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安徽农村正处于社会变革时期,存在许多爆发公共危机的隐患。在公共治理理念的视角下,以安徽为例,从治理主体、治理进程和治理内容三个方面深入系统地分析了农村公共危机治理机制的构建,通过预警、应急、责任和激励等系列机制的理论阐述,力图为动员全社会的力量消弭和化解农村公共危机在我国农村所造成的影响提供借鉴和指导。  相似文献   
根据我国刑法对商业秘密的定义,商业秘密具有秘密性、经济性、实用性、管理性等特点.应删去其中有关实用性的表述,实现与TRIPS协议对商业秘密定义的对接.商业秘密的重要性及侵犯商业秘密犯罪形势的严峻性决定了对其刑事保护的必然性.信息时代商业秘密犯罪治理存在诸多现实困境,理应从这些困境出发,完善相关法律规定与制度,建构信息时...  相似文献   
目前我国內地慈善组织监管错位、监管缺位、监管模式扭曲、监管法治化程度较低等弊端暴露明显,严重挫伤了公民的慈善热情和慈善信心。香港地区的慈善组织法治监管机制在保持慈善界独立自主的同时,确保其受到高效、公平、适度的监管。內地慈善监管问题的解决,可尝试借鉴香港经验,降低监管门槛,设立权威的专门监管机构,明确监管重点,建立科学的监管模式,强化行业自律,完善立法,提高监管的法治化程度,重塑慈善组织的公信力。  相似文献   
青年发展是社会发展的重要面向,志愿服务是公民社会健康状况的晴雨表。青年志愿服务从培养公民意识、促进公共参与、提升人际关系能力与职业适应性、促进就业以及预防反社会行为等方面有力地促进了青年发展。因此,政府应通过完善志愿服务立法,扶持和培育志愿组织,引入服务学习课程以及鼓励家庭志愿服务等措施推展青年志愿服务,促进青年发展。  相似文献   
This article explores residency, a form of municipal membership that plays a strategic role in Italy. Residency is a formal status and a means to have access to rights. Therefore, it is a sort of local citizenship that, at least in part, equalises citizens and non-citizens. Due to its strategic role, many local authorities have paid serious attention to it recently. Municipalities have illegally tightened the requirements provided for by national laws for obtaining the status of resident or introduced new requirements. Stressing the different mechanisms of exclusion from residency, this article explains that they often work as administrative borders. These are bureaucratic barriers that, by denying residency, aspire to regulate, symbolically and sometimes materially, the composition of the people living within municipal territories and to redistribute rights between ‘deserving’ and ‘undeserving’ individuals. As such, administrative borders fragment individual statuses and provoke an increase in civic stratification.  相似文献   
This article investigates the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union (EU). This examination considers how the EU has provided greater protective employment rights for workers, through provisions in the Treaty and various Directives, than had been achieved through the UK’s own legislative programme. However, these rights are often inaccessible due to governmental intransigence and a lack of awareness by workers of many employment rights. An empirical study was conducted from the perspective of workers and their not-for-profit advisers to consider the consequences of these barriers and to offer potential solutions to the problems.Dr. James Marson is Senior Lecturer in Law, Faculty of Development and Society, Sheffield Hallam University, City Campus, Howard St., Sheffield S1 1WB, UK.  相似文献   
Traffic norms violations are the most common form of law breaking. Our aim was to investigate a factor that might contribute to the massive disobedience to traffic laws, namely drivers’ use of self-legitimization strategies that allow them to transgress them without paying the psychological costs that would follow, such as regret or shame. Using the framework of the self-exoneration mechanisms described by the Social Cognitive Theory, we developed a measure assessing drivers’ strategies of justification of their traffic violations. Across two studies, we tested the psychometric proprieties of the Justifications of Traffic Violations scale (JTVs), its factorial structure, and its construct, external and incremental validity. Results showed that drivers self-exonerate when transgressing traffic laws predominantly through four strategies (Minimizing risks, Displacement of responsibility, Personal needs and Outcome – based justification) that are addressed by the JTVs and that construe one’s refraining from committing deviant driving behaviours as unnecessary, impossible or undesirable. The JTVs and each of its four specific cognitive mechanisms were found to be positively related to the most maladaptive driving styles, as well as to self-reported traffic offences and accidents, suggesting that these self-exonerating strategies favour the instilment and maintenance of habitual deviant behaviours on the road.  相似文献   
在教育改革的进程中,教师教育评价体系尚未呈现出应有的规模化.职业教育评价应以高职教育目标为导向,提升高校对人优秀品格塑造之教育理念,以并非所有的教育活动都适宜评价为逻辑前提构建现代职业教育教师评价体系.突出奖励,不放弃惩罚,将有利于引导与鼓励教师,通过建立教师自我评价机制有助于最大限度地发挥教师的主观能动性.此外,区分原则与多元主体参与评价等原则的提出,对解决现今评价体系中存在的问题,都前景乐观.  相似文献   
十八届三中全会后,新一轮司法体制改革正在积极酝酿。《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》提出了司法区与行政区适度分离的司法体制改革设想,司法区与行政区适度分离的体制与机制问题的设计与探讨成为迫在眉睫需要予以关注的时代课题。本文在对司法区与行政区之间关系进行实证考察的基础上,深入阐述了司法区与行政区适度分离的意义和价值,尝试性地对司法区与行政区适度分离的体制和支撑机制进行建构,并提出了在推进司法区与行政区适度分离的司法体制改革中应当坚持的基本原则。  相似文献   
建立环境检察预防性机制应以法治原则、能动性原则、谦抑性原则为基本原则,重点突出检察机关在环境检察预防机制中的主体机能,构建事前预防和事后救济一体化的二元机制。一方面,需要对环境检察有关的法律法规进行规范管理,明确具体内容,从立法角度确定环境检察预防性机制的适用对象;另一方面,构建检察机关与其他部门的合作机制,包括与企业等非权力部门的合作机制,亦包括与海洋、渔政、农林、公安等行政机关的合作机制。  相似文献   
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