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By looking at the autoplay videos posted and shared on Hillary Clinton’s Facebook account during the 2015 Facebook. 2015. “The Value of Video for Brands.” Webpage Accessed 28 April 2017. https://www.facebook.com/business/news/value-of-video [Google Scholar]/2016 Clinton, H. 2016. “A Special Moment during a Meeting with the Union of Peasants. Yes You Can! Watch the Video. Facebook Status Update.” Retrieved 20 November 2016. https://www.facebook.com/hillaryclinton/posts/1090969694292892 [Google Scholar] primary election season, this article offers much needed insight into the communication aspect of campaign targeting. Using data analysis extracted from the leading social media platform, the article examines what groups of Hispanic Facebook users were attracted to Clinton’s targeted autoplay videos, what elements within these videos best enticed these people into liking the videos, and if the Clinton campaign appeared to learn what types of autoplay videos were most effective over the course of the primary season.  相似文献   
奥巴马上任以来,美国和澳大利亚双边安全关系出现了新进展:两国安全合作的战略地位提升,技术层面的合作不断加深,安全政策的协调更加密切,澳大利亚在地区安全秩序上进一步偏向美国。但这种新发展也有一定的战略限度,即避免过度激怒中国。由于密切的中澳经济关系、中澳两国间不存在直接的领土冲突以及相对中立更有利于澳大利亚的地区影响力,澳美安全合作短期内存在这样的战略限度。此外,美国国内政治和外交政策走向的不确定性以及澳大利亚和其他亚太国家关系的发展变化,也是影响澳美安全合作战略限度的因素。两国中长期的安全关系总的来说会朝着更加密切、重要和一体化的方向发展,但这一态势最终取决于地区力量结构以及中美澳三边关系的变化,原因在于,美澳两国之间的安全合作没有太大的现实障碍,并有相当的动力继续加强安全上的合作。同时,随着澳大利亚与《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》成员的经贸依赖关系的加深,对中国经济依赖度的降低可能成为一个影响澳大利亚外交政策选择的长期重要因素。  相似文献   
The past decade has seen a frontier open up in international development engagement with the entrance of new actors such as celebrity-led organisations. We explore how such organisations earn legitimacy with a focus on Madonna’s Raising Malawi and Ben Affleck’s Eastern Congo Initiative. The study draws from organisational materials, interviews, mainstream news coverage, and the texts of the celebrities themselves to investigate the construction of authenticity, credibility, and accountability. We find these organisations earn legitimacy and flourish rapidly amid supportive elite networks for funding, endorsements, and expertise. We argue that the ways in which celebrity-led organisations establish themselves as legitimate development actors illustrate broader dynamics of the machinery of development.  相似文献   
This research examines local authority involvement in education as a function of local policymakers’ perceptions of education as a public service – namely, whether public education is for the benefit of society as a whole, or for individual students and parents. Perceptions of education and involvement in education were assessed through 107 questionnaires returned by mayors and heads of local education departments in Israel. The results show that (1) local policymakers tend to perceive public education as a general public service, and (2) the relationship between this perception and involvement in education varies with the locality’s centre-periphery status. In peripheral localities, perceiving education as a general public service and an understanding of ‘society’ as the local community leads to greater involvement in education. In central localities, involvement rose with a more individualised perception. Implications of the findings are discussed in line with viewing education in the spirit of new localism.  相似文献   
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凌经球 《桂海论丛》2007,23(2):42-45
改革开放以来,中国的农村扶贫工作经历了体制改革推动扶贫、大规模扶贫开发、“八七”扶贫攻坚和新“农村扶贫开发纲要”实施等四个阶段,虽然扶贫工作取得巨大的成就,但是当前农村反贫困的任务仍然十分艰巨。面临的主要问题是扶贫效益递减、农村中贫困人口的收入差距拉大以及贫困人口脱贫后返贫。解决这些问题的关键在于实施“以人为本”的可持续脱贫战略。可持续脱贫战略具有综合性、长期性、动态性和整体性等基本特征。  相似文献   
薛小平 《理论建设》2021,37(1):59-66
建构党的政治建设话语是现实的且必要的。新时代建构党的政治建设话语的重大意义在于:是加强和推进党的政治建设的现实之需,是加快构建党的建设话语体系的应有之义,是开拓马克思主义党建理论新境界的当然之要,是彰显中国特色社会主义政治优势的有效之音。新时代建构党的政治建设话语需要切实遵循主体性与在场性相统一的身份原则、现实性与理论性相统一的生成原则、导向性与价值性相统一的功能原则、对话性与批判性相统一的开放原则。新时代建构党的政治建设话语需要明确把握是“我”在说话、用“事实”说话、为“人民”说话、与“外界”对话的总体思路。  相似文献   
新媒体的迅速发展使党的执政环境发生了深刻变化,党的各级领导干部如何科学而理性地面对新媒体,充分利用信息科学技术,推动执政党与社会公众的交往与互动,是加强党的执政能力建设的重要课题。  相似文献   
The relative merits of rational choice and behavioral approaches to the study of negotiation continue to be hotly debated. This article tests qualitative postdictions (assertions or deductions about something in the past) from these paradigms as well as the alternative approach of new institutional theory against the extensive record of negotiation process, contractual form, and contract implementation from the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. I find the incomplete relational form of the peace treaty to be consistent with the behavioral and new institutional concepts and find that only behavioral theory can explain how unilateral German moves unraveled the treaty during the 1930s. But the historical record further reveals that the close fit between the behavioral paradigm and these events is more than coincidence. I also discuss the role of conference participants, particularly John Maynard Keynes and Walter Lippmann, in establishing the basis for modern behavioral science. The behavioral paradigm emerged from efforts to understand and fix serious policy mistakes such as those made in the peace negotiations. The study of human error was intended to serve as the basis for broad‐based organizational solutions. Finally, I discuss the impact of “the Munich stereotype” on such recent events as the planning for the American invasion and reconstruction of Iraq; such examples suggest continued imperfections in the system of organized intelligence that has actually evolved in the United States.  相似文献   
进入21世纪以来,马来西亚知识产权制度在立法、执法与司法领域都出现了一些新的发展。从立法上来看,主要体现在加入国际条约、完善国内立法等方面;在执法上,成立了马来西亚知识产权公司,发布了国家知识产权新政策,同时加大打击盗版的力度;司法方面,成立专门的知识产权法院,同时在版权、专利权、商标权与外观设计亦出现了新的判例。  相似文献   
魏丽华 《中国发展》2010,10(5):72-75
该文深入探析了"积分制入户"的特点及其带来的借鉴,并提出该模式对于加快推进新生代农民工更好地融入城镇发展,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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