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公安院校思想政治工作队伍在促进公安院校教学改革和发展、维护学校和社会稳定中,作出了重大贡献,但公安院校思想政治工作队伍现状喜忧参半。造成队伍不完善的原因:一是认识上有偏差;二是组织上重视不够;三是待遇上有差距。加强公安院校思想政治工作队伍建设应从稳定队伍、优化结构、提高素质方面着手。  相似文献   

This paper compared the bully behaviors of 250 9th and l0th grade boys and girls in four schools in Texas and Nebraska. Nearly one-third of girls and one-fifth of boys observed bullying often. The most common kind of bullying for both boys and girls was hurtful teasing and name-calling. Boys bullied using more physical violence, while girls reported less; however, both boys and girls indicated they were threatened with harm more than 26% of the time when bullied.  相似文献   
教师,被称之为"人类灵魂的工程师",他的言行举止,会直接或间接地对学生的身心健康和成长产生重要的影响。然而,随着社会转型向纵深发展,社会文化和人们的价值观都趋向多元化,以及教师职业道德的逐渐滑坡,近年来有关教师体罚、残害,甚至强奸学生等问题屡屡见诸报端,中小学教师对学生的性侵害呈现逐年上升趋势。只有认真分析中小学教师对学生实施性侵害的特点与犯罪原因,才能对如何防治教师对学生的性侵害提出对策措施。  相似文献   
争创"一流"党校,成为当前党校系统的热点话题。然而,什么是"一流"党校?习近平校长提出教学和科研、人才和队伍、硬件和基础设施、管理和服务、风气和人文环境五个方面争创一流的目标和定位,不仅是中共中央党校当前和今后一个时期的努力方向,也是市县级党校未来发展的依据和参考标尺,是做好市县级党校工作的总抓手。  相似文献   
民国时期,桂林这片文化乐土的教育事业顺应时代的进步而发展,私立学校乘势而上,呈现出勃勃生机。它对提高青少年的科学文化知识,提高国民素质起到了重要作用,并为现今私立学校办学和管理提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
孔海彬 《学理论》2011,(2):237-239
冯桂芬是近代著名的思想家,采西学教育思想是其整体教育变革思想中的闪光部分。设立新式学堂、改革教学内容从而培养适应时代需要的人才是其主要内容。在这种教育变革思想中,从新式学堂的设立到教育内容、培养目标以致学生的出路设计上,都体现出了经世致用和中体西用的思想特征。  相似文献   

Sociologist Elizabeth Long has charted the emergence of women’s reading groups in nineteenth-century America. ‘The women who founded literary clubs’, Long (2004, 337) tells us, ‘were aflame with the then revolutionary desire for education and self-development, which they called “self-culture”.’ Comparable aspirations continued to fuel a drive amongst women to organize together within reading and publishing groups, usually outside of official institutions, well into the twentieth century. This ‘revolutionary desire’ for self-education has also been evident in the UK women’s art and art history movement, although it has not been addressed in thorough detail. This article therefore seeks to situate an overlooked history of artistic reading and publishing communities in relation to an established body of theory in literary and cultural studies. These theoretical materials will illuminate the importance that reading and self-education (either in person or as part of a periodical network) had in establishing solidarity, and generating debate, within a flourishing art and art history movement. The second half of this article focuses on a specific case study. FAN: Feminist Art News (1980–1993) was an independent, grassroots publication that grew out of the Women Artists’ Newsletter in London. Temporary editorial collectives published themed issues on a quarterly basis. This article contends that it is no coincidence the subject of art education formed the focus of the periodical’s first issue, as well as a subsequent issue four years later. This indicates the significance of a reflexive auto-didacticism to second-wave feminism, as well as gesturing towards the long history of ‘education and self-improvement’ that has fuelled women’s reading and study groups since the nineteenth century.  相似文献   
民族传统体育进入中小学,不仅有效地开发了学校体育课程资源,而且对于传承与弘扬民族传统体育和推动学校体育发展都有着积极的作用。以湘西凤凰民族传统体育项目花鼓舞进入中小学校园,实施校本体育课程教材化的现状,探讨花鼓舞校本化的开发途径与方法,为保护和传承文化遗产,促进民族传统体育的传承与发展提供参考。  相似文献   
This article considers possible future directions for education policy and public service governance under the Conservative‐led coalition government. The article considers the extent to which Conservatives might develop a distinctive strategy for managing public services that breaks decisively with that of the New Labour era. The coalition faces a markedly different political and economic context for public service reform compared to its predecessor. This article argues that these contextual constraints make a continuation of the New Labour governing strategy less viable, but unresolved tensions in the coalition education policies enacted to date may hinder the development of a novel project for education reform. As a consequence, the New Labour education project seems likely to remain largely intact for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

When Britain imposed the “Prevent duty”, a legal duty on education, health and social welfare organisations to report concerns about individuals identified as at-risk of radicalisation, critics argued it would accentuate the stigmatisation of Muslim communities, “chill” free speech, and exacerbate societal securitisation. Based on 70 interviews with educational professionals and a national online survey (n = 225), this article examines their perceptions of how the duty has played out in practice. It then provides an explanation for why, contrary to expectations, not only has overt professional opposition been limited, but there has been some evidence of positive acceptance. It is argued that these findings neither simply reflect reluctant policy accommodation nor do they simply reflect straightforward policy acceptance, but rather they comprise the outcome of multi-level processes of policy narration, enactment and adaptation. Three processes are identified as being of particular importance in shaping education professionals’ engagement with the duty: the construction of radicalisation as a significant societal, institutional and personal risk; the construction of continuity between the Prevent duty and existing professional practices; and the responsibilisation of first-line professionals. The conclusion reflects on the wider public and policy implications of these findings.  相似文献   
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