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中国共产党之所以能够领导广大人民群众创造彪炳史册的千秋伟业,归根结底是因为中国共产党能够主动认识、始终遵循和自觉运用党的自身建设规律来领导革命、建设和改革。中国共产党自身建设规律科学回答了“建设什么样的党、怎样建设党”这个重大课题,是对共产党执政规律、社会主义建设规律、人类社会发展规律的创新发展。从党的建设百年光辉历程探索党的自身建设规律的历史脉络,探讨党的自身建设规律理论体系的建构逻辑,探析党的自身建设规律的实践要求,有利于促进党的自身建设规律理论研究与实践应用的贯通融合,持续提高党的建设质量,坚定不移建设世界上最强大的政党、领导人民实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。  相似文献   
俄美关系的基本特点已定型 ,即“冷和平”。现在的俄美关系是冷战后最“冷”的时期 ,1999年是双方关系陷入新低点的标志年。俄美是一对无共同利益基础的伙伴 ,导致俄美冲突的基础性原因是大国争雄 ,俄美的战略利益、地缘安全、国际目标都相去甚远 ,互相矛盾 ,俄美冲突具有不可避免性 ,“冷和平 ,冷伙伴”是俄美关系的现实写照。短期内 ,俄罗斯无力重开冷战 ,而美国将继续对俄采取两面政策。普京将高举爱国主义和强国意识的旗帜 ,俄美关系的实质不会发生重大变化。从长远来看 ,随着俄罗斯重振大国地位 ,努力成为多极世界中的一员 ,俄美对立将会升温 ,甚至向“热冷战”转化  相似文献   
充分利用甘肃省农产品资源相对丰富的比较优势,努力把食品工业建设成甘肃在全国产业分工格局中具有比较优势的主导产业,是甘肃工业强省战略有的放矢、大有作为的新型工业化道路选择。  相似文献   
正The Chinese Dream in Full Swing Speech Extracts from the International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream ForumCHINA was the center of human civilization for hundreds of years.During its long history,it became used to implementing defensive strategies externally while developing the country internally.Historical records show that China was a powerful coun-  相似文献   
侦破题材小说是我国公安题材文学中最具特色的种类之一.侦破小说给予读者的审美感受不仅是对由侦破与反侦破形成的强情节的欣赏,还要借助于侦破小说强情节的特点,引导读者去关注蕴涵于强情节中的社会人生内容.因此,侦破小说不能仅仅局限于侦破犯罪案件中的表层事实叙述,应该深入进去并扩展开来,折射出社会的某些本质方面,通过侦破犯罪案件这一故事载体,尽可能反映出社会人生的复杂性和丰富性,从而使小说具有一种发人深省、振聋发聩、撼人心魄的力量.  相似文献   
The millions of deaths produced by states and governments make the 20th century ‘unnameable’, a century far more lethal than all previous ‘pre-civil’ epochs. It does not appear that contemporary state violence tends to decline or to temper the brutality commonly attributed to archaic armies, nor that the rules and limitations internationally imposed on that violence, throughout the last decades, have reduced its effects. The 20th century having gone, and while hope was growing that mass murder and destruction would also go with it, recent events appear to suggest that the twenty-first century is poised to become unnameable in its turn. In this paper a reflection is presented of the notion of war as annihilation, which emerges in contemporary international conflicts. This is followed by a review of the debate on the relationship between war, empire and crime. As a logical extension of the argument developed, war is described as a particularly devastating form of crime of the powerful. Finally, reflecting on the concept of ‘cosmopolitanism’, the discussion suggests that such a concept may offer legitimacy to those who invest their enthusiasm in supporting contemporary wars as well as to those who fight against them. The latter may find inspiration in the idea of a ‘critical’ cosmopolitanism.  相似文献   
中国的经济和政治改革,从一定意义上说是对国家与社会关系的一次较大的调整。我们应当构建一个“强国家—强社会”的国家与社会关系模式,并从塑造强势文化、转变政府职能与培育社会民间组织、建设法治社会等方面入手。  相似文献   
人才强国战略--新世纪民族复兴的重大抉择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大力实施人才强国战略是顺应国际国内形势发展的需要,是提高我国综合国力和国际竞争力的重大战略举措,是新世纪民族复兴的重大抉择.  相似文献   
正QUALITY films that say something are the hardest to make,according to Oliver Stone.The distinguished,often controversial American film director,producer and screenwriter shared during his talk with China Today his views on film,history,and culture.Know Your Past Oliver Stone has achieved fame and respect for writing and directing powerful f ilms.Having enlisted in the U.S.army for combat duty in Vietnam,Stone initially served in the infantry and later the cavalry division.His fi rst screen success was the 12-minute  相似文献   
The Lost Army     
正Stone armor excavated from the tomb of China’s first emperor The Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang(259-210 B.C.),the location of the famous Terracotta Warriors,is regarded as the largest and most complicated underground tomb in the world.At the time of its construction,Qin’s tomb was unprecedented in its  相似文献   
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