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作为法律人最典型的代表,法官应以实现公平正义为职业目标,处理好与党和国家、与职业、与利益、与他人及自己的关系,具备忠诚之德、信仰法律、人文情怀、廉洁自律、慎独慎行五大职业伦理。  相似文献   
The quick criminal judging procedure is a system of exploration and reform in our country. In improving the efficiency of litigation, exploring the division of complicated and simple criminal cases, protecting the rights of the accused and reducing the detention rate, it has important value and significance. However, there are many problems in the process of trying, such as narrow scope of application, conflict between efficiency and right, the concept of division of labor and lacking cooperation. In the exploration of quick criminal judging procedure we can broaden the scope of application, strengthen the judicial protection of human rights, and reverse the rigid thinking of the case to promote the reform and improvement of the system.  相似文献   
在劳动争议案件中,劳动者收集、保存证据的能力明显不足。基层人民法院在审查与判断时,必须考虑劳动关系的特殊性,坚持司法能动性理念,发挥审判权的能动性,认真审查证据属性,合理分配举证责任,如此劳动争议案件裁判才能达到“两个效果”的统一。  相似文献   
国际法律程序包含了司法程序和仲裁程序。在上述程序中,国际司法程序中的法官和国际仲裁程序中的仲裁员的个人因素都或多或少会在法律活动中产生一定影响。国际司法程序的法官具有独立性,需宣誓只效忠法院或法庭,但其独立性是相对的,选举阶段的政治因素以及当选后法官的国籍、思想、观念都会影响他/她对案件的处理;国际仲裁程序的仲裁员的独立性较之国际法院和国际海洋法法庭等国际司法机构的法官更显不足,争端当事方指定的仲裁员往往代表其利益,维护其立场。在国际法律程序中,法官和仲裁员会在程序规则的制定、传唤证人或专家及视察涉案地点、收受证据、查明事实和法律、对判决结果发表个别意见和反对意见等诸多法律环节拥有一定权利并发挥一定作用。了解和掌握上述法律程序以及法官和仲裁员的个人作用,对于中国已卷入的菲律宾发起的强制仲裁案件以及未来的潜在案件会有所帮助。在中国暂未参与仲裁程序,而且放弃指派仲裁员的情况下,对仲裁员因素的研究有利于监督和避免不利于中国的人为因素的影响,同时一旦中国在未来以某种形式参与到仲裁程序时,需在规则范围内去发挥和制造有利于中国的人为因素的影响。  相似文献   
最高人民法院公布的《中国行政审判案例》中的爱克福得公司诉深圳市房产局案展示了法官在案件判决方式上的技巧和智慧。它避开了本应该是争点的规范冲突适用问题,转换审理思路将免责事由的审查列为争议焦点。这个案例只是法官巧妙运用判决技巧的一个缩影,在最高人民法院公布的典型案件中大量地展示了法官的判决技巧和智慧。也正是这些回避和模糊的判断技巧为学者们的研究设置了障碍,使我们对案件有了不同观点的交锋和争鸣,同时也正是对这些技巧和智慧的把握为我国法治环境的改善和司法的进步产生着不可估量的积极作用。  相似文献   
法官责任制是司法责任制的重要内容,是深化人民法院司法体制和工作机制改革的着力点和关键环节。建立和完善法官责任制,是防范冤假错案、实现司法公正的重要举措。实行主审法官责任制应赋予主审法官独立的裁判案件的权力,由其对所审理的案件负责,改变"审者不判、判者不审"的审判分离现象,能够有效去除审判权运行机制的行政化,提高法院的审判质量。  相似文献   
近年来司法界已意识到司法裁决并非全由法律所决定,如果司法裁决并非全部客观,法官的职业行为就变得相关,法官审理具体案件时不仅仅依据的是事实与法律,还要结合自己的良心,要求法官在裁判中要尽量保持良心的客观性。因此,关注法官良心与法的关联性、法官良心的自由与中立及法官良心的社会尊重和养成,直接影响着法官裁判的公正及法院的社会公信力。  相似文献   
在民事诉讼中,法官的阐明制度不仅能修正辩论主义所带来的弊端,也有助于防止突袭裁判,探寻事实真相,追求双方当事人的实质平等。在社会诉讼观的倡导下,法官的阐明制度成为法官与当事人对话的一种纽带。法官阐明权范围的扩大成为当今民事诉讼发展的普遍趋势。借鉴德国、日本和我国的台湾地区关于法官阐明权范围的规定,我国可以效仿德国的法官实质指挥诉讼义务体系,从两个方面来界定阐明权的范围:一是建立阐明权范围的一般标准;二是明确阐明权的具体范围。  相似文献   
As the proverb goes, “There is no right without a remedy”. In order to provide complete protection for women, it is important that the court which has the power to grant remedies adopt a gender perspective in its decision making. Measures like discipline and training turn out to be fruitless to promote the adoption because of their inability to insert a female perspective in male judges, while appointing more female judges proves to be fruitful. Female judges do have different experiences from their male counterparts; hence they have a deep understanding of the plight and demand of women, which will affect the way they address the problems that confront them, both substantive and procedural. In a word, females bring to judging a unique perspective which can better protect women’s rights; thus the appointment of more female judges ought to be adopted as an important social policy.  相似文献   
In recent years increased attention has been paid by various international forums to the dangerous upsurge in internationally oriented white collar and economic criminality. At the same time, organs like the United Nations or the Council of Europe are attempting to effectively deal with economic crime occurring on national levels. The author traces the development of international efforts in the field by focusing on the relevant United Nations resolutions and agreements, as well as on documents adopted by the Council of Europe. It is demonstrated that the use of terminology which is not substantially different from theories of white collar crime developed on national levels, as well as indirect references to Sutherland's ideas, constitute the conceptual link between the international instruments dealing with white collar crime (including specific United Nations agreements and codes, and the work undertaken by the Council of Europe), and traditional, nationally-oriented theories. This similarity has far-reaching practical implications: except for purely international white collar crimes, many of which are of very recent origin, white collar crime theory can be applied in combating international crime occurring within national boundaries, the seriousness of which is evident from an examination of the relevant documents. The author advances a theory of international white collar crime and suggests that its increase necessitates the adoption of new theoretical horizons and new practical methods for dealing with this dangerous form of law-breaking which defies traditional notions of “crime” and “criminal”.  相似文献   
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