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We examined the hypothesis that a pointed knife attracts particular attention because of its pointed shape. Using a visual search task method, we asked 33 participants to search 3 × 3 matrices containing outlines of knives with pointed blades such as chef’s knives and knives with rectangular blades such as Chinese chopping knives and to determine whether the matrices contained identical or non-identical knives. The participants found a pointed knife within a background of knives with rectangular blades more quickly than under the reverse condition. This result indicates that the pointed shape of a knife has an attribute that captures human attention and suggests that the visual features of a weapon affect eyewitness perception. This research would benefit forensic investigations in countries such as Japan, where gun ownership is banned and perpetrators use knives more often than firearms.  相似文献   
没有天津农业、农村、农民的现代化,就没有天津的现代化。天津的农业现代化要以国际化、科技化、产业化为主要标志,集经济、社会、生存功能为一体,要具有时代与天津特色;形成以高起步、多功能、深加工的产业为重点的环城经济圈与综合经济带和滨海经济带曲“一圈两带”的发展格局。  相似文献   
情商的高低直接关系到我国领导干部领导水平的高低。领导干部要提高自身情商能力,离不开观念、态度和行动三要素,而主要着力点体现在树立目标,正确定位;参与培训,提高自我;以诚待人,为人谦和;不畏艰难,意志坚定;性情宽和,大肚容人;勤学不辍,持之以恒六个方面。  相似文献   
社会主义新农村建设是贯彻落实科学发展观、建设社会主义和谐社会的重大举措。本文结合当前农村实际,探讨了社会主义新农村建设中应该把握的五个着力点,即以农村启蒙为先导,以村镇规划为切入点,以经济发展为第一要务,以农民致富为核心目标,以民主管理为基本保证。  相似文献   
How do Belgian citizens see the future of federalism? In the typical consociational Belgium citizens have not had much to say about the federalization process, which has been largely elite-driven. And actually not so much is known about the future of Belgian federalism through the eyes of the citizens. Survey research shows some differences in identity and in institutional preferences between the two language groups, but also a low salience of the issue when they cast a vote. This article, therefore, looks at alternative methods to capture the perceptions of the citizens: focus groups, deliberative experiments and mental maps.  相似文献   
社会发展的不同时期和阶段都有与之相适应的发展观。不同时期和阶段的发展观有所不同,而不同发展观的社会作用也有所不同,甚至截然相反。中国共产党人在领导中国现代化建设实践中形成的科学发展观,由于其对社会发展规律的深刻认识和理论升华,更由于其“以人为本”的理论出发点和落脚点,其科学性、创新性以及对社会发展的积极推进作用,将随着社会的发展而日益显现。  相似文献   
How the recent creation, re‐invention or reinforcement of regional levels of political decision making across Europe compounds political representation is one of the key issues of contemporary democratic government. Despite growing scholarly interest, the critical question as to whether the regional institutional setting has brought about distinct representational roles among sub‐state legislators has yet to be addressed. To advance research in this field, this study bridges the literature on multilevel politics and legislative studies that to date have developed in isolation. Using innovative survey data from 14 statewide and 56 regional legislatures across Europe, it provides the first comprehensive test of how the state structure affects a legislator's views on representation. The results highlight that, relative to legislators in unitary states and national legislators in multilevel states, legislators at the regional level are more constituency‐oriented. Moreover, this heightened responsiveness to constituents at the regional level is not offset by weaker collective representation operating through political parties. Beyond these findings’ immediate relevance to scholars of federalism/regionalisation and parliaments, they also speak to the wider normative debate about the quality of political representation and public policy.  相似文献   
党的十七大特别关注民生问题,在报告中明确提出了我们党关于民生问题的努力方向——"使全体人民学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居,推动建设和谐社会。"关注民生,优化税制,建立科学、公平、效率的税收制度,是以人为本,坚持科学发展观的具体体现,是新时期税收的一项重大任务,税收必须为全面建设小康社会,构建和谐社会做贡献。关注民生,应改革个人所得税、消费税,建立完善的城乡社会保障体系。  相似文献   
随着经济的快速发展和城市化建设的不断推进,越来越多的高层住宅(楼房)拔地而起,成为城镇居民理想的居住场地。与此同时,攀爬阳台入室盗窃案件也随之增多。该类案件具有极大的危害性,而且还极有可能转化为抢劫杀人等恶性案件。深入分析攀爬入室盗窃案件的特点、明确此类案件的现场勘查重点、提高现场勘查质量,有利于提高破获该类案件的效率。  相似文献   
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