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Since 2006, Bolivia has undertaken a dramatic program of state reform aimed at overcoming the injustices of the nation’s colonial and neoliberal past. In the process, rural practices and sensibilities originating in the former hacienda system have assumed new importance, arising as volatile sites of state intervention and political critique. Like eighteenth-century Bourbon administrators, state reformers today express concern with agrarian patronage, which, they argue, facilitates continued land dispossession and reproduces a particularly servile Quechua-speaking peasantry. Yet, despite reform efforts, hacienda-based ties remain crucial to rural life, structuring acts of redistributive exchange and providing a relational medium by which former landlords attempt to make amends for past violence. By taking seriously the moral and political dimensions of post-hacienda patronage, this contribution challenges dominant frameworks of indigenous justice to foreground the reconciliatory possibilities of exchange relations rooted in a bonded past.  相似文献   
Foster and Holleman argue that the systems ecologist H.T. Odum offered a valid theoretical framework for conceptualizing ecologically unequal exchange, and demonstrate its affinity with the Marxian theory of unequal exchange of embodied labour. However, both approaches suffer from the same fundamental confusion of the biophysical and the economic. The affinity between labour and energy theories of the unequal exchange of value was demonstrated by S.C. Lonergan already in 1988, but to thus define asymmetric transfers of biophysical resources in terms of underpaid ‘use values’ is misleading. Foster's recent endorsement of Odum is inconsistent with his earlier rejection of Odum's intellectual ancestor S. Podolinsky. While the ambition to ecologize Marx is laudable, it is in the interests of correct historiography and contemporary environmental justice activism to untangle some of the analytical problems in Foster and Holleman's article. A major problem is their failure to acknowledge the implications of N. Georgescu-Roegen's conceptualization of the relation between economics and thermodynamics.  相似文献   
东亚出版人会议紧扣着东亚文化与出版两大主题,从人的交流、书的交流到企划出版的交流这3个层面,既务虚也务实。一方面通过相互间的文化与理念的交流,期望了解彼此邻近却隔膜的现代化的心路历程;另一方面则通过共同出版"东亚人文书100",进行跨越国界的文化事业的交流。不过,中、日、韩3国所推荐的书目依然代表着各自不同的文化诉求,因此,如何通过文化的交流来重构东亚的价值和理念,还需要出版人的进一步努力。  相似文献   
将跨境贸易人民币结算比重引入劳动力市场动态均衡模型,推导出汇率影响就业的全新路径,并利用2000-2018年中国工业行业面板数据进行实证分析。研究发现:通过进出口产品结构贸易路径,汇率对行业总体就业的正向影响最显著,其次是经由汇率变动预期路径,而汇率通过净出口指数路径对就业的负向影响较微弱。人民币汇率对不同行业就业的影响产生差异的根源是不同行业进出口产品结构及产品异质性的差距导致在汇率变动的不同情形下,行业间跨境贸易人民币结算的水平不同,从而造成外贸企业对劳动力的需求具有差异。并且,技术特征及贸易来源地特征是造成行业间就业水平差异的显著因素。  相似文献   
电子商务是在由工业经济向“知识经济”的过渡中,以发达国家为先导,以新型企业为主要动力,而产生出的一场对产业结构、企业结构的变革。“商务活动的电子化”是电子商务的表征,电子商务涉及到对网络技术、安全技术等的应用,但电子商务绝对不是简单的技术问题。作者在文中提出了发展我国电子商务的对策。  相似文献   
The Coase Theorem is in essence an if-A-then-B statement. Previous discussions of the Theorem have mostly focused on the then-B part and examined that, given the condition of A, whether B is true or not. The present study attempts to analyze the Theorem from a different angle. In particular, we push the if-A assumption, i.e., the zero transaction costs assumption, to its logical limit, and then explore the implications. We argue that the price mechanism, which is implicitly employed as the foundational basis of the Coase Theorem, is the result of positive transaction costs. Consequently, if transaction costs are zero, then money and prices as commonly understood would not exist, and the value of production would become a vague concept without any operational content. As such, the world of zero transaction costs may be even more peculiar than Coase might have thought!  相似文献   
开放是世界历史发展的必然要求,也是现代社会的基本属性。开放的历史必然性蕴涵在资本主义生产方式与商品经济相结合所开创的世界历史中。社会主义的产生和发展都离不开世界历史。因此,社会主义是在经济、政治、思想文化等方面都必须与整个世界进行双向沟通和交流的开放型社会,开放既是实现社会主义现代化的手段,同时也是社会主义的一个基本属性。  相似文献   
当网上交易出现系统故障致使交易指令无法执行时,即发生网上证券委托错误,通常会引起利益纠纷,此时责任如何分担也就成为非常现实的问题。券商提供的符合现有法律的在线交易协议书和风险提示书存有大量的免责事由,而基于网络证券交易技术风险承担规则的考察则有缺乏正当化的依据。因此,要实现网上证券交易的持续发展,就必须建立合理有效的民事责任分担制度,同时引入网上证券交易保险机制。  相似文献   
经济全球化背景下中美关系的纷争不可能回避货币汇率制度。近年来在人民币汇率制度改革过程中,中美两国政府的多重多次博弈,展现出中美关系中合作与冲突的鲜明特征。只有理性地分析中美两国间的利益与分歧,才能在有限的冲突中达成合作。  相似文献   
试论网络文学的特质及其对传统文学的超越   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络学是指在网络上原创或改制的学作品。由于数字化媒介技术与网络化的整合作用,网络学消解着传统学本信息单一、单向传播以及单线型叙述的局限、从而使自身呈现了双向交流、非线型叙述以及多媒体化传播的新特质。  相似文献   
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