant impulsive force revealed a correlation between the V-shape tool mark angle (ψ) and the elasticity coefficient (κ). These results describe the tool marks--crucial in the medicolegal investigation--of a knife on hard tissues.  相似文献   
我国经济发展处于新旧动能交替期,一方面以大数据、信息技术和人工智能为动能的数字经济持续上行,另一方面以劳动力和资源要素为驱动的传统经济缓慢下行。而我国新增就业数量还依然有所上升。即使存在统计性问题,这一现象仍说明技术进步对就业的影响已经发生转变,这种转变可能来自数字经济发展缓冲了传统经济下行期的失业风险,也可能来自未来的工作内容与工作方式的转变。为此,本文沿着相关文献的路径,结合此次数字化特征对技术进步影响工作岗位的机制进行分析,探究数字经济与未来工作的可能,在此基础上提出未来劳动力市场可能面临的风险,并提出包容性治理的政策建议。  相似文献   
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