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The compliance of audited bodies to the recommendations published by the State Comptroller is very important while evaluating the effectiveness of the state audit process. To measure the effectiveness of the State Comptroller's audit the rate of deficiencies' rectification has been taken into account. Audit frequency is defined as the number of audits in audited bodies in a given period. The effectiveness of the State Comptroller's audit carried out in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) characterized by a rigid hierarchy was compared with that of the State Comptroller's audit carried out in the Ministry of Defense (MOD) characterized by a less rigid hierarchy.  相似文献   
During the past few decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of regional partnerships in the United States to enhance economic development across local government jurisdictions. This trend has been mirrored by an increase in regional organizations in Europe, Asia and South America to enhance economic development, usually across national boundaries. While the literature has examined the formation, structure and activities of regional partnerships for economic development in the United States, this is the first study that attempts to measure their effectiveness across a large number of geographical areas using quantitative methods. The findings provide some evidence of their effectiveness in that there is a positive and significant relationship between regional partnerships and employment; the relationship between regional partnerships and income is positive but insignificant. This study may be informative in the further study of regional economic development organizations in other countries as well as regional partnerships and organizations in other policy arenas.  相似文献   

This article argues that effectiveness and legitimacy are two inseparable issues for the success of economic governance systems. Moving beyond the conventional market failure and state failure approaches, the article develops the notion of network governance success, a notion that looks at the formal and informal dimensions of interactions in economic systems. This is further developed into an analytical framework which is then used in the assessment of the structural features of the current European patent system, one of the most advanced, complex, and contested economic systems in Europe. The conclusions elaborate on the normative implications regarding the current weaknesses of the European patent system, and examine the general theoretical implications of the findings, particularly looking at the effectiveness and legitimacy of technically complex governance systems.  相似文献   
The importance of livestock as a pathway out of poverty is widely recognised, but the effectiveness of pro-poor livestock development projects has been questioned. This study examines a sample of livestock development projects to draw lessons about their effectiveness and identify best practice. A large proportion of projects (60 per cent) were categorised as having not been successful. Project success is found to be positively associated with size of project, diversity of direct project beneficiaries, institution development activities in projects, and effective monitoring and evaluation activities. Lack of reliability of government partners, and inclusion of other agricultural activities together with livestock activities in projects, undermine success.

Résultats en matière de développement pro-pauvres des projets basés sur l’élevage : analyse et enseignements tirés de la documentation de projets

L'importance de l’élevage comme moyen d’échapper à la pauvreté est largement reconnu, mais l'efficacité des projets de développement pro-pauvres basés sur l’élevage a été mise en cause. Cette étude examine un échantillon de projets de développement basés sur l’élevage pour en tirer des enseignements concernant leur efficacité et identifier les meilleures pratiques. Un considérable pourcentage des projets (60 pour cent) ont été catégorisés comme n'ayant pas réussi. Le succès des projets se révèle être positivement associé à la taille du projet, à la diversité des bénéficiaires directs du projet, aux activités de développement des institutions dans le cadre des projets, et à des activités efficaces de suivi et d’évaluation. Le manque de fiabilité des partenaires gouvernementaux et l'inclusion d'autres activités agricoles dans les activités d’élevage dans le cadre des projets ont aussi une incidence négative sur le succès.

Desempeño de los proyectos de desarrollo ganadero en pro de los pobres: análisis y aprendizajes a partir de la documentación de los proyectos

Es ampliamente reconocida la importancia que tiene el ganado como un medio para salir de la pobreza. Sin embargo, se ha cuestionado la efectividad de algunos proyectos de desarrollo ganadero en pro de los pobres. El presente estudio examina una muestra de proyectos de desarrollo ganadero, con el fin de obtener aprendizajes sobre su efectividad y de identificar las mejores prácticas. Un elevado porcentaje (60%) de los proyectos fue clasificado como no exitoso. Se encontró que el éxito del proyecto se asocia positivamente a su tamaño, a la diversidad de los beneficiarios directos, a las actividades de desarrollo llevadas a cabo por las instituciones participantes en el proyecto, así como a actividades de monitoreo y de evaluación efectivas. El éxito de los proyectos se ve disminuido por la falta de formalidad de las contrapartes gubernamentales y por la incorporación de otras actividades agrícolas en los proyectos ganaderos.

