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公安院校更新、更快的发展现状对学生管理工作提出了新的要求,对学生管理队伍提出了更高的标准,今后的工作只有在继承的基础上不断创新,才能培养出符合时代发展、顺应时代潮流的合格的人民警察。  相似文献   
web2.0时代的到来使新媒体"泛传播"的特征愈发明显,新的媒介技术使大众深度参与网络并成为互动主体。无边界的公共空间和自媒体的出现为网民提供了更广阔的言论空间,与此同时大量侵权现象的产生也对新媒体空间的有效规制提出了挑战,"泛传播"更应意味着"泛责任"。在新环境下,对于名誉权和隐私权的法律保护亦应适应这种变化,有效维护新媒介技术的充分利用和人格权保护的平衡。  相似文献   
The reforms made to the civil service during the premierships of Margaret Thatcher and John Major were unparalleled in scope in peacetime. Undertaken in the name of efficiency and better management, they served to Balkanise the service, shrink the number of civil servants, subordinate them to the will of ministers, and effectively privatise a swathe of public services. Their legacy, however, was a relatively weak centre struggling to cope with a fragmented and extremely complex governmental machine, an overly managerialist senior civil service sometimes side‐lined from policy making, and a system lacking slack as a consequence of the quest for ‘efficiency’ and dependent on private contractors of sometimes dubious worth. Over the past five years that legacy left the country poorly placed to triumph over the challenges of Brexit and then of Covid‐19.  相似文献   
Regulatory studies assume that citizens can act as regulators to complement or correct failing state and market forms of regulation. Yet, there is a growing literature that shows that in reality citizens may fail to be effective regulators. This paper systematically analyses how power inequalities obstruct citizens in their regulatory roles. It compares four case studies with highly different social and political contexts but with similar outcomes of citizens failing to regulate risk. The case studies are analyzed by operationalizing sociological and political science ideas about manifestations of enabling and controlling forms of power in order to understand the way power inequalities obstruct citizens in their regulatory roles across diverse contexts. The article shows how citizens, from farmers and manual workers in both authoritarian developing and democratic developed contexts to even highly trained medical professionals from the US, have limited agency and are disempowered to act as regulators. Our analysis reveals that five patterns of disempowerment play a crucial role in obstructing successful society-based regulation: (i) dependency, (ii) capacity, (iii) social hierarchy, (iv) discursive framing, and (v) perverse effects of legal rights.  相似文献   
本文从新世纪新常态下的统一战线与过去历次统一战线不同之处入手,分析叙述其关涉性、动力性等特点,进而以创新为主线,叙述其建设须进行的创新的主要内容。对关系、社风、队伍、理论、对象质、海峡两岸互动等一系列统战构成进行创新方面的论述,提出新世纪新阶段统一战线应为中华民族发展统一战线的主张。  相似文献   

This paper examines why the support of independent local parties has grown substantially in the Netherlands. These are parties that run in municipal council elections, but do not run in elections at higher levels, specifically the national level. Such parties saw their support double in the Netherlands between 1986 and 2010. Parties of this type have also grown in other Western European states. This paper examines two possible explanations: declining political trust on the level of voters and, on the supply side, the rise of parties that are not rooted at the local level. The evidence shows that the rise of independent local parties reflects the rise of national political parties that do not run in many municipal elections. This article examines the case of the Netherlands, pooling five surveys from the 1986–2010 period.  相似文献   
新媒体时代的到来使当前青年德育工作出现了一系列新情况和新问题,同时新媒体技术和环境也给青年德育工作带来了新的机遇。文章主要从新媒体相对于传统媒体的传播特征与优势入手,分析当前青年德育工作面临的环境复杂化,模式和手段多样化、快捷化,内容海量化、快餐化,价值判断标准的多元化等种种机遇与挑战。  相似文献   
毛泽东新民主主义的文化理论与其政治理论具有密切联系。它的提出既是毛泽东主张新文化建设和实践文化革命的结果,也是出于反对国民党文化专制斗争的现实需要。新民主主义文化理论的内容丰富,阐明了对共产主义思想体系与社会制度的宣传与新民主主义的行动纲领的实践区别,社会主义新文化的重要作用;阐明了如何批判继承历史文化遗产、吸取中外文化以丰富民族的、科学的、大众的文化,以及知识分子在文化建设中的重要作用和结成文化统一战线的重要意义等。  相似文献   
中国制造的转型升级离不开一支高素质的产业工人队伍。改革开放以来,我国产业工人队伍伴随着经济社会的深刻变革而发展壮大,从业结构日趋多元,产业工人队伍素质提升面临诸多挑战,高素质技能人才比例不高的现实也客观制约了我国工业强国战略的实施。从世界工业强国成熟的发展经验来看,职业教育培训是培育高素质产业工人的制度路径。我国应充分借鉴这些有益经验,深化职业教育培训体制机制改革,加大资源投入,创新教育培训机制,提升产业工人队伍素质,进而为建设工业强国提供强有力支撑。  相似文献   
2016年以来,因朝鲜第四次核试验及美韩宣布在韩国部署"萨德"反导系统,东北亚固有的安全困境更加突出,并引起相关国家及国际社会的进一步密切关注。就当前而论,东北亚安全困境具体表现为朝鲜在进行第四次核试验后,其核武器开发继续"跃马扬鞭";美韩以朝核威胁为由加强驻韩美军实力,包括不顾中俄强烈反对,决意在韩部署"萨德"反导系统;日本在进一步倚美的同时,趁势拉拢韩国,强化对华敌视政策,致使中日关系频现紧张;美国一方面以应对朝核威胁为由而加强其在东北亚的军事力量和"前沿部署",另一方面又极力拉紧美日韩同盟,其在东北亚遏制中俄的态势更趋明朗。东北亚安全局势持续紧张的深层次原因:一是由于东北亚国家间存在复杂的领土领海及历史纠葛,二是朝鲜半岛南北长期对立,三是日本在历史认知及其与东北亚邻国领土领海分歧等问题上长期采取顽固立场,四是美国搞"亚太再平衡",利用东北亚国家间的固有矛盾从中渔利,企图通过对华进行"局部遏制"而长期维持其在东北亚的同盟体系及霸权。未来东北亚安全困境是继续加深、激化还是逐步淡化,取决于上述深层次原因的演变方向。  相似文献   
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