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人体器官捐献是伴随着医疗技术的发展和社会的进步而出现的 ,国外已制定了相应的立法。采纳“脑死亡”标准是进行人体器官捐献立法的前提 ,这在世界各国已经成为通例。我国应顺应时代潮流 ,对人体器官捐献进行相应的立法规范。  相似文献   
当前我国慈善捐赠不足的原因及对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
捐赠不足是我国慈善组织面临的一个严峻问题。造成慈善捐赠不足的原因是复杂的,我们必须有的放矢,采取多种措施,在全社会形成踊跃捐赠的机制和氛围,促进我国慈善捐赠事业的发展。  相似文献   
从“血荒”现象看《献血法》在实施中的问题与完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国《献血法》在实施中存在一些问题:“血荒”现象在很多地方存在;目前的还血政策不能很好地激励公民献血的积极性;法律对医疗机构紧急用血规定不完善,“见死不救”,“救人违法”的矛盾在现实中还存在;部分临床用血的血液来源存在安全隐患。应当教育、动员、招募一支固定无偿献血者队伍,适当放宽献血的条件。提高血站的管理水平和服务质量、加强无偿献血及免费用血系统的网络化建设、适当扩大医疗机构在紧急用血时的权限。  相似文献   
首先 ,《合同法》的颁布并未平息赠与合同究为诺成合同还是实践合同的争论。笔者认为 ,《合同法》第 186条第 1款所指的赠与仅有诺成合同之名 ,却有实践合同之实。与其如此 ,不如直接将其规定为实践合同。这样较符中国的国情 ,而有利于重合同守信用的观念和法律意识的培养和提高 ;该条第 2款所指的赠与显然具有诺成合同之特征。其次 ,该法第 189条关于赠与人损害赔偿之规定的适用范围有待明确。最后 ,受赠人是否应有行为能力之限制 ,则应区别对待。  相似文献   
The failure of medical examiners/coroners (ME/C) to allow heart valve donation is a major problem encountered by tissue agencies. Even though many ME/C favor tissue donation they remain responsible for determination of cause and manner of death. In 2001, the Jesse E. Edwards Registry of Cardiovascular Disease was approached by one of the nation's largest tissue procurement agencies (The American Red Cross--ARC) for the purpose of performing cardiovascular pathologic examinations following valve donation. The affiliation existed from October 2001 to January 2005. This study was undertaken to review all 593 postvalve recovery heart remnants received during that time period to tabulate the abnormalities identified and to determine whether donation interfered with the determination of cause of death. For each case, a preliminary cause of death was provided by the ARC. The decedent's body height and weight were also provided. Using the preliminary cause of death, the 593 cases were divided into natural and nonnatural manner of death groups. This division of the cases resulted in 106 cases placed in the natural manner of death group and 487 cases in the nonnatural manner of death group. For each case, all cardiac findings including significant conditions, additional findings, incidental findings, and congenital abnormalities were tabulated. Within the natural manner of death group, 15 cases had a noncardiac cause of death and 91 cases had a cause of death suspected to be cardiac related. In the 91 cases, a total of 132 significant cardiac findings were identified and there were six structurally normal hearts including two infants. In the nonnatural manner of death group, 214 significant cardiac findings were identified and 222 cases had a structurally normal heart. In both natural and nonnatural groups, the most common cardiac abnormality was atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. Other frequently encountered conditions were also identified including 11 cases with acute angle of origin of a coronary artery (five cases natural group; six cases nonnatural group). An important feature of this review was the recognition of potentially inheritable conditions that were diagnosed in both natural and nonnatural manner of death groups. There were three cases of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (one natural; two nonnatural), three cases of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (one natural; two nonnatural), and one case of mitral valve prolapse (natural). In reviewing these cases, we did not feel that valve donation severely impaired cardiac pathologic examination. The benefits of cardiovascular pathologic examination by a cardiac pathologist include the identification of significant and incidental findings and recognition of potentially inheritable conditions.  相似文献   
While the term social capital has been in existence since 1835, it only became popular at the end of the twentieth century, with the emergence of the associational revolution and the appearance of the third sector. Since then, non‐governmental organisations (NGOs), volunteering, philanthropic financing and solidarity organisations have all shaped a common discourse. From a social capital perspective, and on the basis of a social survey, this article investigates the determinants of solidarity and participation in NGOs in Bogotá, Colombia. We conclude that the expression of social capital in Bogotá is made manifest through donations and volunteering, factors which should be considered in fundraising activities.  相似文献   
The technological advent of artificial reproduction has resulted in a substantial increase of children born from gamete donation. Studies conducted overseas, particularly in the United Kingdom, have explored the controversy as to whether or not such children have the right to know the identity of their donor parents. This article discusses the consequences of donor disclosure and donor privacy for both the parents and children. Currently, there is a lack of U.S. state legislation on the issue. While studies remain inconclusive, research indicates that counseling for the parties involved and the promulgation of state statutes may be beneficial.  相似文献   
This commentary examines social and political implications of social egg freezing in a market that is stratified, globalized, and part of a larger bioeconomy. John Robertson''s article and public discourse prompted by Facebook and Apple''s ‘corporate egg freezing’ benefits provide touchstones for interrogating social and industry practices that embrace making reproductive capacity marketable. Supply of the cells and bodies necessary for assisted reproductive technology use depends on market thinking and structural inequality. What the industry produces are carefully calibrated social-political distances between participants in egg freezing and banking, as well as ‘third party reproduction.’  相似文献   
近年来美国在慈善扣除理论与立法上的重要变化尚未引起我国学界的重视。美国慈善扣除制度在实施中暴露出了许多问题,目前美国已有不少研究开始对传统的慈善扣除理论进行批判,美国政府也已经开始对慈善捐赠扣除制度不断进行调整和改革。因此,在完善我国慈善税收激励制度时,在对美国慈善税收扣除立法实践考察的基础上,梳理其理论发展并进行制度反思,除了肯定美国慈善扣除制度对捐赠的激励作用之外,还应当重视当前美国慈善扣除理论方面的变化及制度方面存在的问题,进而合理设计慈善扣除的比例限制,科学设置边际税率,选择适当的慈善税收优惠方式,构建一个科学合理的慈善税收激励政策。  相似文献   
2008年5月12日四川汶川发生大地震,随之而来,我国及世界各国掀起了史无前例的范围广大、数额巨大的捐赠活动.公益捐赠不仅可以实现捐赠人善良美好的愿望,也给家园破碎、失去亲人的灾区人民送去了温暖和慰籍。与此同时,捐赠引发的系列问题却又进入人们的思考:如对公益捐赠款物利用和发放的监督、空头捐赠以及捐赠的税收等。因此,探讨公益捐赠的法律属性,从公益捐赠的定义入手,先归纳公益捐赠所具备的法律性质.再论证公益捐赠的法律关系所具有的必备要素。对于正确认识和解决上述问题至关重要。  相似文献   
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