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Research on childhood sexual abuse has often examined, in isolation of one another, such highly correlated risk factors as parental substance abuse, domestic violence, and pathological family functioning. Investigating comorbid antecedents separately does not allow accurate specification of the predictors of abuse. Moreover, sexual trauma research has tended to neglect parental sociopathy as a risk factor. Given the limitations of past research, the present study examined the relationships among parental sociopathy, parental substance use, marital violence, poor family functioning, and childhood sexual abuse. We administered a battery of questionnaires to a nonclinical sample of 130 college women and replicated previous findings by showing that parental substance use predicted sexual abuse when examined in isolation. However, when parental sociopathy and the other risk factors were included in a regression model, parental sociopathy was the only significant predictor. Mother's and father's sociopathy predicted sexual abuse independently and when combined.  相似文献   
"理一而分殊"是中国传统哲学重要命题,本文首先论述了此一命题作为一个阐明儒家仁义说反对墨家兼爱说的伦理命题的原始境遇,此一命题所经历的最先的富有生命气息的历史搅动;其次论述了此一命题从伦理命题发展成为一个形而上学哲学命题的思路历程,异质文化(佛教)的吸收所起的重大的推进作用;再次论述了此一普遍哲学命题在具体应用中所出现的方法论争论;最后论述了此一命题的意义扩充和历史发展所展示的中国传统哲学的本质和发展规律.作者指出中国传统哲学的本质不同于西方哲学重认识求知识,它着重于讲德行重实践,因而中国传统哲学命题的原始意蕴往往肇始于伦理实践领域,正因为此,中国传统哲学的发展往往因缺乏纯理性化和形而上学化的内在张力而需要外来哲学的冲击.按照作者的观点,中西文化交流是中国哲学现代化的必要条件,同时"理一而分殊"的理论模式对未来世界哲学的发展也具有一定的认识意义.  相似文献   
Forensic biomechanics gradually has become a significant component of forensic science. Forensic biomechanics is evidence-based science that applies biomechanical principles and methods to forensic practice, which has constituted one of the most potential research areas. In this review, we introduce how finite element techniques can be used to simulate forensic cases, how injury criteria and injury scales can be used to describe injury severity, and how tests of postmortem human subjects and dummy can be used to provide essential validation data. This review also describes research progress and new applications of forensic biomechanics in China.

Key points

  • The review shows the main research progress and new applications of forensic biomechanics in China.
  • The review introduces eight cases about the application of forensic biomechanics, including the multiple rigid body reconstruction, the finite element applications, study of mechanical properties, traffic crash reconstruction based on multiple techniques and analysis of morphomechanical mechanism about blood dispersal.
  • Though forensic biomechanics has a great advantage for the evaluation of injury mechanisms, it still has some uncertainties owing to the uniqueness of the human anatomy, the complexity of biological materials, and the uncertainty of injury-causing circumstances.
多手段并用型"套路贷"犯罪是一种以非法占有被害人财产为主导、采用多种违法犯罪手段逐步实施、实现侵财目的的犯罪,其侵犯的法益应表述为"必要法益+选择法益"。其中,侵犯财产权的必要法益具有构成"套路贷"犯罪与否的定性功能;侵犯"经济、社会生活秩序"的选择法益是在行为符合"为非作恶,欺压百姓"标准的基础上判断"套路贷"犯罪主体是否恶势力的重要因素。对于多手段并用型"套路贷"犯罪的数罪处断,应将法益标准与数罪关系结合起来考虑,即首先应根据"套路贷"犯罪侵犯的必要法益对个罪进行分类,然后再考虑个罪之间的数罪关系确定处断规则,从而作出择一重罪处断或数罪并罚的选择。  相似文献   
公司法人代表与人格化了的公司相伴而生,其对外代表公司法人的相关理论包括代理说和机构说,并因法人拟制说与实在说的对峙而纷争不止。公司法人代表制作为公司法人治理结构的一项重要制度安排而为各国所重视,并由法律设定为一元制、多元制和折衷制等不同形式。我国采用一元制的法定代表人制,尽管合乎历史规律但却不符当今现实。在法人本质理论上采取拟制说,将私法自治引入《公司法》,采多元制的法人代表制,明确代表权只是对外代表法人进行活动的身份资格而非公司事务的执行权,不失我国目前公司法人治理结构的一种良性尝试。  相似文献   
既往国外文献报道用ART推算PTT,但结果差异较大。选择正常听力和感音神经性聋的400例大样本,将全部有关数据用Foxbase数据软件建立相应数据库,再运用SPSS数据分析软件包中多元逐步分析程序,建立了用纯音ART和WNART推算PTT的数学模型。经配合适度和偏回归系数等显著检验(P<0.00001),且新建方程的准确率和可信性较过去方法为好。年龄、轻度中耳阻抗异常对推算准确性无显著影响。作者认为,新建数学模型可作为法医听力学评定中常规方法。  相似文献   
权力向社会的分化成为不可逆转的趋势,传统的权力制约机制在现代化社会中逐渐暴露其缺陷,因此,强调建立公民社会,以多元社会力量制衡公共权力已经成为人们新的选择路径。  相似文献   
胡照青 《中国发展》2007,7(4):41-46
世界各国对金融机构业务范围的制度设计不尽一致,大体可概括为“分业经营”与“混业经营”。该文以银行业为例,通过对几个发达国家银行业实行混业经营制度的介绍,揭示了采用“混业经营”是当前金融监管的发展趋势。中国加入WTO之后,正逐步从“分业经营”向“混业经营”过渡,目前,中国不仅在立法上逐步肯定了混业经营在一定范围内存在的合法性,而且还在实践操作中通过有针对性地选择试点,逐步实现向混业经营的转变。  相似文献   
公安传播是一门新兴的学科,它的面世拓展了传播学的研究领域。分析《公安传播》在与公安新闻、警察形象、公安舆情引导、公共安全事件、公安典型宣传等多向度的对接与审视中彰显的学术特色和价值,特别是其中的三个亮点:公安传播的平民化视角、警方立场和文化纬度等,对于公安传播实践具有很大的指导意义和参考价值。著者具有多方面的学术渊源,论著体现于严谨的科学精神。  相似文献   
Young people in Egypt want to work in the public sector, even if they get less pay there than at the private sector. This article seeks to explain the attractiveness of public-sector jobs to this group, embedding this experience within the literature and theorization on public service motivation (PSM) and discussing its relevance. Issues of trust, respect, and social status are reflected in the discourse of interviewed youth about this job preference. A generation-held and culturally-ingrained appreciation among the educated to work in the public sector also contributes to this sector preference. Qualitative and quantitative data also show that extrinsic benefits of job security and stability are also pivotal to this preference. The analysis in the article suggests a holistic reading of motivational factors to join the public sector in contexts of job scarcity and labor surplus.  相似文献   
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