Desempenho de projetos sobre gado pra o desenvolvimento dos pobres: análise e lições extraídas da documentação de projetos

A importância da criação de gado como um caminho para sair da pobreza é altamente reconhecida, mas a efetividade de projetos sobre a criação de gado para o desenvolvimento de pessoas pobres tem sido questionada. Este estudo examina uma amostra de projetos sobre criação de gado para o desenvolvimento visando extrair lições sobre sua efetividade e identificar as melhores práticas. Uma grande proporção dos projetos (60 por cento) foi classificada como não tendo sido bem-sucedida. Constatou-se que o sucesso do projeto está positivamente associado ao seu tamanho, diversidade dos seus beneficiários diretos, atividades de desenvolvimento institucional nos projetos e monitoramento efetivo e atividades de avaliação. A falta de confiança de parceiros do governo e a inclusão de outras atividades agrícolas, juntamente com as atividades de criação de gado nos projetos, impossibilitam o seu sucesso.  相似文献   

Learning is a critical component of organisational effectiveness, particularly in the complex world of development NGOs. Drawing from the literature on organisational learning, this article highlights the key dynamics of a strong learning organisation and proposes an integrated ‘leverage-learning’ model adapted to the NGO context. This model integrates learning domains that are critical for greater effectiveness, or leverage. The model is then applied to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning culture and commitment of a specific development NGO, World Vision Burundi. The model shows promise as an heuristic tool to evaluate NGOs and help them become more effective in aid delivery.

Amélioration de l'apprentissage pour parvenir à une efficacité accrue dans les ONG de développement

L'apprentissage est un élément crucial de l'efficacité organisationnelle, en particulier dans le monde complexe des ONG de développement. En s'inspirant des écrits portant sur l'apprentissage organisationnel, cet article met en relief la dynamique clé d'une organisation apprenante robuste et propose un modèle intégré d'« apprentissage par effet de levier » adapté au contexte des ONG. Ce modèle intègre les domaines d'apprentissage qui sont cruciaux pour une efficacité accrue, ou pour parvenir à l'effet de levier. Ce modèle est ensuite appliqué pour évaluer l'efficacité de la culture d'apprentissage et l'engagement d'une ONG de développement précise, World Vision Burundi. C'est un modèle prometteur comme outil heuristique pour évaluer les ONG et les aider à devenir plus efficaces dans la prestation d'aide.

Mejorando el aprendizaje para lograr mayor eficacia entre las ong de desarrollo

El aprendizaje constituye un componente clave de la eficacia organizacional, particularmente en el complejo mundo de las ong de desarrollo. Apoyándose en los conocimientos existentes en torno al aprendizaje organizacional, el presente artículo pone de relieve las dinámicas más importantes de una fuerte organización de aprendizaje, presentando un modelo integrado de “aprendizaje-apalancado” que ha sido adaptado para el contexto de las ong. Dicho modelo incorpora los ámbitos de aprendizaje que se consideran vitales para lograr mayor eficacia o apalancamiento. El modelo se utilizó para evaluar la eficacia de la cultura de aprendizaje y el compromiso de una ong de desarrollo específica, Visión Mundial en Burundi, demostrando tener posibilidades como método heurístico orientado a evaluar a las ong y a apoyarlas en su esfuerzo por ser más eficaces en la entrega de ayuda humanitaria.

Um melhor aprendizado para uma maior efetividade nas ONGs de desenvolvimento

O aprendizado é um componente crítico para a efetividade organizacional, particularmente em um mundo complexo das ONGs de desenvolvimento. Baseando-se na literatura sobre aprendizado organizacional, este artigo destaca as dinâmicas essenciais da organização de um aprendizado sólido e propõe um modelo integrado de “alavanca de aprendizado” adaptado para o contexto das ONGs. Este modelo integra os setores que são cruciais para uma maior efetividade, ou alavanca. O modelo é, então, aplicado para avaliar a efetividade da cultura do aprendizado e compromisso de uma ONG de desenvolvimento específica, a World Vision Burundi. O modelo mostra um compromisso de ferramenta heurística para avaliar ONGs e ajuda essas ONGs a tornarem-se mais efetivas na implementação da ajuda.  相似文献   

NGOs regularly seek funding from a variety of donors, to help them to deliver worthwhile activities. Often the activities work well and a donor covers the full cost. But sometimes a successful funding proposal can make the organisation vulnerable, by committing itself to additional overhead expenditure not covered by a donor. This article looks at a system whereby the financial aspects of project proposals can be assessed earlier, before funding is applied for and accepted – providing a way of knowing the impact on the organisation and its staff, and allowing organisations to calculate the real cost of donor-funded projects.

Choix réfléchis pour les décisions relatives au financement : comment calculer le véritable coût des projets financés par les bailleurs de fonds ; quand dire « oui » et quand dire « non »

Les ONG cherchent régulièrement à obtenir des fonds auprès d'une variété de bailleurs de fonds pour pouvoir mener des activités louables. Souvent, les activités donnent de bons résultats et le bailleur de fonds couvre le coût total. Mais quelquefois, une proposition de financement couronnée de succès peut rendre l'organisation vulnérable, en l'engageant à encourir des frais généraux supplémentaires non couverts par un bailleur de fonds. Cet article examine un système dans le cadre duquel les aspects financiers des propositions de projet peuvent être évalués plut tôt, avant que le financement ne soit demandé et approuvé – ce qui donne le moyen de déterminer l'impact sur l'organisation et son personnel, et permet aux organisations de calculer les véritables coûts des projets financés par des bailleurs de fonds.

