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新时代社会主要矛盾发生变化,是以人民为中心的发展思想对我国社会主要矛盾作出的新判断和新表述。财税法作为治国安邦之法,与共同富裕目标衔接紧密,是让改革发展成果更公平惠及全体人民的重要法律领域。财税法通过调整和规范政府间财政关系、政府预算和税收制度,回应和化解新时代社会主要矛盾,为加快建立现代财政制度提供道路支撑。新时代财税法思维包括三个方面:一是立足现代化建设和改革发展,提高政府治理能力、法治思维能力并依法拓展财源,建设现代化经济体系;二是渐进推动民主、促进民生福祉,满足人民美好生活需要,建构预算规范、财力协调和区域均衡的财税体制;三是实现分配正义,通过区域、产业和群体之间的财税制度设计和规则安排,促进发展更加平衡更加充分。借助财税法思维化解新时代社会主要矛盾有利于加快国家治理现代化和迈向全面小康的步伐。  相似文献   
The ability to obtain DNA profiles from trace biological evidence is routinely demonstrated with so-called ‘touch DNA evidence’, which is generally perceived to be the result of DNA obtained from shed skin cells transferred from a donor's hands to an object or person during direct physical contact. Current methods for the recovery of trace DNA employ swabs or adhesive tape to sample an area of interest. While of practical utility, such ‘blind-swabbing’ approaches will necessarily co-sample cellular material from the different individuals whose cells are present on the item, even though the individuals' cells are principally located in topographically dispersed, but distinct, locations on the item. Thus the act of swabbing itself artifactually creates some of the DNA mixtures encountered in touch DNA samples. In some instances involving transient contact between an assailant and victim, the victim's DNA may be found in such significant excess as to preclude the detection and typing of the perpetrator's DNA. In order to circumvent the challenges with standard recovery and analysis methods for touch DNA evidence, we reported previously the development of a ‘smart analysis’ single cell recovery and DNA analysis method that results in enhanced genetic analysis of touch DNA evidence. Here we use the smart single cell analysis method to recover probative single source profiles from individual and agglomerated cells from various touched objects and clothing items belonging to known donors. We then use the same approach for the detection of single source male donor DNA in simulated physical contact/assault mixture samples (i.e. male ‘assailant’ grabbing the wrist, neck or clothing from the female ‘victim’, or being in transient contact with bedding from the ‘victim’). DNA profiles attributable to the male or female known donors were obtained from 31% and 35% of the single and agglomerated bio-particles (putative cells) tested. The known male donor ‘assailant’ DNA profile was identified in the cell sampling from every mixture type tested. The results of this work demonstrate the efficacy of an alternative strategy to recover single source perpetrator DNA profiles in physical contact/assault cases involving trace perpetrator/victim cellular admixtures.  相似文献   
This article describes a New Zealand forensic agency's contextual information management protocol for bloodstain pattern evidence examined in the laboratory. In an effort to create a protocol that would have minimal impact on current work-flow, while still effectively removing task-irrelevant contextual information, the protocol was designed following an in-depth consultation with management and forensic staff. The resulting design was for a protocol of independent-checking (i.e. blind peer-review) where the checker's interpretation of the evidence is conducted in the absence of case information and the original examiner's notes or interpretation(s). At the conclusion of a ten-case trial period, there was widespread agreement that the protocol had minimal impact on the number of people required, the cost, or the time to complete an item examination. The agency is now looking to adopt the protocol into standard operating procedures and in some cases the protocol has been extended to cover other laboratory-based examinations (e.g. fabric damage, shoeprint examination, and physical fits). The protocol developed during this trial provides a useful example for agencies seeking to adopt contextual information management into their workflow.  相似文献   
