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The article aims to make three methodological and substantive contributions to the literature on substate cleavages in political values. Considerable controversy characterizes this literature. The paper argues that this controversy is due to how indicators representing political values are chosen and constructed. The paper proposes to use factor analysis to select and construct indicators of political values. The analysis identifies five dimensions, which collectively account for 57% of Canadians’ political values. They include support for moral traditionalism, egalitarianism, pluralism, openness to immigration and personal responsibility. Second, the paper shows that there is only limited variation across provinces in political values. Third, the paper shows that this result holds when considering regional variations rather than provincial variations.  相似文献   
This paper critically examines qualitative survey data from 36 Victorian public sector bodies on their perceptions of corruption risks, and strategies to mitigate these risks, as well as the integrity mechanisms in place. The findings indicate that even though corruption does not seem to be prevalent in these bodies it is not on their radar either, though fraud prevention was significantly present. The paper identifies international best practices of integrity management and inculcation of public service ethos in developed countries, and stresses three vital elements or pillars that combine both the ‘values’ and ‘compliance’ based approaches. These pillars are as follows: (1) specific corruption prevention programs and strategies that are additional to but complement existing anti‐fraud programs; (2) targeted anti‐corruption training, both for employees and for the public; and (3) effective leadership engagement and commitment to an ethical culture (Tone at the Top).  相似文献   
Mrs.Warren' Profession mainly tells how the relationship between Mrs.Warren and her daughter Vivie goes worse and even breaks up in the context of capitalism exploitation and oppression. Along with the ethical line of unaccomplished kinship, this article is to deconstruct its ethical knots of the ethical choice, ethical identity, and ethical confusion through presenting the ethical environment so as to explore its deep-hidden ethical root of unaccomplished good family relation ship.  相似文献   
邱仁富 《桂海论丛》2010,26(1):19-24
主导与引领有着本质的不同。引领必须从隐匿在主导的影子中游离出来,才能使主导增强针对性,也为引领性与多样性关系进入正轨提供条件。当代中国不能以社会主义核心价值体系去主导、而只能去引领社会思潮。社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮有两个层次:一是社会主义意识形态领域的引领,二是非社会主义意识形态领域的引领。必须要体现人文精神的时代特征、时代精神的人文特征和得到大多数人的认同,并注重对耻感的张扬。  相似文献   
本文结合《徒然草》文本,分析了它的多重人本魅力艺术价值。就空海真言宗对其的影响从几个方面进行了探讨;还把它与《方丈记》做一比较,探讨了这部作品积极进取的思想价值;以及广泛吸收中国古代文化典籍的创新之处。  相似文献   
青年是民族的希望,国家的未来,是中国社会主义事业的建设者、接班人。面对多元化价值观念的影响,引导青年坚定集体主义观念,需要青年价值观教育尊重社会发展的时代特点,遵循思想政治教育的客观规律,以贴合青年生理、心理实际的方法,来全面提升青年价值观教育的实效。  相似文献   
党建价值目标的伦理建构,要体现以人为本的核心立场,把促进人的全面发展,实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益作为党的建设的出发点和落脚点。基于党的建设实践路径,应把观念创新作为党建价值目标伦理建构的先导工程,从人民利益出发,在“民生”与“民富”、“民智”与“民强”、“民安”与“民享”协调发展中,彰显党的执政品格,体现党推进发展的根本目的。  相似文献   
政法职业院校在培养人才的过程中,如何融入政法文化,突出培养大学生职业素养这条主线,已成为一个亟待研究的主要工作内容,而政法职业院校学生应当形成什么样的核心价值观,更成为各政法职业院校探讨的共同话题。本文试就政法职业院校大学生的核心价值观及其培养问题,进行初步探究。  相似文献   
西方市民社会历经政治自治、经济自治到社会自治依次相继的三个发展阶段,市民社会理论的传统分析模式即市民社会——政治国家关系模式现今已失去示范意义。西方市民社会理论经移植后在我国民法领域新时期所呈现出的市民与国家间冲突的情形下,实体民事法律的制度供给更应考量市民与国家之间的良性沟通与互动。  相似文献   
《法治中国——学习习近平总书记关于法治的重要论述》一书较为全面地开放出法治中国命题的问题域,且更新了法理学教材体系中对法治论部分的理论认识,是中国发展中法治的共时态学科回应之显现。从教材编撰的角度审视,该书具有典范意义,即沟通了法理学教学所必须直面的理论场域和实践场域这两个意义世界。  相似文献   
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