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当前,我国的环境问题主要是涉及经济、法律、社会、科技、教育、文化传统等诸多方面、领域的“问题复合体”。积极地从自然科学和社会科学的双重视角去集成各个领域专家的智慧,加强各方面和跨学科的交流与合作,打破以前相关部门在环保问题上的封闭、独立状态,逐步形成一种综合的环境治理模式和相应的对策,以便更好地解决环境问题,已日益紧迫、刻不容缓。  相似文献   
早期的生态犯罪学思想源自对生态环境关系与犯罪互动关系的思考 ,将社会生态作为犯罪系统研究标志社会生态犯罪学的诞生。2 0世纪社会生态犯罪学经历了从思想萌芽到学科体系形成的重要发展时期 :从芝加哥学派的人类生态学研究到所谓的新生态犯罪学理论和副文化理论。本文研究了生态犯罪学的主要研究方向 ,概括其理论成就及政策应用 ,评价其不足与最新研究进展  相似文献   
This study investigated the role of odorant cues used during host‐habitat location by the generalist parasitoid, Nasonia vitripennis Walker. Nasonia vitripennis is a common parasitoid of Dipteran pupae found in association with decaying carrion. Behavioral assays were used to investigate the host‐habitat searching behavior under different scenarios. First, we demonstrated N. vitripennis to be significantly attracted toward odorant cues associated with decaying meat. The biological activity of nine of the volatile molecules constituting the odor of decaying meat was tested on the searching behavior of parasitoid females through two complementary chemoecological approaches: electroantennography (EAG) and olfactometry bioassays. Butanoic acid and butan‐1‐ol elicited high olfactory responses, but no attraction was induced by these two chemicals. Behavioral assays showed that, among the VOCs tested, methyldisulfanylmethane (DMDS) was the only volatile chemical to induce attraction in N. vitripennis.  相似文献   
This article proposes the need for peace education as a field to embrace critical power analysis of place in efforts toward social and environmental sustainability. Rather than status quo reproduction, a critical peace education for sustainability should both elucidate and transform the power dynamics inherent in structural violence and cultural violence. The inherent rights of people, plants, and ecosystems to live with dignity and to prosper are proposed. Practically speaking, the article offers perspectives from a critical pedagogy of place and an earth connections curriculum unit as vehicles for transformative education.  相似文献   
Most forensic studies are focused on Diptera pattern colonization while neglecting Coleoptera succession. So far, little information is available on the postmortem colonization by beetles and the decomposition process they initiate under temperate biogeoclimatic countries. These beetles have, however, been referred to as being part of the entomofaunal colonization of a dead body. Forensic entomologists need increased databases detailing the distribution, ecology, and phenology of necrophagous insects, including staphylinids (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). While pig carcasses are commonly used in forensic entomology studies to surrogate human decomposition and to investigate the entomofaunal succession, very few works have been conducted in Europe on large carcasses. Our work reports the monitoring of the presence of adult rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) on decaying pig carcasses in a forest biotope during four seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter). A total of 23 genera comprising 60 species of rove beetles were collected from pig carcasses.  相似文献   
行政生态学理论为研究苏北乡镇政府职能转变提供了一个崭新的视角。目前,乡镇政府在经济要素、社会要素、沟通网络、符号系统和政治架构等生态方面存在种种困境和问题。转变苏北乡镇政府职能,必须提升乡镇政府的公共服务能力,塑造良好的乡镇政府形象,培育健康多样的非政府组织,并努力完善地方政府绩效考核指标。  相似文献   
农村环境保护法治建设的成就、问题和改进   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章总结了我国农村环境保护法治建设,分析了其存在的主要问题,提出了如下改进意见:明确农村环境保护法治建设的指导思想、基本理念和基本原则;建立健全农村环境保护监督管理体制,各级人民政府对所辖农村的环境质量负责,国家环境保护部是对全国农村环境保护实施统一监督管理的行政主管部门,发挥和依靠乡级人民政府和集镇管理委员会、村民委员会在农村环境保护方面的作用;合理确定农村环境保护法的适用范围和规制的主要领域;健全农村环境保护法律体系、法律制度和法律措施。  相似文献   
20世纪的全球化是全球同质化时代。21世纪的世界从全球化走向后全球化,国际关系从美国主导的全球体系分裂,形成不同质的文化实体之间的并置冲突。随着网络媒体的发展,文化冲突从传统的政治、民族、宗教冲突格局扩散开来,转向流动、多维的分形化复杂关系;由网络新媒体的微分化传播造成的分形传播与交流新生态将对全球文化的未来发展趋势尤其是构建人类命运共同体的需要产生深刻影响。  相似文献   
在中国特色社会主义进入新时代的关键时期,网络强国、数字中国、智慧社会战略需要以数字政府建设为重要着力点落实落细,从而使得数字政府成为新时代以人民为中心的思想理论价值与实践的统一,也是深化“放管服”改革、重塑政府和市场关系的内在要求。在数据驱动和以大数据、云计算、移动互联网为代表的先进生产力的技术推动下,着力推进数字政府建设,从行政理念、组织结构、健全体制机制等多方面优化政府行政生态,推动政府职能转变,在资源共享、协调合作、公开透明、精准决策的目标指引下建设人民满意的服务型政府,从而达到百姓、企业、政府的共赢局面,促进政府治理能力和治理水平的全面提升。  相似文献   
在社会、经济、技术和自然地理环境等因素的交互影响下,泉州传统文化作为一个文化生态群落,具有尊重保护自然,维系崇尚和谐的特点;同时,泉州传统文化通过儒家文明“天人合一”、“美美与共”的自然观、社会观。呈现出对自然、动物、居所环境和人关系的正确认识,呈现出多元文化共存共生、文质彬彬、生生不息的风貌。泉州传统文化还对未来生态城市建设的进一步规划提供了有益的思考和探索。  相似文献   
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