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With the deepening of globalization, many provisions in the Nationality Law of China promulgated in 1980 are already out of time and some provisions are easy to trigger dual nationalities. Consequently, while sticking to the basic principle of the Nationality Law, certain provisions of the Nationality Law of China should be gradually improved according to the present situation of international and domestic development, and the implementing guidelines for the Nationality Law should be introduced to construct a relatively complete legal system to adjust and regulate various relationships of nationality. Song Xixiang, majoring in international law, Hong Kong and Macao law, is a professor of law and the dean of Law School of Shanghai International Studies University. Now, he is also a doctoral candidate of Wuhan University. Meanwhile, Prof. Song is an executive director of the China Society of Private International Law and of the China Society of International Law and of the China Society of International Economical Law, etc. Moreover, he is a vice chairman of Hong Kong and Macao and Taiwan Law Association.  相似文献   
改革开放以来,我国工人阶级的内部结构发生了很大变化,出现了不同的利益群体,劳动关系矛盾日渐突出。工会应协调劳动关系,重点维护普通工人群体的合法权益。  相似文献   
生产关系不适应生产力发展要求、上层建筑不适应经济基础变革的一些方面和环节,是导致社会矛盾突出、社会不和谐的根源。改革是消除社会不和谐的重要手段,是促进社会和谐的基本动力。  相似文献   
One overriding question that scholars have addressed over the past twenty‐five years is: are women the same or different from men when it comes to negotiating and what might explain these differences? The inquiry has shifted and has become more nuanced over time, but in its essence the issue of individual difference still dominates much of our thinking and research on the topic. The purpose of this article is to provide a structured overview of this considerable literature on gender and negotiation as it has evolved over the past twenty‐five years. In doing this, the article highlights how the social construction of gender has generally changed the discourse from essentialist concepts of differences between men and women to seeing gender as a more complex and shifting dimension of individual identity that is shaped by the contexts in which negotiation occurs. The second purpose of this article is to consider how recent feminist perspectives on gender, which have shifted from viewing gender as a property of individuals to considering the role of institutionalized social practices that sustain gender differences and inequities, can be incorporated into our understanding of gender relations in negotiation theory, practice, and research.  相似文献   
农村劳动力向城市转移,是一个国家实现现代化和城市化过程中必须认真面对的一个重大问题。这个问题解决得好,就能促进国家的发展,解决得不好就有可能对国家的现代化发展产生迟滞阻碍的作用。本文对五十多年来党的农村劳动力转移政策的制定及其实施进行初步探索,试图从中总结出可资借鉴、带规律性的东西。  相似文献   
本文通过将老子的道和高级辩证法的矛盾概念相比较 ,认为它们的基本内容相同 ,有很大的重合面。笔者以此断定 ,道实质上就是中国古代朴素辩证法的矛盾概念 ,是高级辩证法矛盾概念的雏形。同时 ,道又包括本体论 ,体现老子独特的思维方式 ,在哲学史上独树一帜。  相似文献   
胡波 《河北法学》2004,22(7):132-136
以物权与债权二元结构为基础的德国民法典体系已无法包容一些重要的基本民事权利类型和民事法律规范,制定中国民法典时有必要加以改良。提出以绝对权与相对权的二元结构为中心确定中国民法典编纂体例的新思路,既承袭了我国业已形成的德国民法思维传统,又是对物权与债权二元结构的发展。  相似文献   
从一种抽象概念演变为我国消费领域中较为普遍的商业动作行为,保证保险的出现及其发展仅仅经历了短暂的近十年时间,然而对于保证保险性质的混乱认识及立法上的空白,直接导致对保证保险关系当事人之行为无法进行统一规范和调整,笔者认为,保险公司以其保险人身份介入消费信贷关系中与保证人身份进行兼容,从而为各方当事人及司法实践提供了对信贷风险可选择的两种救济模式,并以此区别并优越于单一保证模式,并本着私法自治、司法权被动性之精神为保证保险纠纷公正合理地解决对保证、保险双重模救济模式进行了理性选择。  相似文献   
我国目前正进入经济社会发展的关键阶段.这个发展阶段的特点有两个:一个是整个社会进入"黄金发展时期",经济社会协调发展;另一个是整个社会进入"矛盾凸现时期",经济社会徘徊不前,甚至出现社会动荡和倒退.这一阶段可能会呈现出两种社会发展前景:一是执政思路清晰,政策妥当,就可以进入和谐社会;二是执政党和政府政策失误,不但会使经济停滞不前,而且会激化社会矛盾,危及政权的稳定.具体分析我国社会目前所存在的一些不和谐因素,比如城乡居民收入差距扩大问题等,则能更加清楚地看出中央做出构建社会主义和谐社会这一决策的深谋远虑.  相似文献   
由于非正式财政的存在、统计技术的不成熟和统计制度的不透明,农村居民的实际负担无法从官方数据中反映出来。但是,从城乡差距入手,可以利用各类公开出版发行的统计资料,运用数理经济模型间接测算出中国农村居民每年的实际税率和政府每年从农业部门转移出去的农业剩余。测度结果表明,自1957年以来,农村居民的负担被严重低估,同时,虽然近年来,农村居民的负担略为减轻,但是,高税率的长期存在还是不可避免。因此,缩小城乡差距的政策不但要注意加大对农业部门的投入,而且还应该关注农村税负的减免。  相似文献   
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