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Researchers rely heavily on observational designs to study the effects of political campaigns. In doing so, scholars often overlook serious threats to causal inference that bedevil their research designs. The strategic nature of campaigns leads to serious selection biases in voter exposure to campaign stimuli and, ultimately, generates biased estimates of campaign effects. Standard approaches to establishing causal effects in observational research, such as the collection of panel data and the inclusion of covariates, are often inadequate. In contrast, experimental approaches offer researchers a more promising way to estimate accurately the causal effects of campaigns. In this essay, I discuss the recent renaissance of experimental research in the study of campaigns and illustrate how scholars can use lab, field, and survey experiments to good effect. When experimental methods are not feasible, studies of campaign effects would benefit from paying better attention to the causal identification strategy. In closing, I discuss how the logic of experimentation can be applied to some observational settings.  相似文献   
Where electricity access is limited, solar lanterns are a viable and relatively inexpensive source of basic lighting for households. However, the creation of commercially viable business models for solar lanterns is difficult because the customers are poor and make decisions under tight liquidity constraints. To understand the economics of technology adoption in the case of solar lanterns, we conduct a field experiment on willingness to pay (WTP) for solar lanterns in rural Uttar Pradesh. Applying the Becker–DeGroot–Marschak method of eliciting WTP, we evaluate the ability of a trial period and postponed payment to increase sales. We find no evidence for the effectiveness of the trial period and only weak evidence for the positive effect of postponed payment. Overall, WTP for the product among the customers is low. There is no clear evidence for concerns about the uncertain quality of the product, liquidity constraints, or present‐bias. In this context, policies to subsidize very small solar lanterns would not correct a market failure, as people appear to have only a limited interest in the product.  相似文献   
杨力 《政法论丛》2014,(1):3-14
上海自贸区的法制环境建设是改革试验不可或缺的核心组成部分。但是,已步入改革深水区的此次制度创新的力度和尺度之大、难度之高,使得相应的这场法律试验面临极大的挑战。它在立法框架上的基本立场,是转向和接轨于国际标准规则的新多边主义;在执法体制上,期望通过简政放权而取得新政治体制的突破;在救济体系上,虽然相应司法机构的安排只能是“框架内的微调”,但其拥有更多的法之外权衡空间,以及一系列多元性的处置原则和通道。在此基础上,真正实现从“法律试验”到“制度转型”的进化,且不能忽视制度构建的微观视角,要充分考量改革后执法监管体制的可复制,以及法外之地的专业多元解纷机制。  相似文献   
综合保税区叠加整合了此前各类特殊监管区域的全部功能和政策。在内陆设立综合保税区是建设开放平台体系、构筑开放高地的重大机遇。这些机遇集中体现在"三个有利于"。要加快内陆开放平台体系建设,应当借鉴先进经验,从加快综合保税区基础设施建设、加快建设无水港、虚拟空港、公路口岸、内河港口等方面,因地制宜采取有效措施。  相似文献   
两岸社会统合趋势下台湾民众政治认同问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着两岸关系步入和平发展轨道,两岸社会统合的发展趋势逐渐明朗。然而,在此过程中台湾民众政治认同走向却呈现复杂的变化。考察台湾民众政治认同的转变,可以从更大的范围入手。除了在政治层面透析台湾民众政治认同转变之外,也应在社会层面洞察影响台湾民众政治认同转变的社会心理背景。同时,透过政治的、历史的、文化的、社会的乃至心理的分析视角,全面把握台湾民众政治认同转变的多维脉络,从而寻找解决问题的可能路径。建设两岸命运共同体作为解决台湾民众政治认同问题的必由之路,除了在政治层面着手之外,也应从社会心理的发生机制出发,通过调动社会、文化、历史层面的各种积极要素的全方位支持,达到预期目标。  相似文献   
蓝波 《桂海论丛》2011,27(1):81-85
10年西部大开发为西部地区实现跨越发展提供了坚实的基础。西部地区幅员广阔,发展条件差别较大。根据区域经济非均衡理论,通过实施增长极发展战略促进西部加快发展是今后西部开发较切合实际的选择。广西北部湾经济区和西江经济带发展条件优越,可作为西部地区带动增长极进行培育。国家应该在西部地区选定更多发展条件好的地区加以重点扶持,使它们迅速发展成为西部地区发展的龙头,带动整个西部地区又好又快发展,进而实现与东中部地区的平衡协调发展。  相似文献   
同长三角、珠三角、成渝、长株潭相比,山东半岛蓝色经济区建设过程中,政府间合作还存在着很多问题,如缺乏统一的战略规划,地方保护主义盛行;府际合作的法制化、制度化程度不高。推进政府间合作,必须从完善制度环境入手,强化府际合作的具体制度安排,构建科学的合作机制。  相似文献   
构建和谐劳动关系是新时代中国劳动关系发展的方向和目标,而工会作为劳动关系的重要一方,是构建和谐劳动关系的重要参与主体.新时代工会参与构建和谐劳动关系面临着劳动力市场分割、职工群体性事件诱因转变、经济下行压力和中美经贸摩擦的负面影响,以及隐含在"三新"就业中的职工权益保护难题等挑战.面对这些挑战所带来的劳动关系不确定性,...  相似文献   
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