Opciones sopesadas ante la necesidad de tomar decisiones de financiamiento: cómo calcular el costo real de proyectos financiados por donantes; cuándo es preciso decir “sí” o decir “no”

Cotidianamente, las ong buscan el financiamiento de varios donantes, con el fin de proveer distintas actividades útiles. A menudo, las actividades tienen el resultado esperado y el donante recupera el costo total de su inversión. Pero a veces, una propuesta de proyecto exitosa puede provocar vulnerabilidad para la organización, en tanto se ve en la situación de tener que hacer frente a gastos fijos adicionales no financiados por el donante. El presente artículo examina un sistema que, desde una etapa temprana, permite valorar los aspectos financieros de las propuestas de proyecto, antes de que el financiamiento sea solicitado y se apruebe. Ello permite conocer el impacto que el proyecto tendrá en la organización y en el personal, así como también calcular el costo real de los proyectos financiados por donantes.

Escolhas consideradas para as decisões de financiamento: como calcular o custo real de projetos financiados por doadores; quando dizer “sim” e quando dizer “não”

As ONGs buscam regularmente financiamento de vários doadores para os ajudar a implementar atividades proveitosas. Frequentemente as atividades funcionam bem e um doador financia todos os custos. Mas às vezes uma proposta de financiamento bem-sucedida pode tornar a organização vulnerável quando esta se compromete a arcar com despesas adicionais em geral não financiadas pelo doador. Este artigo examina um sistema em que os aspectos financeiros das propostas de projetos possam ser avaliados previamente, antes que o financiamento seja solicitado e aceito – apresentando uma maneira de se conhecer o impacto sobre a organização e seus funcionários e, assim, permitindo que a organização calcule o custo real dos projetos financiados por doadores.  相似文献   

The so-called Schengen compensatory measures such as the Schengen Information System (SIS) or the European Dactylographic System (Eurodac) have been the centre of much attention. However, the research on these security measures has focused almost solely on their effect on liberty, human rights, and the like. Not much attention has been given to the actual effectiveness of the security remedies taken in the European Union (EU) to compensate for the abolition of border controls, despite effectiveness being an obvious source of legitimacy in the realm of security. This article takes a first step in the direction of correcting this neglect and develops the foundations for an analytical framework focusing on effectiveness and legitimacy. The framework is illustrated through a minor analysis of the legal and institutional set-up of SIS and Eurodac as examples pointing to sources of ineffectiveness in the very set-up of the databases.  相似文献   
While it is sensible that governments and academics endeavour to assess the effectiveness of counterterrorism policies, this article argues that it is almost impossible to measure arithmetically the outcome of counterterrorism efforts for a variety of reasons. However, this does not mean that the effect of governmental policy cannot and should not be assessed. This article argues that it is not necessarily the policy measures and their intended results as such, but much more the way in which they are presented and perceived, that determine the overall effect of the policy in question. The article introduces the concept of ‘performativity’, which involves the extent to which a national government, by means of its official counterterrorism policy and corresponding discourse, is successful in selling its representation of events, its set of solutions to the terrorist problem, as well as being able to set the tone for the overall discourse on terrorism and counterterrorism. Due to the distinct relation between the performative power of counterterrorism efforts and the arc of violence carried out by terrorist movements, analysing the level of performativity will provide an indication to the effectiveness of counterterrorism policies. It is argued that a low level of performative power generally has a more rapidly neutralising effect on radicalisation and political violence than large-scale, public counterterrorism efforts.  相似文献   

This article aims to review the effectiveness of the “Reasoning and Rehabilitation” programme in reducing recidivism. Sixteen evaluations (involving 26 separate comparisons) were located in which experimental and control groups were compared. A meta-analysis showed that, overall, there was a significant 14% decrease in recidivism for programme participants compared with controls. This programme was effective in Canada, the USA, and the UK. It was effective in community and institutional settings, and for low risk and high-risk offenders. Smaller and larger evaluation studies, and older and newer studies, concluded that the programme was effective. Future evaluations should use larger samples, randomized controlled trials and better measures of recidivism (including self-reports, numbers, types and costs of offences committed).  相似文献   

The notion that sex offender treatment does not work fuels public outrage and demands for protective legislation. This paper will respond to a recent meta-analysis reporting major weaknesses in research designs that preclude drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of sex offender treatment. Methodological and ethical challenges exist in the investigation of counselling interventions in general and sex offender treatment specifically, and we argue that the medicalization of psychotherapy research may have inherent flaws. Alternatives to dichotomous recidivism outcomes are proposed, including harm reduction measures and reduction of maladaptive behaviours. Future clinical directions for sex offender treatment are explored, including application of risk-needs-responsivity models, a focus on process as well as content and incorporation of principles of trauma-informed care.  相似文献   
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