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The Coalition government made a commitment to review employment law to ensure flexibility for both parties and enhance business's competitiveness. This led the prime minister to ask venture capitalist Adrian Beecroft to undertake the task of identifying the areas of employment law that presented the greatest burden, and making recommendations for reform. The Beecroft report identifies 16 areas for reform, but the lack of evidence to support his conclusions severely undermines his case. The challenge of increasing employment in a stagnant economy is substantial, and Beecroft's recommendations, if implemented, are unlikely to make a difference. Businesses need to see increased demand and access to finance if they are to take on more workers, but government must also develop a long‐term vision of the UK labour market and address weaknesses that existed before the financial crisis.  相似文献   
学术编辑工作需要维系的动力,其动力可区分为内在动力和外在动力,也可区分为物质动力和精神动力;从各种动力作用的效果看,都可归结为正动力和负动力。研究各种动力因素的产生、性质、地位及其相互联系,寻找各种动力的合成法则与分解规律,并不断深入认识和积极利用这些法则与规律,有利于在学术编辑工作过程中,趋利避害,扬长补短,对提高学术编辑工作的质量与效率,加速学术期刊向更高层次发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   
温观音 《河北法学》2005,23(11):112-116
产权交易和产权交易市场,为国有企业改革和国有经济结构性调整,提供了公平公正的"阳光交易"平台,是防止国有资产流失,实现国有资本在一般竞争性行业有序退出的必然选择.目前,强制进场交易制度的实行,使产权交易市场比较繁荣,但它仍然是一个被高度管制的市场.为了"统一、开放、竞争、有序"的规范的产权市场,监管部门应放松管制,给市场以充分信任.  相似文献   
内幕交易行为对证券市场的影响为何 ,对于该行为是否应该实施监管 ,一直是一个争论不休的话题。论文从管制论、非管制论以及折衷论对内幕交易行为的不同观点比较分析入手 ,分析了内幕交易与法律正义公平价值之间的关系 ,进而对禁止内幕交易行为的法理基础进行了再思考 ,指出禁止内幕交易的法律必然性。  相似文献   
考量商事登记与市场准入的关系,可以借助法经济学识别商事准入效率与安全的均衡性。这需要首先区别一般准入与特殊准入、民商私法与经济法之间价值定位的差异,并具化商事登记一般准入机制设置的目的及其必要性、合理性。结合对传统政府规制理论的批驳,以及对现今我国工商登记管理体制中设置过高登记门槛的反思,商事登记的制度设计应在公益与私益客观辩证关系基础上,在宏观层面的保障私权以及在最低层级上维护公共利益,并由此凸显维护公私权益衡平的现代登记理念。  相似文献   
随着“市场失灵”的出现,各国均积极履行经济监管职能,保障经济平稳运行。然而,国家经济监管权同样存在着怠行与滥用的问题,无法彰显市场与政府的良性互动。在“议行合一”的政治架构下,法律监督权作为一项独立的外部权力,应肩担防范国家经济监管权异化的重任。这是市场秩序的需要,也是分权制衡的依归,更是检察制度历史演进的使然。检察监督的路径就是加强抽象监管行为的监督,防止监管法规命令腐败,并以检察建议权、行政公诉分别监督具体监管行为的合理性与合法性。最后,以职务犯罪侦查权监督监管人员的职务行为。  相似文献   
The impact of economic theories on legal development, thinking and practice is undeniable. This is particularly true for neo-classical and institutional economics. Neo-classical economics are based on model assumptions of human behaviour such as pursuit of personal advantage, individualistic goals, complete information and at the same time law obedience which are the foundations of the functioning of the market mechanisms. The assumption leads to an almost mystical belief in the self-regulatory power of the market and a strong disdain and disapproval of the State. The concepts of a minimal State and de-regulation of all social relations follow from there. This article argues that model assumptions are valid scientific tools, as long as they are not taken to reflect the real world which is populated by real people that are not necessarily behaving like homines oeconomici. Preaching de-regulation and the dismissal of the State can prove simplistic and even dangerous and may lead to financial and economic crises like the ones witnessed in recent years. Institutional economics part from these empirical findings. They do not question individualism and the pursuit of egoistic objectives of market-participants, but they insist on inherent risks of this mechanism which stems from opportunistic behaviour, lack of information and transparency and the limits of trust. Property economists deduct from there that sustainable and dynamic economic development is unthinkable without well defined property title, the distinction of property and possession and credit securities. These institutions cannot be self-regulatory but need a clear legal frame, in other words rules established by a State. Transaction costs economists understand the danger of opportunistic behaviour and a corresponding systemic lack of trust in the negotiation, conclusion and execution of contracts. They underline the necessity of institutions which are capable of limiting these dangers and thus reducing transaction costs. Institutions may be customs, informal arrangements and formal law. At the end two examples are presented-real estate transactions and post-patriarchal family relations-to test the utility of these considerations.  相似文献   
党政人才队伍建设是一个动态的系统工程。贵阳市党政人才队伍建设取得了一些成效但也存在若干问题。我们只有建立党政人才创新选拔机制、创新培养机制、创新激励机制、创新监督管理机制、坚持党管人才的党政人才开发体系,才能为贵阳党政人才队伍的建设做出贡献。  相似文献   
"人肉搜索"自产生以来,就以其非凡的传播力与影响力,震撼着世人。一时间,大家纷纷加入人肉行列,对自己所希望窥探的信息予以"人肉",似乎整个社会陷入了毫无隐私的透明状态,这让许多人不禁恐慌起来。于是,人们开始审视"人肉搜索"的是与非,如何对其进行法律规制的问题又再次将人"肉搜索"推向了另一个高潮。  相似文献   
廖中洪 《北方法学》2017,11(3):110-121
从大陆法系国家有关指定管辖的一般理论以及具体立法规定的角度上看,我国现行指定管辖立法存在重大缺陷,这些缺陷涉及指定管辖行为的性质、适用范围、运行程序以及当事人申请指定管辖的权利保障等问题。立法存在的问题主要源于指定管辖立法目的与价值追求上的偏差,立法观念与立法方式上的不足。立法规定存在的问题,一旦受到现实社会诸多不当因素对民事司法活动的影响,会在较大程度上造成指定管辖司法适用上的混乱。为此,需要立法在借鉴域外大陆法系国家有关指定管辖通行理论以及立法规定的基础上,明确指定管辖应有的目标与基本价值追求,矫正对于指定管辖性质及其立法观念问题的认识,以及对于指定管辖适用程序所涉及的诸多问题进行必要的修改、完善。  相似文献   
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