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The persistence of sperm using confirmatory microscopic analysis, the persistence of sperm with tails, time since intercourse (TSI) analysis, and results from the acid phosphatase (AP) reaction from approximately 5581 swabs taken from circa 1450 sexual assault cases are presented. The observed proportions of sperm in the vagina and anus declines significantly after 48 h TSI, and sperm on oral swabs were observed up to 15 h TSI. The AP reaction as a predictor of sperm on intimate swabs is questioned. All AP reaction times gave a low true positive rate; 23% of sperm‐positive swabs gave a negative AP reaction time. We show the AP reaction is an unsafe and an unreliable predictor of sperm on intimate swabs. We propose that TSI not AP informs precase assessment and the evaluative approach for sexual assault cases. To help inform an evaluative approach, TSI guidelines are presented.  相似文献   
Using both individual-level and census-level data, this study predicts the number of sexual partners reported by male and female adolescents from the quality of their mother relationship and neighborhood proportion of single-parent families. Both predictors were associated with number of sexual partners for both males and females in OLS analyses. However, in Repeated Measures analyses of females, neighborhood proportion of single-parent families was not significant. In both OLS and Repeated Measures formats models with individual-level single-parent family status, race, mothers' education and family income variables, neighborhood proportion of single-parent families was not significant for either gender. Interaction models found that neighborhood proportion of single-parent families moderated the influence of mother relationship on the number of sexual partners in OLS analyses for both sexes, but only for males in the Repeated Measures format. The direction of these two-way interactions varied significantly by gender–in both OLS and Repeated Measures. Mother relationships were more influential for females in neighborhoods with fewer single-parent families. In contrast, mother relationships were more influential for males in neighborhoods with more single-parent families.  相似文献   
整个中国社会就是一个关系之网,这是乡土社会的产物,是传统文化留给我们的遗产。关系运作,实际上是关系规则与法律规则的对抗、民间法与官方法的对抗。在公共领域中存在的关系,其本质是"权力的私化",关系交往的过程就是权力私化的过程,也是权力交换的过程。从"权力私化"这个视角解析关系的结构和关系运作机制,有利于揭示出关系存在的社会和历史文化基础。  相似文献   
Saliva plus DNA from a suspect is commonly encountered in sexual assault cases on bodily swabs. However, without background knowledge, the weight of this evidence is unknown. It may indicate the presence of saliva resulting from cunnilingus, or it may represent indirect transfer. In this study, females who refrained from cunnilingus donated 43 items of underwear and 19 vaginal swabs. The samples were subjected to Phadebas®, RSID-Saliva and mRNA profiling and were subsequently DNA-profiled to determine the prevalence of background saliva in the female population. The results report that 15.8% of females who refrained from cunnilingus were positive for saliva and a further 10.5% also had DNA from unknown source(s). These findings of the rate of indirect transfer were evaluated with the Bayesian approach, and it was found that the evidence of saliva plus a high foreign DNA source adds moderately strong support to the allegation of cunnilingus.  相似文献   
试析影响人际交往的心理效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人际交往是最常见、最普遍、渗透人类生活的一种最基本的交往方式。人际关系协调与否直接制约着每个人的生存和发展,个人形象则是人际交往中起着关键性作用的因素。本文拟就印象形成的主观制约性规律、中心评价性规律、核心性规律及场合规律角度试分析影响人际交往的诸种心理效应,以便有利于我们更好地调控自己的行为,获得更多的发展机会。  相似文献   
A survey of the prevalence of forced sexual intercourse reported rates approximately equivalent to those noted in other studies that used similar methods. Twenty-two investigations that measured the incidence and prevalence of forced sexual intercourse were reviewed. A comparison was made of the definitions presented, the sampling procedures, the time span of the studies, the geographic locations represented, and the reported rates of forced sexual intercourse. The comparison indicates that much of the variation in prevalence of forced, sexual intercourse can be attributed to variations in investigational methods.  相似文献   
大学生人际交往状况调查及对策研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大学生人际交往存在着诸多障碍,影响着他们的学习、生活和心理健康。学校要帮助,引导大学生克服人际交往的心理障碍,改善人际交往关系。  相似文献   
随着性主体和性行为方式的多样化,强迫性交犯罪呈现出种种新现象。现有关于强奸罪的规定已不适应形势的发展,如强奸罪主体较狭窄,应该把女性主体和丈夫主体予以明确规定。同时,犯罪对象应该包括男性,客体为他人不可侵犯的性权利。客观方面,性交方式应将口交、肛交等包括进去;欺骗性交也可构成强奸。此外,适度降低强奸罪基本罪的法定刑,适当增加其量刑单位,并对加重情节予以完善。  相似文献   
以传统文化的现代化和西方文明的本土化面貌出现的中国文化发展问题,经过一个多世纪的反复与纠缠,在社会全面发展的今天取得了巨大的现实成就,这就为中国文化面向世界、面向未来的发展奠定了坚实基础。作为现代化之延伸的全球化并不可怕,文化的差异性与民族个性不会因此而必然走向衰落;而文化怀古倾向却极有可能导致文化传统的衰萎。彻底抛弃“中西之争”、“古今之辨”的陈旧思维模式,在古今中外的多种文化资源之间形成高度辩证的联结。21世纪的中国文化必须通过新的整合与创造,努力完成价值系统从前现代向现代的转换,同时超越西方式现代性的弊端,构建起先进的本土文化。  相似文献   
The present study focuses on the communicative relevance of lexical choices in the documents of the European Union Committee of the Regions (CoR) and of other related bodies within a pragmalinguistic perspective. The function of the Committee of the Regions is to issue opinions on proposals for Community legislation which are closest to the citizen interests - education, youth, culture, health. It is thus a voice at the heart of the EU which aims at increasing the participation of European regions in community life. Our corpus consists in 100 documents (Proposals and Opinions) whose lexico-grammatical aspects and communicative/ rhetorical strategies are here investigated. Our hypothesis is that such texts aim at creating a holistic we to construe a common ground of interests, within the constraints of legal intercourses, shared by both the sender and the receiver of the messages. Frequently occurring lexical items are: welcome, ensure, strengthen, aid. To stress urgency, generate empathy, emphasize needs and endorse value-positions are the recognizable perlocutionary effects of such semantic/pragmatic choices. Tools for analysis were taken from the domain of pragmalinguistics, from Evaluative/Appraisal Frameworks and, also, from social sciences. Particularly relevant appeared the notion of'advocacy' (i.e., when researchers are asked to use their expertise to defend the subjects' interests in healthcare, education, political rights, and cultural autonomy). This study will provide both qualitative and quantitative data to support our hypothesis, and will offer suggestions for further research.  相似文献   
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