Is bias in responsiveness to constituents conditional on the policy preferences of elected officials? The scholarly conventional wisdom is that constituency groups who do not receive policy representation still obtain some level of responsiveness by legislators outside of the policy realm. In contrast, we present a theory of preference‐induced responsiveness bias where constituency responsiveness by legislators is associated with legislator policy preferences. Elected officials who favor laws that could disproportionately impact minority groups are also less likely to engage in nonpolicy responsiveness to minority groups. We conducted a field experiment in 28 US legislative chambers. Legislators were randomly assigned to receive messages from Latino and white constituents. If legislators supported voter identification laws, Latino constituents were less likely to receive constituency communications from their legislators. There are significant implications regarding fairness in the democratic process when elected officials fail to represent disadvantaged constituency groups in both policy and nonpolicy realms.  相似文献   
目的建立30个中低突变Y-STR基因座的复合扩增体系,并对其性能进行评估。方法采用六色荧光标记技术,选择30个中低突变率、中高多态性的Y-STR基因座自行设计引物,进行复合扩增和毛细管电泳检测。检测该体系的准确性、特异性、灵敏度和耐受性,并观察其在混合检材的分型情况。结果采用本体系,分型结果准确稳定、特异性好、耐受性强,灵敏度达0.0625ng,混合检材在1:4的比例下,可获准确分型。结论本研究建立的30个Y-STR基因座的复合扩增体系分型结果良好,对于中国人群的法医Y-STR数据库建设和群体遗传学研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The legal science of the People’s Republic of China has experienced the stages of formation, reinstating and innovation over the past 60 years. Today, the legal field is flourishing. While the construction of different branches of law has been accomplished, there is still a long way to go in realizing democracy and rule of law in China. Jurists need to develop a heightened awareness of their social responsibility and the urgency with which to adapt the development of law to Chinese societies. Only under these circumstances can we effectively promote democracy and rule of law in China.  相似文献   
藏传佛教作为外来文化传入藏区已有1300年的历史.自公元七世纪中叶至今,藏族几乎全民信仰藏传佛教.当今在经济全球化、政治多极化、文化多元化的世界格局中,如何使藏族的宗教信仰与社会主义社会发展不相矛盾,如何使各领域发展相对滞后的藏族首先在思想观念上尽快完成现代转换的任务,这是我们当今理论工作者研究的一大课题.  相似文献   
检验目击证人对犯罪嫌疑人面孔记忆的正确性是一项困难的工作。在证人面孔记忆的语义提取过程中,严格遵守完形原则,尽量减少影响证人记忆和再认的因素,把握细节,可以提高目击证人心理面孔重建的质量。认知脑电位检测法可以通过对记忆反应的脑电图成分、潜伏期、波幅等指标的测量,有效判断证人对列队辨认中的面孔是否存有记忆。本文对脑电位检测在目击证人心理面孔重建中的研究和应用进行综述,希望能为相关研究和实践提供参考。  相似文献   
加强物证保管工作,是推进执法规范化建设的迫切需要,是适应法制建设的迫切需要,是提高我国公安机关执法办案质量的迫切需求。本文针对当前国内刑事科学技术工作中物证保管存在的问题,研究并建立了智能型物证管理系统,对加强新时期刑事科学技术工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Previous research has provided support for the impact of juror pre-trial bias on judicial decision making, particularly in cases where the evidence presented at trial is of weak or ambiguous probative value. In an effort to identify whether a pre-trial bias for forensic evidence exists, the Forensic Evidence Evaluation Bias Scale (FEEBS) was developed and tested. The results of a principal components analysis suggested that two distinct constructs were being measured, corresponding to a pro-prosecution and pro-defence bias toward forensic evidence. In a second validation study, scores on these two subscales were compared with other existing juror bias measures (Juror Bias Scale and Belief in a Just World) and in a mock juror decision making task only the pro-prosecution subscale of the FEEBS predicted the perceived strength of forensic evidence. A partial mediation model is presented which explains the relationship between this bias and verdict preferences. The implications of this potential juror bias are discussed in the context of real juries, the CSI Effect (which refers to anecdotal claims that jurors are biased by the popularity of fictional representations of forensic science on television) and peremptory challenges, as well as future research directions.  相似文献   
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