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陈如超 《现代法学》2012,34(1):176-185
1996年中国《刑事诉讼法》修改后确立的"抗辩式"庭审制度,因被告方庭前取证难、阅卷难,导致审判时举证、质证能力不足。在这种情况下,若仅仅强调法官的消极、形式中立,难以使被告认同最终判决。故有必要赋予法官庭审时对被告的客观照料义务,不仅履行其对被告的消极尊重,尚需实现其对被告的积极照料。且法官对被告适当的客观照料,并不会导致其中立地位的丧失,反而能实现积极与实质中立。其客观照料义务体现在对人证进行补充询问,引出有利被告的证据信息;依职权或申请调取有利被告的新证据;并在特殊条件下,庭外保全、调取、核实有利被告的证据,从而确保控辩双方庭审时的实质平等。  相似文献   
生效的仲裁协议是仲裁程序得以启动的前提。在商事实践中,由于合同当事方缺乏仲裁知识且对仲裁协议也没有足够的认识,他们签订的仲裁协议(条款)往往由于内容不够完善而成为有瑕疵的仲裁协议。本文拟从以下几个方面探讨商事仲裁中瑕疵仲裁协议的效力认定问题:首先对瑕疵仲裁协议进行概念界定:其次从合同效力角度探析瑕疵仲裁协议的法律效力;最后对瑕疵仲裁协议进行分类,并依据我国仲裁法认定其法律效力。  相似文献   
为提升司法改革的成效,一些地方法院革新观念,大胆尝试吸纳公众参与刑事司法审判过程.在取得实效的同时,也引发了法学理论界和实务界的争议。司法职业化是实现司法独立的有效保障,理所当然应当是刑事司法审判模式创新的主导方向。但司法职业化固有的一些弊端阻碍司法改革进程也不容忽视.社会公众对司法审判的有序参与则正好可以起到弥补作用。因此,有效改善公众参与机制,实现公众参与与司法职业化的协调发展,应当成为中国司法改革向纵深发展的一条新路径。  相似文献   
我国行政诉讼法律制度没有区别不同类型的行政行为,没有根据不同行政行为中的行政机关担负的不同职责而分别设定不同的合法性判断标准,“尽责即合法、未尽责即违法”的判断模式既不能适应审判实践活动的需要,亦与社会活动的复杂性和政府职能转变不相协调,现行的行政诉讼法律制度确有必要进一步修订完善。  相似文献   
现代法治社会中,法官充当着社会治理的重要角色,而实现良善的治理效果却是以"治理"法官为基础的.在现代社会对法官的治理主要是通过知识规训、体制规训、道德规训等多个层面来进行的,而我国传统家国式的治理模式,行政与司法合为一体,法官不仅没有获致应有的权威性,而且治理法官的机制也存在着诸多弊端.因此,当前我国应该通过多重规训机制的综合来逐渐调和司法职业化与生活化、法官精英化与法院官僚化之间的现实冲突.  相似文献   
Truants have been dealt with by state and school officials with heedlessness, suspension, expulsion, and placement under the power of the courts. One problem faced in decreasing truancy is its lack of a common definition. Statistics show high rates of truancy with kids who subsequently drop out of school and there is a strong correlation between drop-out and unemployment, welfare, low salary, and imprisonment. The juvenile justice system does not reach the root of the truant's individual problems or adequately attempt to solve or assist the child and family in its goal to develop constructive and autonomous individuals.
Mediation is an alternative to a punishment-oriented approach to truancy. Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party helps participants reach their own agreement for resolving a dispute. Mediation is adaptable to the many different causes of truancy and can provide multiple benefits to truants and their families. The Ohio Commission On Dispute Resolution & Conflict Management has the most accomplished and consistently progressing truancy mediation program in the nation.
Critics of mediation have scrutinized the process for not placing enough emphasis on mediation's major elements, such as premediation instruction, exploitation of the informality of the process, and a lack of funding, which may render mediation weak and inefficient. Maintaining and emphasizing particular elements will benefit jurisdictions in their utilization of the process.  相似文献   
葛岩 《行政与法》2004,(12):111-112
“一调一裁两审”是我国现行的劳动争议处理体制。随着经济体制改革的深入,特别是企业劳动制度改革的深入,在司法实践中,诸如:解决劳动争议的周期长、成本高,劳动争议委员会法律地位不明确,仲裁机构本身具有局限性,弱化了仲裁高效率的职能,损害了劳动仲裁的权威性,仲裁与审判之间缺乏协调等问题越显突出。实行“或裁或审,裁审分轨”“两裁终决”,完善“三方机制”,通过制定法律法规,建立劳动法院,实行“两审终审”制等措施建立并完善现行劳动争议处理体制,使之促进市场经济健康稳定发展,也与国际劳动争议体制相接轨。  相似文献   
The debate about corporate governance has brought to the front stage the notion of social interest or interest of the company itself as distinct of its stakeholders. French Law, judges, and CEOs use this notion with different meanings and intentions. The judges refer to it mainly to guarantee the continuity of the firm, especially when the latter faces economic difficulties; the CEOs refer to it to keep a free hand in managing the company. Shareholders see the notion as ambiguous and mostly used against their own interest. Shareholders and company interest do not merge. They differ on the industrial relations policy they induce and in the management freedom bestowed on CEOs. A reform of French Company Law currently under discussion seeks conciliation while trying to comply with the principles of corporate governance best practices.  相似文献   
论法官在困难案件中的角色   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在困难案件的处理中法官应扮演一种“保守主义型”的司法裁量者的角色。由于缺乏一种可靠的指导原则和方法,从而限制了法官在重大的法律问题上发挥积极的作用。“积极干涉型”的司法裁量者角色受到严格的制度限制,并将使法院陷入社会争议和冲突的漩涡,削弱其权威和地位,妨碍司法功能的正常发挥。  相似文献   
司法的公正关键在于司法的独立,而法官的独立又是司法独立的核心和本质要求。我国现阶段法官独立制度存在一些弊端,为此,我国司法体制改革应从以下几方面进一步完善,如:修改宪法为法官独立提供宪法依据;完善法官的保障制度;建立法官的现代遴选制度。  相似文献   
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