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Little is known about the amendment of death certificates (DCs) issued by medical examiners and coroners. This retrospective study examined why, how, and with what frequency cause and manner of death were amended on DCs issued by forensic pathologists over a 6-year period at the New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator. Approximately 1% of DCs had either cause or manner of death amendments, with arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease and intoxicants the most commonly amended and resulting causes of death, respectively. There was a significant association between manner of death and number of DCs amended (p<0.001). By percent, natural and suicide DCs were the most frequently amended. The way in which manner of death changed was significantly associated with the amount of time elapsed between DCs (p=0.04). Toxicology was the most common reason for DC amendment.  相似文献   
刑事附带搜查,是指执法者在执行拘留、逮捕等强制措施之时,基于“保护执法人员及其他相关人员安全”和“避免证据毁损或灭失”的目的,搜查被追诉者的无令状搜查制度。构建我国真正的附带搜查制度,必须将其与有证搜查、紧急搜查区分开;立法应当明确规定附带搜查启动的具体要件,严格限定附带搜查的实施范围,完善对违法附带搜查的救济措施的规定。  相似文献   
民工“自我救济式犯罪”的成因与对策思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
民工实施“自我救济式犯罪” ,不可否认其中有个人品质问题 ,但也必须注意到犯罪现象背后的非个人因素 ,包括社会的不公正、社会保障的不完善和政府对民工正当权益保护的乏力 ,尤其是民工合法权益被严重侵犯等问题。因此 ,要预防和减少此类犯罪的发生 ,除了加强对民工市民素质的培养外 ,政府和社会还须从改革户籍制度、规范用工制度、加大社会保障力度和转变管理方式等方面来减少民工的不公正感、被歧视感和相对被剥夺感 ,保障其合法权益 ,防止其采取不合法的手段进行自我救济  相似文献   
论保险法上的因果关系原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜南 《河北法学》2006,24(7):105-107
因果关系原则是保险损害赔偿中的重要原则,它直接决定保险人是否承担保险合同项下的赔付责任.我国保险相关立法对此未做明文规定,实务中,理赔与诉讼往往运用英美法上的近因原则,成文法的缺失导致实践中保险理赔的诉讼案件判决不一.因此,在分析了保险法上各种因果关系的判断标准后,建议建立我国保险法上的近因原则,并提出其相应的应用规则以实现其可操作性.  相似文献   
刑讯逼供不仅侵犯人权 ,而且妨碍准确及时的打击犯罪 ,危害很大。由于种种原因 ,刑讯逼供仍大量存在 ,必须采取切实有效的措施 ,预防并减少刑讯逼供的发生。  相似文献   
近年来,发生在高等院校内的盗窃案件越来越多,可是针对高校盗窃案件的研究却很匮乏,高校已经成为盗窃犯罪的一个重点侵害客体,高校盗窃案件多发,影响及其恶劣。在当前盗窃案件多发的形势下,如何加大对高校盗窃案件的研究、加强对高校盗窃犯罪的预防,已成为一个亟待解决的问题。公安机关必须与其他有关部门通力合作,针对案件各方面的特点和规律,主动出击、及时发现、重点打击。  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义事业是全新的事业,是党领导人民作出的历史性选择,是在实践中不断探索前进的事业。学习邓小平把握中国特色社会主义事业辩证法的思想,对进一步推进全面建设小康社会意义重大。  相似文献   
胡俊文 《学理论》2010,(4):61-63
青少年犯罪问题己越来越突出,成为摆在人们面前的一个不容忽视的严峻的社会问题,预防青少年犯罪已成为我们社会各部门、学校及家庭必须研究、认识和解决的课题。本文中主要对青少年犯罪的心理原因进行剖析,并从心理健康教育的角度提出对策。  相似文献   
Legal and practical context: The ongoing dispute between Nokia and Qualcomm exemplifies thecomplex issues that arise when the licensor–licensee relationshipbreaks down. It illustrates that any means by which a licenseecan secure rights to use licensed IP after termination of alicence agreement can be of great commercial importance, notto mention significant economic value. If a licensee can continueto use licensed IP notwithstanding that its agreement has beenterminated, a licensor's ability to control and derive maximumeconomic benefit from its IP may be fundamentally compromised. Key points: The means available to licensees to secure such rights varydepending on the kind of IP right licensed, but there are severalcommon themes, which draw on a diverse range of legal rulesand concepts, including specific IP concepts and laws (includingthe rules relating to assignment and licensing, the exhaustionof rights, revocation and invalidation, and defences to infringementclaims), contract law and competition law. This article discussespractical implications to be considered when drafting IP licenceagreements. Conclusions: From a licensee's perspective, the termination of its licenceagreement is not necessarily the end of the road. Licenseesshould be aware of these post-termination rights when expectingto face difficult renegotiations with a licensor. From bothparties' perspectives, but particularly that of licensor, thisarticle should demonstrate the importance of drafting to avoidany uncertainty that may arise on the termination of a licenceagreement.  相似文献   
改革开放30年以来,中国犯罪原因研究层次的总体发展脉络是:最早由单一因素研究开始,逐渐转入多种因素研究的阶段;多因素研究由平面的综合研究走向立体原因层次系统论的研究。从犯罪原因的单因素理论、犯罪原因的多因素理论到犯罪原因的层次系统论,概括地揭示了新中国犯罪原因论的发展史,说明了我们对犯罪原因的认识是逐步提高的,由浅入深,由片面走向全面。  相似文献   
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