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目前学校教育对情感教育的相对忽视是导致马加爵事件发生的重要原因,应该充分认识情感教育的必要性和重要性,加强情感教育内容、方法等的系统研究,在各级各类学校中实施情感教育并确保取得实效.  相似文献   
In 1997, the Office of Child Support Enforcement initiated the State Child Access and Visitation (AV) Grant Program, which involves annual awards of $10 million to states to promote the development of programs to alleviate access problems. Telephone interviews with 970 parents who used mediation, parent education, and supervised visitation programs funded by AV grants in nine states revealed that the programs are reaching diverse groups of parents including many low-income, non-White, and unmarried parents who receive no other type of access assistance. The programs also appear to be achieving the major objectives posited for them by the federal government. One-third to one-half of noncustodial parents in every program type reported that parent–child contact increased following program participation, with supervised visitation users who typically had the lowest levels of parent–child contact reporting a significant increase in the number of days of contact. A review of child support records for 173 program users in three states revealed that child support payments increased among participants following program participation, especially for never-married parents who paid a significantly higher proportion of what they owed. These findings are similar to results reported in a five-state study of mediation programs funded by AV grants that was conducted by the Office of the Inspector General. However, both studies have some serious limitations, including low response rates and the absence of a nontreatment comparison group.  相似文献   
贫困人口经济支持网络规模小、紧密度低,实物支持的网络规模略高于金钱支持.在网络关系构成上,亲属关系、地缘关系发挥着重要的作用.由于网络成员与贫困人口在个人社会特征方面同质性较高,所以在现有社会保障制度不够完善的情况下,经济支持网并不能使他们真正摆脱困境,需要引起政府和社会的广泛关注.  相似文献   
The implementation of a dispersal policy in Britain has broughtasylum seekers to regions of the country which previously hadlittle experience of providing services for this group. Around10,000 asylum seekers have been resettled in the city of Glasgowsince 2000 as a result of the policy. Multi-agency networkshave been established in Glasgow as a medium for facilitatingco-operation across the voluntary and statutory sectors forthe provision of locally-based support services, while alsofacilitating community development. This paper explores theexperiences of these networks since their inception. While highlightingthe continuing importance of the voluntary sector in supportingasylum seekers and refugees, it raises concerns over the reactiveway in which services have been provided, where responsibilityhas fallen on voluntary and community organizations to fillgaps in statutory service provision. It further examines theimplications for social cohesion of housing-led resettlement,which has largely been in areas suffering from social deprivation.The findings highlight the frustrations of service providersworking within a disjointed policy framework, characterizedby contradictions between Scottish and UK policy goals.  相似文献   
放眼世界,不同民族、不同地区间的不平衡发展,是许多国家面临的共同问题。如何从政府行为即政策措施倾斜的角度,扶贫济弱,加大贫困地区的开发力度,使其迅速摆脱贫困落后的面貌,尽快走上致富之路,进而缩小差别,协调发展,实现共同富裕,是许多国家长期以来所追求的理想目标。为此,本文分别介绍了发展中国家印度和巴西、发达国家美国和日本的经验并进行了国际社会反贫困的经验比较,旨在强调我国在实施西部大开发中应该从中学习其有益的经验。  相似文献   
在目前公安实践中,公安基层现状和公安后勤保障存在一定问题,影响了公安"打防"工作正确落实.解决思路:加强基层公安机关,增加公安防范的投入;加强公安后勤保障,建立、完善公安经费保障机制.  相似文献   
实现对警察临战活动的动态管理,建立警察临战决策支持系统,帮助临战指挥者在短时间内迅速而科学地作出和实施突发性事件决策,是获取临战活动竞争优势的保证。基于数据仓库的临战决策支持系统,利用数据挖掘技术建立各种模型和知识仓库进行分析,并通过一系列形象化手段向临战决策者提供分析结果,可使决策者从更广泛、更全面的视角了解临战情况并分析其发展趋势及内在原因并据此作出更科学的决策。  相似文献   
“三农”问题的实质是农民权益问题,作为村民自治组织的村民委员会应成为维护乡村社会权益的组织依托;当前在我国乡村治理的实践中,乡村自治性组织的维权性功能存在着缺位、错位和异化的现象,这是由诸多原因造成的;在社会主义新农村建设中应着力构建以保障农民权益为根本的乡村治理新机制,推进乡村自治组织的社会性复归;通过政治环境的发展、制度机制的重构、文化观念的培育,挖掘和塑造村民自治性组织作为村民群众维权性组织的组织资源和实践能力。  相似文献   
随着海警遂行海上重大安保任务的增加,对安保行动保障勤务的要求越来越高。现今,海警对重大安保行动保障的研究还处于起步阶段。研究海警重大安保行动保障勤务的意义和特点,分析重大安保行动保障勤务存在的问题,提出相应解决的对策,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
高校青年教师的情绪劳动是否会造成过劳,对个人健康、组织运行和社会发展均具有重要影响。研究探讨情绪劳动对过度劳动的作用机理和影响路径,验证情绪劳动是否通过职业紧张的中介作用对过度劳动产生影响,并检验组织支持感在两者之间的调节作用。研究结果表明:情绪劳动对职业紧张和过度劳动都有着显著的正向影响,职业紧张在情绪劳动与过度劳动之间起部分中介作用,组织支持感在情绪劳动因素之一的表层扮演与过度劳动之间起负向调节作用。  相似文献   
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