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"非典"目前已受到全国乃至全世界的普息公开问题也成为人们讨论的焦点.政府信息公开是依法行政、高效行政的必然要求.因此,我国急需对此进行立法,以更好地应对各种突发事件.  相似文献   
在老龄化不断加深、居民消费率增长缓慢、消费需求日益多元化的背景下,研究不同类别养老保险对居民家庭消费水平和消费结构的影响日益重要。采用CGSS(2015)调查数据,使用倾向值匹配(PSM)回归模型,分析不同类别养老保险对居民家庭消费水平和消费结构的影响及内在机制,研究发现:参加基本养老保险和商业性养老保险均会显著增加居民家庭总消费、生存性消费和发展性消费,基本养老保险和商业性养老保险对发展性消费的增加效应均大于生存性消费;参加商业性养老保险对居民家庭总消费、生存性消费和发展性消费的增加效应大于基本养老保险;养老保险影响居民家庭消费的核心机制是居民的总收入以及再分配偏好。为拉动居民消费,应把第三支柱的个人养老金缴费纳入个人所得税专项或专项附加扣除;提高基础养老金的水平,进一步落实养老金水平的动态调整机制。  相似文献   
For many social scientists, government intervention is linked to low levels of social trust and corruption, while others associate it with high trust and low corruption. We aim to reconcile these contrasting views by distinguishing the opposing effects of trust on two alternative types of government intervention: regulation and redistribution. We argue that distrusting individuals demand more governmental regulation (H1) but less government redistribution (H2), and this could be one of the mechanisms explaining why countries with low levels of trust tend to both overregulate and under-redistribute. And the effects of trust on policy preferences are conditional on the quality of institutions. The higher the level of quality of government in a particular region, the more high-trusting individuals will like government redistribution and dislike government regulation that restricts the operations of free markets (H3). We test these hypotheses with data from the latest round of the European Quality of Government Index (EQI) survey, which covers 77,000 individuals from 185 regions of 21 EU member states.  相似文献   
公司法规范的属性和结构问题,是公司法学重要的基本理论问题之一。公司作为多种利 益关系的集合体,决定了公司法规范具有综合性。我国《公司法》规范的形式结构既不同于大陆法 系,也不同于英关法系;其内涵结构可概括为“三个阶段规范”和“两大系统规范”。  相似文献   
刘彤海 《河北法学》2004,22(4):99-103
关于中国民法典的结构有两种不同的观点,以梁慧星先生为首的观点主张采潘德克顿式,亦即德式;以徐国栋教授为首的观点主张罗马式,亦即法式,徐国栋称前者是物文主义,后者是人文主义,两种观点相持不下。试图从历史唯物主义出发,将人们赖以生存的物资资料的生活方式作为民法典结构的起点,据此对梁慧星的民法典构造模式作了部分修正,并从逻辑和现实的视角探讨民法典的合理结构,进而阐明中国民法典的结构应是历史的、逻辑的和现实的统一。  相似文献   
Radical innovations and practices frequentlyfind themselves in an inhospitable environment,struggling against the gravitational force ofdominant norms, practices and relations. Thispaper explores the problems radical changeconfronts in its attempts to become sustainable.Against the postmodern valorisation of thetransient and ephemeral, the paper argues forthe importance of routinisation and repetitionin the process of creating and sustainingchange. A metaphor of social pathways isdeveloped to explore how new routines arecreated through de jure (governance) andde facto (usage) means. The paper arguesthat, in contrast to governance, the emergentdurability generated by usage enables routinesto outlive their conditions of existence.At the same time, routines at odds with theirsocial and institutional environment tend overtime to disappear. The second half of the paperdraws on four British attempts to introduce newpathways: lesbian and gay local governmentinitiatives, Conservative education reforms,Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp and LocalExchange Trading Systems (LETS). Through theseexamples, the paper reflects on attempts tocreate more conducive environments, and some ofthe difficulties this generates.  相似文献   
克莱因的儿童心理结构观述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国著名儿童精神分析学家克莱因 ,从对象和对象关系入手 ,系统地阐述了生命第一年内儿童心理的发展及其结构特征。她提出的偏执—分裂样心态和抑郁性心态 ,是生命早期的自我状态、对象关系、焦虑及其防御的综合 ,它们既是一种正常的发展序列 ,又是某些病理现象的早期根源。两种心态观是克莱因对弗洛伊德的心理性欲发展阶段观的修正 ,是对儿童分析和儿童心理学的重要贡献。  相似文献   
A nation’s cultural policy is derived from its political and governance history, and its past practices. Taking the genealogical traits of South Korean cultural policies into account, the authors examine the contributions and risks of a public-led arts incubator program. One of the Arts Council Korea’s grant programs in the arts-incubating structure was involved with a public funding scandal of political intervention during the grant review process. Consequently, questions were raised about the current bureaucratic system for cultural policy. This article discusses the legitimacy of state intervention in the arts, and analyzes the case with relevant collected documents and interviews.  相似文献   
发挥政府的转移支付职能缩小贫富差距   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贫困是世界普遍存在的问题,缩小贫富差距是各国政府都极其重视的问题,充分发挥政府转移支付的职能,是缩小贫富差距的、有效的、基本的方式之一。转型期我国的财力还有限,在这种情况下,如何实现转移支付的效用最大化,调整政府财政支出结构,减少政府投资性支出,降低行政成本,向教育科技文化、公共卫生医疗、社保、农业等领域倾斜是唯一的选择。  相似文献   
论土地资源生态补偿   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生态补偿包括国家通过征收环境资源税以保证政府提供土地资源生态产品的公共服务职能;亦包括对因公共利益(生态保护)的需要而受到损失或者付出经济代价的人给予公正的补偿。土地资源生态补偿必须贯彻一种整体主义的生态补偿观。就我国现行的土地资源生态补偿立法和制度运作而言,其现实可行的模式只能是政府主导型。土地资源环境资源税收以生态受益者对国家所进行的环境经济行为机会成本进行补偿为征收标准;土地资源公益征收性质的生态补偿应当贯彻以被征收人生活水平不低于征收前为补偿标准,其补偿范围包括法律规范所规定并予以救济的维生上的财产性不利益和非财产性不利益。  相似文献   
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