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职代会制度是推进企业实行民主管理和民主监督的基本制度。企业改制后,同样应该得到坚持和发展。工会应当适应形势,充实和调整职代会的职能,正确处理与股东大会、董事会、监事会的关系,切实发挥职代会的应有作用。  相似文献   
知识产权的权利属性是知识产权研究的基本理论问题.因传统的视知识产权为私权的观点在面对知识产权相较于其他私权的特殊性及其领域内层出不穷的新问题时常常遭遇无法解释的困境,所以,有些学者提出了"知识产权公权化"理论,即在承认知识产权私权本质属性的前提下,指出知识产权是公权化的私权,试图以此来寻到新的"突破口".但事实上,该理论因其立论依据本身就存在疑问,是经不起推敲的,它是在社会思潮运动影响下对知识产权权利客体特殊性的一种误读.知识产权作为私权的根本属性不应该因为知识产权所呈现出的某些独特性而被改变,在当前承认并且强调知识产权的私权属性具有重大意义.  相似文献   
论我国现行立法背景下的物权变动模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐慧 《法学论坛》2005,20(4):119-124
物权的变动模式作为物权法的重要内容,一直是学界讨论的热点。如何正确认识我国现行立法背景下的物权变动模式,对于未来物权立法能否选择一个既与国际接轨又适合我国国情的物权变动模式,有着重要的意义。笔者认为,我国现行法规定的物权变动模式,虽非债权意思主义,但也绝不是学界通说的债权形式主义,而是一种特有的模式——物权意思主义。  相似文献   
钢结构交错桁架体系是一种经济、实用、高效的建筑结构体系,本文对交错桁架的结构特点及其在国内外的应用进行了介绍,对钢结构交错桁架体系在火灾作用下的力学特性进行了初步地探讨,提出了一些钢结构交错桁架体系抗火设计方面有用的建议。  相似文献   
冯晓青 《河北法学》2007,25(5):19-28
全球化环境下知识产权保护存在很多值得探讨的问题。由中国政法大学民商经济法学院举办、中国政法大学民商经济法学院知识产权法研究所承办、美国Kenyon&Kenyon LLP和National Economic Research Associates,Inc.提供赞助的全球化与知识产权保护国际会议于2007年1月20—21在北京召开,近二百名国内外知识产权专家学者探讨了全球化环境下知识产权保护的一系列问题。本次会议对于推动国内外知识产权理论与实践问题的研究具有深远意义。  相似文献   
The English law of theft is confusing and problematic in principle. Since the introduction of the Theft Act 1968 there has been inconsistency in the interpretation of appropriation as court and commentators have grappled with the intuition that appropriation must entail some subjective element and cannot be purely objective. Although subjectivity is traditionally associated with culpability rather than with conduct, it is argued that some acts can be subjective and yet factual and stand as causes to effects. Appropriation is such an act, its necessary and sufficient condition being a mindset, here termed proprietary subjectivity, on the part of the actor. It is argued that clarification of the concept of appropriation can help to resolve misperceived problems. Such clarification will also reveal other problems in the law of theft. Some tentative comments de lege ferenda are made suggesting how these problems can be addressed.  相似文献   
关于抵押与质押之区分 ,大陆法系主要有三种立法例。我国对抵押与质押关系的处理经历了由《民法通则》的“质”“押”合一到《担保法》的“质”“押”分立的变迁。《担保法》中采取多元化的标准区分抵押与质押 ,担保标的不同 ,抵押与质押的区分标准也各不相同 ,这就造成了若干理论上的困惑和一些实践中的不便。为此 ,有必要以民法典的编撰和物权法的制定为契机 ,对抵押与质押的区分进行重新思考和抉择 ,选取占有方式作为二者区分的标准  相似文献   
Aggressive pursuit of free trade agreements (FTAs) and customs unions (CUs) by major and minor trading powers alike challenges the conventional wisdom in favor of such pursuit – competitive liberalization. An equally plausible explanation for an active bilateral and regional trade agreement policy, one which effectively de-emphasizes multilateralism, may be competitive imperialism. The protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights is one area in which new provisions, going beyond multilateral rules, are being negotiated and written into FTAs and CUs. Such provisions may yield insights into which characterization of bilateralism and regionalism – competitive liberalization or competitive imperialism – is more apt. Rice Distinguished Professor, The University of Kansas, School of Law, Green Hall, 1535 West 15th Street, Lawrence, KS 66045-7577, USA. Tel. +1-785-8649224. Fax. +1-785-8645054. www.law.ku.edu. J.D., Harvard (1989); M.Sc., Oxford (1986); M.Sc., London School of Economics (1985); A.B., Duke (1984). Marshall Scholar (1984-86). Member, Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Society for Asian Affairs, and Fellowship of Catholic Scholars. Author, Modern GATT Law (Sweet & Maxwell 2005), International Trade Law: Theory and Practice (2nd ed. 2000, 3rd ed. forthcoming 2007-08), and Trade, Development, and Social Justice (Carolina Academic Press 2003). I am thankful to my Research Assistant, Mr. David R. Jackson (B.A., George Mason University, 1992; J.D. Class of 2007, University of Kansas), for his indispensable help on this work. I also am grateful to Dr. Mohammed El Said, University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN), for his consistent support and friendship, and for what he has taught and continues to teach me about international trade and intellectual property.  相似文献   
目前,知识经济正在逐渐成为世界经济的主导,知识成为重要的资源,知识产权作为产权的一种特殊形式,作为一种宝贵的财富在世界范围内得到了承认和保护。构筑完备的知识产权法律保护体系,对严重的侵权行为用刑罚加以控制的观念正在为人们所接受。但随着我国知识产权专门立法的发展和我国知识产权执法环境的变化,这种知识产权的《刑法》保护力度还显得不足,需要进一步完善。  相似文献   
国内外家族企业发展的历史证明,产权的逐渐多元化和社会化是必然趋势。单一的产权结构不仅限制了家族企业筹集资金的能力,而且限制了家族企业的人才结构,无法满足企业扩展的要求。因此,对于处在扩张阶段的我国家族企业而言,必须突破产权关,实现家族企业的产权变迁。  相似文献   
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