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从普京出访看俄罗斯亚洲外交   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000年俄罗斯外交十分活跃.从7月份开始.普京总统先后出访了中国、朝鲜、日本、印度和蒙古五国。其亚洲之行的主要目的是与亚洲国家加强合作.共同反对美国主导的单极世界.维护全球战略平衡密切与亚太国家的经济联系.加速西伯利亚和远东的开发维护周边地区的和平与稳定恢复和扩大俄罗斯在亚太地区的影响.加强俄全方位外交的力度.增强同美国等西方大国在欧洲对抗的筹码。  相似文献   
日本外交理念中具有鲜明的机会主义性格,主要特征表现为原则性的缺失与利益至上、"变色龙"式的投机性格和务实的现实主义价值取向。日本外交及时顺应国际环境的变化而进行调整,通过不断的随风转向推行于己有利的举措,以谋求国家利益的最大化。  相似文献   
2005年"争常"失败后,日本政府改变了过去长期冷落非洲的外交政策,开始把非洲真正地纳入其全球战略架构中来。加大援非力度,改革援非方案,以对抗气候变暖和环境保护为重点,突出环境外交,全面发展与非洲各国的关系,日本对非战略出现新态势。其基本动因在于,适应新的国际形势变化的需要,反思"争常"失败后的经验和教训,通过发挥日本"环境外交"的优势,扩大其在非洲的影响,这种对非战略的新态势将对中国对非外交构成较大的压力和挑战。  相似文献   
This article analyses the US–EU transatlantic dialogue on the Iranian nuclear dossier with a particular view to the implications for EU foreign policy on Iran. Doing so, it uses neo-Gramscian scholarship to put the EU’s “over-compliance” with Iran sanctions into perspective. Constrained by the imperatives of hegemonic coercion in the form of US financial Iran sanctions against third country entities and with the hegemonic consent of a Western US-led “historic bloc”, Europe was relegated to a subaltern below its mediatory potential. It will be shown how this finding complicates the EU’s ambition to renew relations with Iran. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with experts and delegation members from the P5+1, this article thus analyses “the normative element” in the transatlantic security dialogue on Iran at a time where the latter is undergoing a sea change in the wake of the implementation of the “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action” of July 2015.  相似文献   
The early 21st century finds great change in international order.China's foreign relations have entered a new phase where its driving force is rapidly rising for the emerging countries and new global economic governance mechanism is gradually established.To follow the trend of the times,China has actively participated in global economic governance and supply of public goods.China' s foreign relations present a new vision,idea and strategy under the leadership of President Xi Jinping.It is a new starting point for China to further integrate itself into the world and open itself wider to the world.China takes an active part to participate in global governance and plays an important role in the issues of economic integration,environmental governance,climate change,nuclear nonproliferation,energy crisis,internet security and anti-terrorism,especially anti-terrorism.This article explains the performance of international relations in current transition order and tries to tackle prior (and in some ways more intractable) issues and to analyze the internal logics and external environment of impact of multi-polarization on China's major power diplomacy with its characteristics in the transition of International order.  相似文献   
Despite a recent resurgence in research on the politics of migration, foreign policy analysts have yet to approach cross-border population mobility as a distinct field of inquiry. Particularly within the Global South, scant work has theorised the interplay between migration and interstate bargaining. This article proposes the framework of migration diplomacy to examine how mobility features in states’ issue-linkage strategies, in both cooperative and coercive contexts. Drawing on Arabic, French and English primary sources, it empirically demonstrates the salience of its framework through an analysis of Libya’s migration diplomacy towards its Arab, African and European neighbours under Muammar Gaddafi.  相似文献   
地区合作机制的创设能力不仅是大国崛起的一般性标尺,也是大国崛起的内在要求。参与和创设东亚合作机制是保证中国和平发展的重要条件,它有助于奠定中国和平发展的地区性根基,构筑平衡的大国关系,咒化经济结构和扩大对外开放。同时,中国的制度化行为也拉动了地区经济增长,缓解了地区安全困境,促进了东亚地区一体化。实际上,中国和平发展和东亚合作机制是一种相互促进的关系。  相似文献   
由于地域、历史以及经济发展状况的原因,不同地区的发展中国家在中国对外关系布局中的地位有所不同,中国与它们关系的状况也有别。与周边发展中国家的友好合作关系成为中国对外关系中的首要;与广大非洲发展中国家的关系仍然是中国对外关系中最可以信赖的基础;与拉美发展中国家关系虽然起步晚,但近年来发展迅速,重要性日益增加。  相似文献   
新中国成立后,毛泽东和周恩来制定了举世闻名的和平共处五项原则,奠定了当代中国外交理念的基础;邓小平对国际形势与时代主题做出科学判断,调整了外交战略和对外关系,为中国现代化建设营造了良好的国际环境,并倡导建立国际经济政治新秩序;冷战结束后,新一代党的领导集体与时俱进,提出了“和平发展道路”的大战略和建设“和谐世界”的外交新理念。  相似文献   
董漫远 《外交评论》2007,3(5):43-49
人类发展的根本动力,源自生产力的发展与进步。长久以来,中外学术界对生产力要素、规律和作用的研究从未间断。其中,马克思主义生产力理论对推动人类社会进步,起到了独特和重要的作用,它不断发展和创新。马克思主义发现,伴随生产力的进步和生产方式的变化,生产力附加要素增多且日趋复杂。中国共产党人继承和发展了马克思主义生产力理论,根据中国国情和中华民族根本利益,解放和发展了中国的社会生产力,努力使之成为世界民族之林中较为先进的生产力。中国共产党的领袖们探索了先进生产力的要素构成,以及它的实现条件。这种探索基于中国人民创造自己历史的伟大实践,并对探索成果加以印证,包括印证"外交也是生产力"。中国外交是中国先进生产力的组成部分,体现中国先进生产力的发展要求。  相似文献   
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