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This paper examines the existence of a mortality penalty for illegitimate abandoned infants in the Foundling Hospital of Madrid, La Inclusa, during the period 1890–1935, in the context of the mortality experience of the city. A rich dataset on the life histories of all infants abandoned in the city of Madrid (almost 60,000 children), nominally linked to births, has allowed the study of the determinants of mortality of foundlings, newborns in the city, and the study of the determinants of abandonment. Contrary to previous findings, our results for La Inclusa show no evidence of an illegitimacy penalty among foundlings and, in some cases, show even better prospects for them. However, this situation did not reflect the circumstances of the city, as illegitimate infants were both more likely to suffer a neonatal death and to be abandoned. The explanation proposed in this paper is that the health of infants born of wedded couples that ended up resorting to abandonment was possibly poorer than that of those born of single or migrant mothers, as the situation triggering abandonment meant that infants were under very hard conditions, possibly worse than those single women faced in the event of a pregnancy.  相似文献   
传统文化是思想政治理论课不可或缺的教学素材,而思想政治理论课则是传承和弘扬传统文化的重要途径。实践中,把传统文化与思想政治理论课结合起来,是高校思想政治理论课教学改革的需要,也是大学生全面、和谐、持续发展的需要。  相似文献   
本文在探讨近20年来台湾少数民族题材文学创作风貌的基础上,发掘从台湾少数民族主体这一相对边缘视角言说历史的再现与批判潜能,并从知识社会学的角度考察相关文学创作与诠释所折射出的台湾政治文化变迁。台湾少数民族与非台湾少数民族作家在处理台湾少数民族题材时的切入视角与美学策略有显著差异:台湾少数民族作家致力于追溯被汉文化入侵、改造和收编的历史,反思部落文化在现代文明冲击下的溃败命运,并通过召唤部落文化传统来重建族群认同;非台湾少数民族作家侧重于以历史事件为扭结呈现创伤记忆,一方面流露出某种赎罪心理,另一方面也有淡化历史上台湾少数民族与汉民族冲突的倾向,以共构入史的策略将台湾少数民族的悲情转化为“台湾人”的悲情。本文认为,对台湾少数民族文学的分析应与对20世纪90年代以来多元文化论的兴起与本土化论述策略转型的社会背景的考察相结合,才能还原台湾少数民族议题在当代台湾的兴起与质变过程,进而把握近20年来文学领域对台湾少数民族题材的关注所呈现的历史眼光与意识形态心理变迁轨迹。  相似文献   
科学发展观是马克思主义中国化的最新成果。它凝聚着毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛为代表的中国共产党人对中国社会主义建设规律的艰辛探索,是对我们党执政以来关于发展问题的一系列重要思想的坚持、创新和发展。面向未来,我们只有以科学发展观为指导,才能顺利实现全面建成小康社会的奋斗目标,推进中国特色社会主义不断前行。  相似文献   
新中国的建设起步维艰,毛泽东满怀大志,致力于将新中国带进世界先进行列,以三年准备十年建设、15年向社会主义过渡、20年完成中国的工业化、50年建成伟大的社会主义国家等部署,表达了他的愿景。毛泽东有个百年中国梦,他提出的"四个现代化"目标,体现了实现赶超世界先进国家的理想,设想用一百年的时间将经济文化落后的中国建设成为工业、农业、科学文化、国防现代化的社会主义强国。毛泽东的百年中国梦给现代中国留下了宝贵的历史遗产,对实现中华民族伟大复兴和社会主义现代化的中国梦具有丰富的现实启示。  相似文献   
《中国文化》是延安时期中国共产党创办的刊物,在抗战时期复杂多变的国内外环境下,它肩负起建设抗战新文化的历史使命,为宣传先进文化、提升先进文化以及抵制错误文化思想作出了重要贡献。《中国文化》虽然前后只刊行了一年半时间,但却在中国共产党领导文化建设实践历程上留下了极其重要的财富。它收录了延安时期许多重要文化活动及文化事件的相关材料,在思想文化、学术研究及史料参考方面具有极大的价值。  相似文献   
The paper argues for the possibility of reworking the concept of ideology in such a way as to depend neither on a problematic of truth and error, nor on a division of the world into two parts one of which is more real than the other, nor on an expressive relation of subjects to meaning. The political force of the concept can be retained if ideology is thought as a provisional state of discourse (a function of its appropriation and use) rather than as a content or an inherent structure. Any discursive system produces a particular configuration of subject-positions which are the conditions of entry of individuals into discourse; but these acquire political significance only through the (historically variable) codification of discourse in terms of a play of relations of power, and the positions available can be refused or undermined. Some implications of this argument for models of the social and for discourse theory are discussed  相似文献   

The debate on the nature of money, its origins and conditions of existence has been recently taken further in separate articles in Economy and Society by Lapavitsas and Dodd. Both criticize Ingham's elaboration of Keynes's contention that the money of account is the primary concept in a theory of money. Lapavitisas reiterates and extends his Marxist analysis of money's origins as a universal equivalent in commodity exchange. This fails to explain the existence of a money of account, without which genuinely market exchange cannot take place. Dodd's claim to furnish a much-needed analytical refinement in the analysis of money, used to criticize Ingham's position, is shown to be based on a re-statement of an established and widely accepted distinction in monetary theory.  相似文献   
长篇历史小说《孙中山》将在纪实基础上的合理想象与在艺术品位中遵循史实有机地结合起来,构成此部作品宏大气场。作品具有穿越时空的力量,将历史文献考据与合理的逻辑演绎精心对接,让历史人物及场景得以真实地再现。小说创作坚持严肃谨慎的态度,不断挖掘细节,丰富精神骨架。既重整体构思,也精细节刻画,注重艺术性和纪实性的高度统一。把历史巨人写成邻家少年,让他从神坛上真正走下来,走到读者中间,走到民众中间,给读者以历史时空的无限想像和智慧启迪。  相似文献   
1945年"历史周期率"难题被提出后,中国共产党几代中央领导集体进行了不懈的探索和实践,取得了许多重大成果。党的十六大以来,以胡锦涛同志为总书记的中央领导集体在前几代不断探索和实践的基础上,对跳出"历史周期率"进行了新的探索和实践。加强党的建设,为跳出"历史周期率"提供根本保证;科学执政、民主执政、依法执政,为跳出"历史周期率"提供新路径;构建社会主义和谐社会,加强社会建设,为跳出"历史周期率"提供社会基础。  相似文献   
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