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在尼采的视角主义和福柯的主体解释学等欧陆哲学的影响下,历史认识论结合观念史、思想史和文化史的历史语境,考察了科学客观性的概念的历史建构过程,加深了人们对科学实践的复杂性的认识,并为科学哲学在新世纪的发展提供了诸多有价值的启示。  相似文献   
对“女性发展和性别平等”理论与实践进行中德之间的比较研究,既能增进彼此了解,又可促进相互学习。回顾历史,中德两国妇女运动的产生有着各自的时代背景以及不同的发展路径。当代女性形象未能摆脱刻板僵化的性别角色模式,并常常受到媒体和商业化误导的影响。在女性就业方面,德方专家强调了“贯穿整个生命周期的性别平等”理念,中方专家则提出了提高女性就业质量、女性平等获取资源、为家庭工作平衡提供政策支持等建议。全球女性主义起源于上世纪80年代,旨在拓宽女性主义思想的范围;而社会性别主流化作为联合国促进性别平等的全球战略,20多年来在中国取得了诸多方面的成就,同时也面临着挑战。  相似文献   
Theoretical questions linger over the applicability of the verbal ability model to African-Americans and the social control theory hypothesis that educational failure mediates the effect of verbal ability on offending patterns. Accordingly, this paper investigates whether verbal ability distinguishes between offending groups within the context of Moffitt’s developmental taxonomy. Questions are addressed with longitudinal data spanning childhood through young-adulthood from an ongoing national panel, and multinomial and hierarchical Poisson models (overdispersed). In multinomial models, low verbal ability predicts membership in a life-course-persistent-oriented group relative to an adolescent-limited-oriented group. Hierarchical models indicate that verbal ability is associated with arrest outcomes among White and African-American subjects, with effects consistently operating through educational attainment (high school dropout). The results support Moffitt’s hypothesis that verbal deficits distinguish adolescent-limited- and life-course-persistent-oriented groups within race, as well as the social control model of verbal ability.  相似文献   
本文从历史、文化、地理、法律、个人等角度出发讨论宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的条件。我国法医检验早期发展是宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的历史条件,朱熹理学影响是宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的文化条件,南宋建阳政治文化发展是宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的地理条件,完善的南宋检验制度是宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的法律条件,宋慈在《洗冤集录》中把个别的具体事例进行全体性、系统性综合是个人努力和总结的结果。因此,南宋时期出现宋慈及其《洗冤集录》是中华文化的一部分,是历史必然和文化传承至一定阶段的产物,更是中华文化结晶和法医文化遗产。  相似文献   
Declines in the age at last childbearing in the first demographic transition reflected conscious changes in fertility behaviour during that period, in particular efforts to limit the total number of children. Such fertility limitation behaviour was the net result of ‘cultural causal factors’ on the one hand and ‘structural and economic causal factors’ on the other hand. This paper analyses the evolution of women’s age at last childbearing by reconstructing women’s life histories based on data from the multi-source COR* historical sample for Antwerp in the period 1846–1920. The paper also assesses the causes of this evolution through a number of theoretically grounded structural/economic, cultural and life course determinants, placing these concepts in a macro-micro framework of methodological individualism. For this purpose, in the first place a Kaplan-Meier analysis is applied to 10-year birth cohorts; a proportional hazard model is also applied to three different birth cohorts (mothers born before 1840; born in the period 1840–1859; and born after 1860); and a range of cultural and life course determinants are analysed, including women’s literacy status, marriage witness characteristics, the seasonality of marriages and births, and birth histories. The analysis confirms the decline in the age at last childbearing especially in the late cohort, and also highlights inter-cohort differences caused by cultural and life course determinants.  相似文献   
In this paper, we examine marital fertility patterns during the demographic transition in Korea. The demographic transition was a fundamental transformation in human societies, and has been a key topic in demographic research. However, our understanding of the demographic transition in Korea is limited, largely due to a lack of adequate data. By using individual longitudinal data drawn from the population registers in a rural Korean village between 1920 and 1977, we attempt to contribute to this literature. We first discuss conceptual and data issues, and the historical context. We then test a key exposition of demographic transition theory: an improvement in child survival was a prerequisite for fertility decline. We find that: (1) an improvement in child survival was crucial for marital fertility changes across birth cohorts; (2) the relationship between child survival and marital fertility remained stable; (3) parity-specific fertility control emerged early and birth spacing became important later as ways of limiting marital fertility; and (4) the sex of the deceased offspring became important for marital fertility. The implications of these findings for the Korean demographic transition and future study topics are discussed.  相似文献   
陕甘宁边区的农村文艺建设及其历史启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
延安时期,陕甘宁边区政府高度重视农村文艺工作。边区农村文艺的繁荣,主要借助于专业艺术团体的文化下乡和发动农民自办群众性的文艺活动两种途径而展开。边区农村文艺建设的成功实践,为我们当前进行社会主义新农村文化建设提供了重要启示。  相似文献   
姜吉林 《青年论坛》2010,(5):121-124
在特殊的历史文化语境下,宋代文人士大夫被激发出了空前的主体意识与进取精神。内忧外患的严峻现实,又使士人在进取意识之外又多了沉重的忧患意识,这种忧患感和压迫感需要士人自己去消解、去解构。词作为一种新兴的文体与话语建构形式,以其与传统截然相反的功名观与道德观,以及以艳、以俗为美的审美风貌,藉以语词游戏的方式一起解构着传统的价值观与话语模式,维持着士人人格与心理的平衡。  相似文献   
民事责任的归责原则,是在民事责任的归属与承担方面具有普遍适用性的基本准则。归责原则是随着人类社会的发展而出现和发展的,它经历了结果原则阶段、过错责任原则阶段和无过错责任原则阶段。根据不同的民事责任,归责原则可以分为三类:违约责任的归责原则、侵权责任的归责原则和不履行其它民事义务的民事责任的归责原则。  相似文献   
中国共产党在90年奋斗历程中经历了三次历史性伟大转变,即从半殖民地半封建社会到民族独立、人民当家作主新社会的历史性转变,从新民主主义革命到社会主义革命和建设的历史性转变,从高度集中的计划经济体制到充满活力的社会主义市场经济体制、从封闭半封闭到全方位开放的历史性转变。  相似文献   
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