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自美国踏上国际舞台之日起,其外交就带有一个明显的特点,即价值观化。以天赋使命观、种族优越论、扩张意识、实用主义等为基本特征的美国文化隐形影响、指导、规范着美国对外政策的制定与实施,并在对外政策中得到充分的体现。同时,美国外交赤裸裸地强行输出美式民主、自由等价值观,这种观念和行为深刻影响着国际社会。  相似文献   
日本智库在对华决策方面发挥着重要作用,目前日本智库对于中国崛起的研究较多。多数日本智库看好中国崛起的前景,认为中国崛起在经济上给日本带来了许多机遇,同时也提出了在军事和战略上的各种隐忧。他们认为应加强同中国的交流与合作,抓住中国崛起带来的各种机遇,另一方面也要针对中国崛起可能带来的威胁加强防范。  相似文献   
改革开放30年,我国国际刑法学研究经历了从起步到发展、从发展到繁荣的历程,取得了突出的成就,表现为:研究成果丰硕,理论体系基本形成;为国际刑事立法和司法实践提供了较有力的理论支撑;密切关注实践发展的需要;研究主体和研究方法逐步多元化;特别关注人权问题。展望未来,我们应当合理规划国际刑法学研究的发展,努力确立国际刑法学研究的独立品格,积极促进国际刑法学术共同体的形成,继续加强国际刑法学协会中国分会的领导协调作用,着力提高国际刑法学术研究的质量,促进国际刑法学研究的全面展开。  相似文献   
The economic crisis is not short, especially in the western countries. It is growing up little by little. To digest the estate and property, bubble lasted in Japan for 15 years, and it has not still totally survived. The world is not the same as before the crisis. We must evaluate our values again and estimate our relationship to the greediness of the capitalism. In western world, we must revaluate the significance of the family. The demography development is directing the economy: The Asian countries are growing when the amount of middle class people is growing. The consumption markets are growing in dynamic way. In western world, the structure is changing towards health care, social services and wellbeing business. The western world is in the phase of wealthy (Batra, 1988a). Globalization is diminishing the differences between different regions, but at the same time the differences in earnings are growing between people. The change of the economic structure is causing that the production of the industrial phase is moving to Asian countries, where the industrial phase is going on. The western countries are putting their effort on wellbeing, finance, experience, culture, services, etc.  相似文献   
未来作战中,我军将面临各种战争性心理问题。加强对战争性心理问题的表现、形成原因以及应对措施的研究,对于打赢未来信息化战争具有重要意义。  相似文献   
马忠法  葛淼 《河北法学》2020,38(1):2-19
国际秩序建立在国际法律制度基础之上,新格局之下的国际政治经济秩序需要相应的良法善治。以西方宗教文化为精神内核的当代国际法,面对人类当下存在的公共问题,已经难以做出有效应对。构建人类命运共同体之理念正是充分吸取了中国传统“和”文化的有益成分,对现存国际法治基础理论给予了补充和创新,对人类未来国际法治建设给予指导,因为“和”文化完全不同于西方“利”文化,更有助于实现不同文化、文明的和解和共荣。  相似文献   
新中国成立70年来,中国外交经历了革命外交、经济外交、和谐世界外交到命运共同体外交等不同时期,这一过程同时也显示了从道义共同体、利益共同体、区域发展共同体到人类命运共同体的逻辑发展。党的十八大以来,中国特色大国外交全面铺开,构建人类命运共同体成为新时代中国外交的新旗帜、新任务和新目标。构建人类命运共同体既是对前几任领导人外交思想的传承和延续,更是新一代领导人奋发有为的开拓与创新:开启了大国外交新时代,开垦了全域外交新空间,开发了主场外交新形式,开辟了“一带一路”外交新平台,标志着中国外交的跨越性升华,彰显了新时代大国外交的中国特色、中国风格和中国气派。  相似文献   
“菲律宾南海仲裁案”之后,中国在南海面临的安全形势相比之前发生了极大转变,如美国、越南等国家均因该案而对其原有立场进行了调整。同时,随着近年来中国远洋活动能力的不断提升,中国的海洋发展利益已经突破领海、专属经济区等近海区域,不断向公海、国际海底区域等国家管辖范围之外的领域延伸,例如积极参与《国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性问题执行协定》谈判与国际海底区域勘探活动等,因而海洋安全利益的范围亦相应随之拓展。在全球现代海洋安全问题的范畴之内,“新安全观”作为“构建人类命运共同体”理念的有机组成部分,其对中国当前海洋安全形势下的需求具有极强针对性。而在海洋法规则中,海洋保护区制度无论在特征、目标还是功能方面,均与“人类命运共同体”理念具有一定的契合性,该制度适用与否的问题,对中国维护海洋安全利益具有重大战略意义。然而,由于《联合国海洋法公约》将全球海洋划分为多块不同性质的海域,导致该项制度在不同位置所能发挥的积极作用也同样有所区别,所以即便决定选择适用时,亦不能完全一概而论,应当始终坚持在不同时空维度下的灵活运用。  相似文献   
The Abbott Government announced its White Paper review of the Australian Federation on June 28, 2014. Set against this backdrop, discussions of the future of Australian local government may provoke an assumption that its role will be cruelled. However, reflection suggests that such an assumption is misplaced. In particular, when the complexities of regionalism in Australia are considered, the potential role of local government begs revisiting. We argue that local government ought to adopt a forthright position in the current debate, particularly with respect to financial reform.  相似文献   
In launching its review of adult social care in May 2008, the Government acknowledged that this is one of the biggest challenges for the 21st century. With our ageing population and the increasing expectations of baby boomers, the current system simply isn't fit for the future. But what kind of care system do we want for this and future generations and critically how are we going to pay for it? There are no easy answers but what is certain is that we will all have to pay more for better care. In this article Stephen Burke examines the care crunch  相似文献   
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