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新世纪以来,中朝经贸关系保持快速发展态势。其中的重要转变是从过去以战略安全为主导的经贸关系逐步转向以市场为主导的经贸关系,这一转变预示朝鲜正处于向市场经济转型的初始阶段。而在中朝经贸关系持续发展过程中,中国和朝鲜各自存在的问题影响、甚至阻碍着双边经贸关系的进一步发展,为了超越障碍、抓住朝鲜亟须外部支持之时机,中国有必要从重新确定双边经贸关系战略地位等方面入手,积极推动中朝经贸关系深入发展。  相似文献   
日本当代女作家柳美里于2000年完成的《命》,是一篇备受瞩目和欢迎的作品。作品以私小说的笔法,诠释了爱情、婚姻并不是女性生活的全部,爱情困境往往是女人的魅宝。小说深入思考了生命的本质,在令人感伤的调子里,触及了生命意义、价值和作家的个性体认。自述了她从怀孕到成为未婚妈妈的艰难,和面对以前的情人、自己的恩师"东"生命即将完结时的无奈。强烈地表现了作家渴望通过文字探寻生命的意义的主观倾向,即便是濒临迷茫与虚无之境也在所不辞。从而为柳美里小说风格的形成,平添了一条韵味独到的风景线。  相似文献   
This study aims to investigate the perceived seriousness of integrity violations and the impact of ethical leadership on integrity and the code of silence by using structural equation modeling. The results suggested that integrity violations are regarded by Turkish officers as serious offenses, as they are perceived by their colleagues in other countries. The study also revealed the existence of the code of silence among police officers. Finally, it suggested that leadership positively affects the integrity of police officers and has a significant effect on breaking the code of silence in Turkey. Based on the findings, policy implications were discussed.  相似文献   
This study focuses on Iranian–Norwegian individuals' perceptions concerning representation of Iran and Iranianness within the Norwegian media. Twenty Iranian–Norwegians are included in the study. The aim was to demonstrate the Iranian–Norwegians accented voices; that Iranian–Norwegian reading is seen in relation to the wider socio-cultural context of these individuals in Norway and Iran. In so doing, the focus is on the television programme World Cup Studio (Norwegian: VM-studio) broadcast by TV2, a major Norwegian television channel, during the 2006 football World Cup, with Iran as one of the participants of the games. By analysing the Iranian–Norwegian' reading of this particular programme, the study concludes that informants' readings of discursive representation of Iran and Iranianness indicate an opposition to what they consider to be an essentialised view of their identity and position in the Norwegian context, as well as the context of the homeland under the current socio-cultural, and political condition.  相似文献   
民事调解检察监督制度的确立是我国司法体制以及检察监督体制逐步完善迈开的重一步,如何正确有效行使检察监督职能,成为当前不容忽视的课题。文章从民事调解检察监督必性、原则、范围、方式、困境五个方面探讨调解检察监督,以期进一步落实和完善相关法律制度。  相似文献   
At the half way point of the UK coalition government attention is turning towards the general election, with both parties beginning to contemplate their electoral strategies. This article explores the predicament faced by the Liberal Democrats who, unlike their coalition partners the Conservatives, saw a dramatic decline in support soon after entering government. By exploring a collapse in trust, an apparent identity crisis, and the party's questionable influence, this article seeks to explain the Liberal Democrats' current polling situation and highlight the serious barriers to retaining, yet alone extending their constituency of voters at the 2015 general election.  相似文献   
疑罪不诉的核心价值是对无罪推定原则的直接践行.是对我国司法实践中疑罪从轻传统思息的否定与制约,同时疑罪不诉有利于保障犯罪嫌疑人权利.节约司法资源.疑罪不诉在法理上产生的争议都与疑罪不诉的理论价值密切相关.司法实践中,证据不足标准难以理解把握.侦查机关补充侦查缺乏实际效果,疑罪不诉所产生的巨大社会反应等是疑罪不诉的现实困境.解决疑罪不诉理论缺陷与现实困境,应取消单独条款的疑罪不诉规定,作为法定不起诉的情形之一;加强证据不足特点与原因研究,明确证据不足的判断标准;明确规定疑罪不诉不应承担国家赔偿责任;通过司法审查疑罪不诉决定.保障被害人权利.  相似文献   
孔子的政治伦理思想,在内圣层面,要求为政者加强以“仁”、“礼”为核心的道德修养;在外王层面,孔子主张通过恢复和重建尊卑有序的西周政治层级,选拔德才兼备的人才,教化民众,以实现一种纯以道德礼教调整人与人之间关系的理想社会。  相似文献   
揭示现代理性资本主义精神的宗教起源和追索现代理性资本主义所承载的伦理精神,乃韦伯论题的一体两面,而重塑现代资本主义的伦理精神则是潜藏在韦伯竭力避免“价值判断和信仰判断”的科学话语之下的一个意图。余英时对“韦伯论题”的承接,一方面纠正了韦伯在一定程度上对于中国宗教特别是对于近世儒家工作伦理的误读;另一方面他试图得出“恰好与韦伯相反”的结论,即中国近世的宗教伦理,尤其是儒家伦理,能够“为中国资本主义的出现提供精神的基础”的努力,则并不完全成功。而余英时对“韦伯论题”论述方向的转换,则通过对明清儒学、儒士之“转向”的考察分析,表达了一个与韦伯不一样的关怀,那就是,在新的政治社会生态下,何处是儒学、儒士,特别是作为儒士后代传人的现代知识人新的出路、新的安身立命之所。  相似文献   
在传承知识、寻求真理、学术自由、思想自由等基本伦理规定性基础之上,大学所具有的人本、宽容、开放、批判性等伦理精神,为大学自治提供了一般价值合理性依据.源于西方的大学自治经验,只有完成与中国既有社会文化等制度环境的接榫,才能推动中国大学自治实现从理念到制度的转变.  相似文献   
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