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和丽军 《时代法学》2013,11(4):66-75
根据我国《继承法》,不仅丧偶儿媳或女婿对公婆或岳父母尽了主要赡养义务后能成为第一顺序继承人,继兄弟姐妹间、旧社会形成的一夫多妻家庭中子女与生母以外的父亲的其他配偶间形成扶养关系的,也均互有继承权,该规定直接突破了世界通行的继承权仅在血亲及配偶范围内的传统基础。无论从继承权产生的基础,还是从姻亲继承产生的源流上分析,我国基于赡养扶助行为授予姻亲继承权都是对继承权基础的直接违背,也是对现实生活中民众继承习惯的背离。通过对姻亲的赡养扶助行为与继承权关系的分析,找出合理的路径与渠道对其实施赡养扶助行为后的权益进行补偿,始为正确的选择。  相似文献   
通过对我国民行检察监督制度发展的规律性认识折射出我国整个检察制度发展改革应完善的方向:加强检察理论研究,重视与学界的沟通与交流,为检察改革营造出良好的理论环境;重视检察改革中的外部关系,与法院在博弈中加强合作,在合作共赢中推进检察制度改革;鼓励地方检察机关的创新型实践,检察改革应采取自上而下和自下而上相结合的改革路径。  相似文献   

The goal of this special issue is to highlight the importance of unconventional social policies, theorize their development in comparison with traditional welfare state accounts and outline a new research agenda. In this introduction to the special issue, the editors present the concept of social policy by other means as encompassing two kinds of unconventional social policy (from the point of view of mainstream comparative research): First, functional equivalents to formal systems of social protection and, second, non-state provision of benefits. The concept builds upon a sizeable, but fragmented literature in comparative welfare state research. While numerous examples demonstrate that social policy by other means is more pervasive in both OECD and non-OECD countries than often acknowledged, a brief survey of the top 20 articles in the field reveals that this fact is not sufficiently reflected in the academic literature. With reference to both existing studies and the contributions to this special issue, the editors go on to explore (1) the different forms of social policy by other means, (2) explanatory theories and (3) their effectiveness in terms of social outcomes. They close by outlining a research agenda.  相似文献   
苏曦凌 《政治学研究》2020,(2):76-89,M0005,M0006
从总体性二元合一走向分化性二元合一,解决分化与耦合两个方面的问题,是中国政府与社会组织关系演进的总体态势。运用结构功能主义视角,可以发现,演进历经让渡与承接、规范与依附、激活与协同等阶段,由政府与社会组织的功能性界分,到基于责任结构整合的政会功能黏附,逐渐发展为基于全面结构整合的政会功能分化与耦合。演进的基本逻辑,是政府主导下功能演变与结构调整的互动,即由政府主导的演进轨道、由功能演变与结构调整互动而构成的演进机制。展望未来,分化性二元合一体系的完善,必须按照现代国家治理的要求,在政府与社会组织之间打造共建、共治与共享的结构功能系统,实现基于责任结构契合的功能目标一致、基于权力结构合理的功能形式耦合、基于利益结构规范的功能输出互益。  相似文献   
陈志英 《河北法学》2006,24(3):81-86
中国古代民间物权关系随着各个时期宗族组织形式的演进而呈现不同的时代烙印.宋代宗族组织呈现了两极运动的发展趋向:民间宗族组织继承了唐末五代政治冲击后遗留的小家小户的分化趋势,而宋代在新兴士大夫阶级和皇帝提倡下又出现了聚宗收族的历史潮流.民间物权关系作为相应的法律映象也呈双向发展:小规模家庭成为民间物权关系的普遍性主体,其民事主体资格得到法律认可,表现为其私产处分权自由度的提升,而传统的亲邻优先权必然随之弱化;另一方面,族产作为重建宗族、维系族众的经济核心,法律亦相应增容了族产的形态类别并对其增强了保护力度.  相似文献   
抓好“三基”工程建设,必须与各项公安工作特别是中心工作、重点工作有机结合,相互促进,协调发展。为此,在加强基层基础建设工作中,应正确处理好全局工作、打防建设、科技强警、群防群治、队伍建设等工作之间的关系。  相似文献   
Children of immigrants who do translations and who interpret for others using their heritage language and English are known as language brokers. Although prior research suggests that children of immigrants’ perceptions of the language brokering experience vary greatly—from feeling a sense of efficacy to feeling a sense of burden—what remains unanswered in the literature is identification of the antecedents and processes that help to explain the varying psychological experience of language brokers. Using data from a two-wave prospective longitudinal study of 256 Chinese American adolescents, the present study tested potential mechanisms that may be responsible for adolescents’ perceptions of the language brokering experience as a sense or burden or sense of efficacy. The results demonstrate that adolescents’ Chinese orientation sets in motion a family process that is linked to variations in the perceptions of adolescents’ language brokering experience. Adolescents who are more Chinese oriented have a stronger sense of familial obligation, and these adolescents are more likely to perceive that they matter to their parents. Adolescents’ perceived sense of mattering to parents, in turn, is associated positively with a sense efficacy, and negatively with a sense of burden as language brokers. Those adolescents who are less Chinese oriented have a weaker sense of familial obligation, and these adolescents are more likely to feel a sense of alienation from their parents. Adolescents’ sense of perceived alienation from parents, in turn, is associated with a sense of burden as language brokers. Implications for developing interventions for children who act as language brokers for their parents are discussed.
Su Yeong Kim (Corresponding author)Email: Email:
三次将《源氏物语》译成现代日本语,使得谷崎润。一郎和这部旷世巨作之间形成了一种不可分割的关系。谷崎润一郎的作品不仅在内容和情节上和《源氏物语》有一定的相似性,内含的二大主题——恋母情结和女性崇拜均来源于此。  相似文献   
郑颖慧 《河北法学》2007,25(11):129-135
法家学说和秦代法制关系密切.法家学说是秦代法制建设的指导思想,秦代法制是法家学说的切实贯彻.探讨两者具体的契合关系,有助于深层次理解秦代法律文化及中国古代正统法律文化的形成及丰富内涵.  相似文献   
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