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This article draws on several unique data sources to assess and explain racial disparity in Seattle's drug delivery arrests. Evidence regarding the racial and ethnic composition of those who deliver any of five serious drugs in that city is compared with the racial and ethnic composition of those arrested for this offense. Our findings indicate that blacks are significantly overrepresented among Seattle's drug delivery arrestees. Several organizational practices explain racial disparity in these arrests: law enforcement's focus on crack offenders, the priority placed on outdoor drug venues, and the geographic concentration of police resources in racially heterogeneous areas. The available evidence further indicates that these practices are not determined by race‐neutral factors such as crime rates or community complaints. Our findings thus indicate that race shapes perceptions of who and what constitutes Seattle's drug problem, as well as the organizational response to that problem.  相似文献   
This paper reports the results of four studies that investigate racial profiling as an attribution about police motives. Each study explores, first, the types of police behavior that heighten or lessen the occurrence of profiling attributions and, second, the consequences of such attributions. Results support prior studies in finding that judgments about whether the police are profiling are associated with the level of public support for the police. The studies then extend the analysis of subjective profiling judgments by examining their antecedents. The findings support the procedural justice hypothesis that the fairness with which the police exercise their authority influences whether members of the public view the police as profiling.  相似文献   
城市居民社区是人们日常生活的基本场所,在人们的社会生活中举足轻重;尤其是改革开放以来,人口的流动、“单位人”向“社会人”的转变等社会生活的变化,使人们与社区之间的联系日益密切,社区在履行社会管理职能、实现社会控制方面发挥着日益突出的不可替代的作用;同时,以公众参与为基础和保证的犯罪预防思想成为我国现代刑事政策的主流。在此社会背景下,社区必将成为新世纪中国城市犯罪预防的基地,在犯罪预防中居于基础性地位。  相似文献   
刍议中国的社区警务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区警务是当前我国公安机关和警学界关心的热点问题之一。在全国各地公安机关社区警务建设中,有必要明确社区警务的基本理论;明确社区警务在中国实施应进一步转变思想,更新观念;正确处理好社区警务与治安基层基础工作、社会治安综合治理、警察装备现代化、社区建设的关系。  相似文献   
警务战略效果评估是警务战略指导者依据一定的标准和程序,对警务战略执行后在达成目标、完成任务上的效果进行判断的一种战略指导行为.这种战略指导行为对于改进战略制定系统,完善战略运行机制,提高警务战略的有效性具有重要意义.公安机关应积极采取推进措施,加强其战略指导作用.  相似文献   
警务公开是公安机关及人民警察在行使警察权的过程中,通过一定形式,依法向社会公众传播或发布协调、处理警察关系的各种相关信息,对确保公正执法具有重大意义。当前,我国警务公开尚存在若干问题和不足,关键是未将警务公开置于政府信息公开的大背景下考虑。为此,应宏观把握,战略思考,从进一步改革创新公安机关的保密制度,处理好公安机关与新闻媒体的关系,完善相关法律规定等方面予以完善。  相似文献   
社区警务的含义及特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区警务的实质是一种以警民合作为核心的警察哲学和由此衍生出来的以预防为主、以民为本的警务策略。其特点在于在重视打击的同时也重视防范 ;强调与社会公众合作 ;强调以社区服务为基本形式 ;组织策略是充分授权的 ;重视警民关系。社区警务最根本之处在于深入社区、警民合作、依靠群众。  相似文献   
社区警务思想是整体构建社区安全防范体系的理论基础。社区警务是指警察与社区公众有机结合,共同探讨和解决可能影响或制约社区正常生活质量的各种问题及潜在的越轨隐患,以达到预防和惩治违法犯罪、确保社区长治久安目的的警务战略思想。  相似文献   
This study explores the attitudes and behaviors of Taiwanese police officers regarding community oriented policing (COP) by comparing their attitudes and behaviors with those of officers in Washington State. Data used in the study were collected from 375 Taiwanese line officers assigned to the city of Tainan and 167 American line officers from various police and sheriffs’ departments in Washington State. The study finds that (1) Taiwanese and American officers hold similar opinions of COP’s potential to reduce crime; (2) both groups are similarly involved in implementing the various strategies of COP; yet (3) American officers are more involved in formulating (planning/devising) COP strategies; and (4) are more receptive to citizen involvement in COP; while (5) Taiwanese officers are more receptive to civilian oversight, and (6) are more amenable to applying COP outcomes for evaluative purposes than are their American counterparts. Policy implications and areas for future research are discussed.
Doris ChuEmail:
财务信息化是现代信息技术在财务管理领域的具体运用,它是一个对日常财务数据进行收集、核算、反映、分析利用的动态过程:财务信息管理专业是高职院校力求突破办学瓶颈创新办学模式的常设专业,要办好财务信息管理专业,就必须紧紧依托企业走产学结合之路。笔者通过调研,对苏州及周边地区企业财务信息化发展现状有了较清晰的了解与认识,在此基础上提出了办好财务信息管理专业的一些思路。  相似文献   
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