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The sociology of law appears to be a weak field in the United States, in comparison to other indisciplinary fields of legal study, notably economic analysis of law. Although American legal sociologists have done important empirical work, particularly on the litigation process and on the legal profession, the focus of American sociology of law has been narrow, theoretically limited, and, empirically, limited in both scope and method. These deficiencies may reflect the methodological limitations of Max Weber, the most influential figure in the history of sociology in general and sociology of law in particular. The failure of legal sociologists to borrow theoretical and empirical tools from sociologically minded economists such as Gary Becker is especially regrettable, and may be due to inaccurate perceptions of the political valence of economic analysis of law, sociology's traditional skepticism about the knowledge claims of other disciplines, professional envy, and misunderstanding of the economists' conception of rational choice.  相似文献   
伴随着工业化进程所带来的严重的生态危机,人类不断探寻更为有效的保护环境的新举措。建立环境税收制度,将税收和环保结合起来,可以发挥税收在控制污染、调节资源配置方面的作用;应以可持续发展为核心,以生态利益为本位,以实现代际公平为主要目标;应改革传统排污收费制度、调整资源税和消费税、完善税收优惠政策和征管制度,从而构建我国新型的环境税收制度。  相似文献   
主观超过因素新论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
主客观相统一的定罪原则并不否定主观超过因素的存在。无论大陆法系刑法抑或英美法系刑法基本都认可主观超过因素的定罪意义。所谓主观超过因素是指在构成犯罪的各要素中,超出故意内涵之外的主观要素,其中主要包括目的犯中的犯罪目的及倾向犯中的内心倾向。对于表现犯中的内心表现完全应该作为犯罪故意的内容,不宜按主观超过因素来对待。在司法实践中,由于主观超过因素存在与否的判断极为艰难,因此必须坚持弱化口供,强化推定及强化证伪的认定原则。  相似文献   
We employ a rational choice framework to understand the conditions under which sex traffickers allow their victims access to telecommunications devices while under their control. We posit that sex traffickers are rational actors who make calculated decisions regarding whether to allow their victims access to the Internet and cell phones. We hypothesize that sex traffickers allow younger victims and those they did not defraud in the recruitment process greater access to telecommunications devices because these decisions maximize their payoffs with minimal risk. However, we hypothesize that younger victims’ access to telecommunications devices is conditional on whether they have been defrauded in recruitment. In order to test these hypotheses, we deployed a survey to 115 victims of sex trafficking in the United States to learn about how they were recruited by their sex trafficker and the level of access they had to technology while under their sex trafficker's control. We find support for all of our hypotheses. The results have serious implications for criminal justice policy and practice.  相似文献   
Children of immigrants who do translations and who interpret for others using their heritage language and English are known as language brokers. Although prior research suggests that children of immigrants’ perceptions of the language brokering experience vary greatly—from feeling a sense of efficacy to feeling a sense of burden—what remains unanswered in the literature is identification of the antecedents and processes that help to explain the varying psychological experience of language brokers. Using data from a two-wave prospective longitudinal study of 256 Chinese American adolescents, the present study tested potential mechanisms that may be responsible for adolescents’ perceptions of the language brokering experience as a sense or burden or sense of efficacy. The results demonstrate that adolescents’ Chinese orientation sets in motion a family process that is linked to variations in the perceptions of adolescents’ language brokering experience. Adolescents who are more Chinese oriented have a stronger sense of familial obligation, and these adolescents are more likely to perceive that they matter to their parents. Adolescents’ perceived sense of mattering to parents, in turn, is associated positively with a sense efficacy, and negatively with a sense of burden as language brokers. Those adolescents who are less Chinese oriented have a weaker sense of familial obligation, and these adolescents are more likely to feel a sense of alienation from their parents. Adolescents’ sense of perceived alienation from parents, in turn, is associated with a sense of burden as language brokers. Implications for developing interventions for children who act as language brokers for their parents are discussed.
Su Yeong Kim (Corresponding author)Email: Email:
中国梦是中国共产党人在新的历史条件下提出的民众之梦、民族之梦、国家兴盛之梦。中国梦彰显了中国共产党人在新的历史时期要完成的历史使命与价值追求。中国梦的价值维度有四个基本契合点:中国梦与社会主义本质相契、与以民为本相契、与民众之幸福相契、与人的全面发展相契。  相似文献   
In states with heavy oversight of local government finances, alternate levels of control orientation exist based on county government budget formulation and financing practices. However, previous research indicates a possible trend toward policy orientation. Using survey data from North Carolina counties, initial findings indicate high levels of finance officer budget formulation discretion as well as county manager agreement with budget decisions. Additional logit models suggest that while stakeholder influence is still present along with remnants of policy orientation, the state financial oversight mechanism along with the background, knowledge of departmental financial needs, and frequent departmental appropriation dissemination by the finance officer, continue to sustain control orientation.  相似文献   
我国建立保释制度有必要性与可行性。具体思路为:1、变革诉讼理论;2、制定统一的保释法;3、坚持扩大适用与限制适用相结合的原则,逐步推进保释的适用范围;4、保释权赋予法院;5、建立保释的相关配套措施。  相似文献   
澳大利亚"警察管理发展培训项目"是培训、选拔高级警官的一项专门培训。分析该项目的实施过程,我们可以在教学设计、组织形式、教官选择和学员管理等方面吸收借鉴其成功的做法,不断加以改进,完善我们现有的培训方式,提高培训的效率和质量。  相似文献   
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