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中国古人习惯于用合同的方式来解决各种财产纠纷和社会矛盾。禁约合同是古代合同类型之一种,多是同族、同村人等为禁止盗窃、禁止砍伐树木、保护荫木来龙水口等事务,共同立约承诺并议定罚则的合同文书。部分禁约合同,由于请求官府支持,而转化成禁约告示、禁约碑,约束范围扩大、效力上升,已可视为乡规民约。禁约合同本身没有外部约束力,其内部约束力是传统合同"信"价值的表达。禁约合同是私人间由于财产的共有或公有产生一种调和权利纠纷的自发秩序,也是地缘社会维护生活安宁,将一些陋习予以禁止,共同约束自身和抵御外来侵犯的约定。然而,从禁约合同、禁约告示、禁约碑等的整个体系来看,禁约产生和运行是需要外部保证的,这种外部保证就是国家法或官方的支持。据此,禁约合同才能发挥基层社会调和权利纠纷的作用。  相似文献   
近年来,交通管理工作任务日益繁重与警力不足之间的矛盾日渐凸现。执法环境严峻、非警务活动多等是造成基层交警警力不足的外部因素;工作任务繁杂、源自工作本身以外的压力过重、警力配置不科学、经费保障不足等是公安机关内部的因素。要通过科学配置警力、完善管理机制以及落实从优待警等途径从根本上解决基层交警警力不足的问题。  相似文献   

While the empirical literature on leadership and management in Africa is sparse, the literature on African women in leadership is even sparser. This article offers a critical examination of the current state of knowledge on African women in leadership and management. It draws from an extensive review of existing published research to summarise what has been studied and is currently known about their status, leadership styles, and the influence of gender on their experiences as leaders and managers. Based on this review, an integrative framework, drawing from African feminism and postcolonial theory, is proposed to advance the study of African women in leadership and management.  相似文献   
基层民警力量训练存在着训练意识不强、训练方法不科学、重技能轻体能、健身器械和场馆不足等问题,应该从运动生物化学的角度出发,运用运动生物化学反应基本原理指导警察力量训练,遵循运用生物化学基本原理进行力量训练原则,依据运动生物化学原理进行力量训练,以提高基层民警力量训练的实效。  相似文献   
新疆边境民族地区群众工作具有敏感性、军事性、复杂性、长远性等特点。公安边防部队在开展该地区群众工作时,应以确保国家安全和边境和谐稳定为基本目标,以加快该地区经济社会发展为重点,不断增强边境地区少数民族群众的政治认同和中华民族文化认同。正确执行党和国家的民族宗教政策,严格区分民族宗教领域两类不同性质的矛盾,通过在边境少数民族群众中开展宣传活动、扶贫帮困活动等多种途径做好公安边防部队群众工作。  相似文献   
法治理念是依法治国的观念基础,公安执法是实现依法治国的重要途径。基于共同的价值追求,两者在对法律、权力、权利和程序的认知方面具有高度一致性,因而具有同构关系。从理论上论证两者之间的同构关系,分析其交互功能价值,对未来我国法治建设和公安执法规范化建设具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   
侦查人员作为证人相比一般的证人,有其自身的特殊性。对侦查人员证言的审查,重点是要审查证言内容是侦查人员的直接感知还是侦查人员对案件事实的分析、判断和评价。检察人员要达成科学心证,要综合审查侦查人员证言及其他相关证据,排除非法证人证言,得出合理结论。在没有特别证据的情况下,一般不应认为,侦查人员系案件的利害关系人,但在妨害公务类案件中,由于被害人一般为侦查人员的同事,侦查人员应属于广义上的同案件有利害关系的人。此外,收集侦查人员证言要严格按照刑诉法及相关规定的明确要求。  相似文献   
Most studies of saw marks have focused on morphological characteristics and their utility in identifying saws suspected to have been utilized in cases of criminal dismemberment. The present study examined the extent to which metric analysis may be used to correlate saw blade measurements with minimum kerf widths (MKWs). A sample of 56 partially defleshed white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) long bones was utilized as proxy for human remains. The long bones were cut using a variety of commercially available saws, including 11 manual‐powered and 5 mechanical‐powered saws. A total of 496 false start kerfs (FSKs) were created. Two experiments were performed, with the first test examining the MKWs of FSKs produced on specimens that were restrained using a bench vise, while the second test analyzed the MKWs of FSKs produced on minimally restrained specimens. Statistical analysis using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) indicated a positive relationship between saw blade width (mm) and MKW, with blade width (p < 0.001) and the overall difference between the mechanical‐ and manual‐powered saws (p = 0.029) tested, reaching statistical significance. A comparison of MKWs produced using manual‐powered saws on restrained and minimally restrained bones suggests that restraint condition (p = 0.009) has a statistically significant effect. In comparisons of MKWs to blade widths, the average ratio for mechanical‐powered saws is 18.7% greater than the average ratio for manual‐powered saws. While the mode of the ratios was 1.42, thus supporting the general rule that MKW does not exceed 1.5 times blade width, multiple individual ratios did surpass 1.5.  相似文献   
According to biomechanics of fracture production during blunt impact, tubular bones are subject to compressive (impact site) and tensile (opposite impact site) forces; this causes bones to break in tension before compression, producing Y-shaped fracture patterns with breakaway (butterfly) fragments. In current forensic models, the side of the bone exhibiting the breakaway fragment is designated the impact side, with initial breakage occurring opposite. Fracture production and patterning of blunt impacts to 255 sheep femora were analyzed. Contra the existing model, only 60% of complete butterfly fractures exhibited impact side breakaway fragments. Although fractures initiated on the tension, nonimpact side, butterfly fragments formed on either compression or tension sides. Using newly defined breakaway fragment shape criteria, impact side was estimated with 98% accuracy for both complete and partial butterfly fractures. Furthermore, the results suggest that the impact site is the located on one of the Y-fracture's arms, not the butterfly fragment's center, as previously modeled.  相似文献   
中国政党制度在从资本主义政党制度向社会主义政党制度的现代转型中,经历了以资产阶级政党制度为主要内容的旧民主主义革命阶段、以国共两党围绕民主联合政府展开斗争合作为主要内容的新民主主义革命阶段和共产党领导的多党合作制度阶段。本文据此侧重从中国现代政党制度前史和毛泽东有关政党制度的两个文本的角度对中国现代政党制度作了发生学的考察,并由此得出了中国现代政党制度的经验和启示。  相似文献   
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