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中国50年警务模式的变迁非常相似于西方历次警务改革的轨迹和变革方向,即政治警务模式逐渐过渡到专业警务模式和反应式警务模式,最终向服务与权变警务模式靠拢。我国目前社区警务的推进必须关注以下问题:正确理解社区警务的概念、政府在社区警务战略中的作用、警察在社区警务战略中的定位、社区组织的健全与自治、社区认同感的培养、社区治安意识蕴育与强化。  相似文献   
This article draws a parallel between the Apartheid regime in South Africa and the post-IRCA immigration regime in the USA. I argue that both regimes were organised around Apartheid Policing, which may be defined as a legal process consisting of three mutually reinforcing mechanisms: differentiation of migrants into non-citizen insiders with legal residence rights and non-citizen outsiders without them; stabilisation of migrants as permanent or long-term residents, enabling the growth of the migrant workforce; and marginalisation of migrants as politically vulnerable outsiders, including exploitation at work. But the two regimes were supported by different political and ideological apparatuses. While placing a disproportionate burden on Latino migrants, the post-IRCA immigration regime differed from the Apartheid regime in that it was not organised around an explicit racial hierarchy, and offered non-citizens a greater array of rights. As a result, Apartheid Policing under the post-IRCA immigration regime is potentially more politically sustainable.  相似文献   
为适应经济犯罪总量不断攀升、体系化、组织化等特点日趋明显的经济犯罪形势,实现对经济犯罪的有效防控和准确预警,不仅需要持之以恒地对经济犯罪进行打击,更需要防患于未然,建立由情报主导犯罪防控的经济犯罪侦查工作新机制。具体到运行流程中,在情报信息收集上报中需实现“专群”联动,针对需要的情报信息类型,拓展情报收集的来源;在分析研判中要实现“动静”兼顾,既分析个案特点和地区经济犯罪形势,又做好专项内容分析;在结果转化中要坚持“内外”结合,为政府部门、企事业单位和社会成员提供服务。  相似文献   
近年来,安徽警官职业学院司法警务专业教学团队,立足高等职业教育的本质,通过大胆改革与实践,创新性的提出"校院联动、学练结合"的人才培养模式。该模式的实施,成效显著,不仅毕业生的就业数量和质量明显提高,社会满意度明显增强,而且专业的知名度也得到了明显提升。今后,仍需围绕这种模式进行不断创新和推进,以不断提高本专业的建设水平。  相似文献   
实行列车“巡乘制”,既能确保列车治安平稳,又能有效缓解警力紧张的矛盾,是警务规范化管理的一次重大改革。要逐步对条件成熟的列车推行巡乘警务,加大站车视频监控等科技装备投入,不断完善以地保车机制,强化巡乘队伍自身建设,切实提升警务改革成效。  相似文献   
研究警察建设和警务工作的可持续发展战略 ,目的是为了克服当前警察建设和警务改革中盛行的各种主观主义、应激主义、非理性化、非规范化的短期行为 ,实现警察建设和警务工作各要素之间相互协调和健康持续的发展。实施警察建设和警务工作可持续发展战略 ,应该以不断提高警察素质为核心 ,以先进的警察文化为灵魂 ,以科学的警察管理和警务工作运作机制为载体 ,以完善的警察制度规范为保障 ,以科技强警为动力 ,以和谐的警民关系为基础  相似文献   
传统文化是中华民族的灵魂与血脉,积淀着中华民族最深层的精神追求,孕育着古老灿烂的中华文明。传统文化的主要特征是:刚健有为、重人格、重道德、重境界;和谐中庸、重整体、重直觉、重实用;变化日新、无物常在的辩证法思想。传统文化既有精湛的智慧,也有消极过时的东西,应辩证分析、剔除糟粕、传承文明。中国传统文化有很多精华,对警务工作大有裨益,需要传承发扬。  相似文献   
公安部提出“情报信息主导警务”战略,提高了我国公安工作的现代化水平,全国各地涌现出不少好的创意和新的做法。福建基层民警林祥春利用卫星地图软件“GoogleEarth”建立“谷歌地理信息平台”管理社区,就是该战略指导下涌现的新模式,其突出特点是信息与实景地图相结合,相当直观,特别适合基层民警使用,在公安工作中发挥了特效。  相似文献   
Many Western-style democracies have witnessed a general shift in the distribution of crime prevention responsibility, away from the state and increasingly to citizens themselves. Civil society is today more and more often called upon as an additional policing resource. This article explores the phenomenon of voluntary citizen participation in policing in Sweden, based on an analysis of 9280 news-media articles. One state-sanctioned (the Volunteers of the Police) and one autonomous civic (Missing People Sweden) initiative were examined, from their respective start until 2017, to understand the role played by police–citizen partnerships in the establishment and legitimation of voluntary policing forms in Sweden. A high degree of integration between police and volunteer work was found, enabling not only effective citizen participation, but also having an influence on police operations. The more effective and publicly visible the voluntary policing bodies were, the more pressure there was on the police to defend its legitimacy, ally itself with the volunteers and regulate the latter’s activities while holding them responsible for their actions. Arguably, however, with the police–citizen relationship being one of integration and mutual dependence, the division of labour and the accountability of both parties risk becoming blurred or even confused.  相似文献   
The primary aim of any DNA Database is to link individuals to unsolved offenses and unsolved offenses to each other via DNA profiling. This aim has been successfully realised during the operation of the New Zealand (NZ) DNA Databank over the past five years. The DNA Intelligence Project (DIP), a collaborative project involving NZ forensic and law enforcement agencies, interrogated the forensic case data held on the NZ DNA databank and collated it into a functional intelligence database. This database has been used to identify significant trends which direct Police and forensic personnel towards the most appropriate use of DNA technology. Intelligence is being provided in areas such as the level of usage of DNA techniques in criminal investigation, the relative success of crime scene samples and the geographical distribution of crimes. The DIP has broadened the dimensions of the information offered through the NZ DNA Databank and has furthered the understanding and investigative capability of both Police and forensic scientists. The outcomes of this research fit soundly with the current policies of 'intelligence led policing', which are being adopted by Police jurisdictions locally and overseas.  相似文献   
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