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在目前的应用文写作教学中,缺乏"上游源头"理论的状况相当普遍.教师的"文学思维定势"在教学中通常造成双重错位既没有分清文学作品与非文学作品的差别,也没有分清知识、鉴赏与写作的不同.但应用文与文学在"道"的层面上也有联系,写作中需要借用一定的文学手法,要根据文种,区别对待.  相似文献   
《庄子》被誉为"天下第一奇书,"《秋水》篇又被人们公认为《庄子》中第一等文字,作为《秋水》篇中一则著名故事,《庄子与惠子游于濠梁之上》自然也属于极妙之作。庄子与惠施两位辩论高手,同游于濠梁之上,俯看儵鱼出游从容,因而引发联想,开展了一场人能否知鱼快乐的辩论。对这一话题,现有些学者发表论说,认为庄子与惠施的濠梁之辩反映了庄子与惠施的思想。但笔者认为,庄子与惠施的濠梁之辩涉及到了几个十分严肃的哲学问题,具有很强的启发性,并对此文的哲学内涵作了一些探索。  相似文献   
选用干部"以德为先"思想经历了一个发展沿革的过程。在这个过程中,毛泽东提出了"任人唯贤"、"德才兼备"、"又红又专"思想,陈云提出了"德才并重、以德为主"思想,周恩来提出"政治上可以信任是挑选干部的先决问题",邓小平提出干部队伍建设的"四化"方针并强调"首先是要革命化",江泽民提出以"讲学习、讲政治、讲正气"促使干部立德,胡锦涛明确提出坚持"德才兼备、以德为先"用人标准。  相似文献   
改革开放30多年来,伴随着中国特色社会主义实践的不断推进,我国的各种社会思潮也是异彩纷呈、相互激荡。这些社会思潮不仅相互关联,同时也深刻影响着中国特色社会主义的理论和实践。实践证明,正确处理中国特色社会主义与当代中国社会思潮的关系,积极寻求二者的良性互动,是使中国特色社会主义道路越走越宽广的内在和必然要求。  相似文献   
立法过程是立法研究的一个重要方面。过程思想提供了一种新的方法论视角,使我们动态地、联系地观察立法过程,全面、完整地把握其规律性。有关过程和立法过程的思想观点有助于我们加深认识立法过程的内涵、特点和复杂性,并可以在立法实践中具体应用。  相似文献   
在“毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论”课程教学中开展“听、说、读、评、研”教学活动,是深化教学改革,培养创新型人才的可行途径之一。在教学中结合课程内容让学生读一些相关的书目,搞一些同学们有兴趣又能参与其中的活动,使同学们在了解历史但又不脱离现实生活的状态下,既掌握了知识又活跃了课堂气氛,提高了同学们的理论素养以及分析问题和解决问题的能力,从而坚定在中国共产党的领导下走中国特色社会主义道路的理想信念。  相似文献   
中国梦反映了近代中国的百年命运与中国人的文化选择,是现代中国文化一以贯之的精神守望。伴随着百余年来的文化启蒙和实践探索,在中国革命、建设和改革等不同的历史时期,国家富强、民族复兴、人民幸福、世界和平与发展始终是中国共同的社会理想与文化期待。实现中国梦,需要解读其历史语境、文化内涵和哲学境界,把握马克思主义中国化的时代精神,以历史唯物主义思想方法探究促进中国社会持续发展的路径,进而在对世界文明对话的过程中确立中华民族的思想自我。  相似文献   
《Critical Horizons》2013,14(2):186-204

The paper attempts to situate Sennett philosophically by placing him in the tradition of ontological hermeneutics. This way of reading Sennett is justified not only by the core principles that govern Sennett's social anthropology, but is also useful for tracing the trajectory of Sennett's philosophically informed diagnoses of the times. These diagnoses focus on the role of work in shaping subjectivity. After reconstructing the basic conceptual shape of Sennett's diagnoses of the work-related maladies of the "old" and the "new" capitalism, the paper presents some broader reflections on the philosophical presuppositions of social criticism that takes its departure from the centrality of work.  相似文献   
《Critical Horizons》2013,14(1):60-76

The attempt to connect philosophy and social hope has been one of the key distinguishing features of critical theory as a tradition of enquiry. This connection has been questioned forcefully from the perspective of a post-philosophical pragmatism, as articulated by Rorty. In this article I consider two strategies that have been adopted by critical theorists in seeking to reject Rorty's suggestion that we should abandon the attempt to ground social hope in philosophical reason. We consider argumentative strategies of the philosophical anthropologist and of the rational proceduralist. Once the exchanges between Rorty and these two strands of critical theory have been reconstructed and assessed, an alternative perspective emerges. It is argued that philosophical reasoning best helps to sustain social hope in a rapidly changing world when we consider it in terms of the practice of democratic criticism.  相似文献   

This article examines the centrality of mathematics and scientific thought in the sociocultural, human and intellectual development of a sampling of African societies. Evidence is presented which refutes the theory that Africans had no ‘intelligible sense of numeracy’ before contact with the West, and demonstrates that the propagation of this myth was part of the larger colonial project to marginalise and ‘other-ise’ African knowledge systems. Tracing Africa's early contributions to mathematics and scientific thought forces a shift from the standard Western-based approach to pedagogy in this field. It renders a subject that is perceived and presented as alien to African culture, more accessible to African learners. And ultimately, acknowledging the long history of mathematics and scientific thought in Africa is a step in foregrounding African epistemologies in knowledge production, human and social development and towards the realisation of the African Renaissance.  相似文献   
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