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"三鹿奶粉"系列案涉及的、含有三聚氰胺的所谓"蛋白粉"是有害物质而不是有毒物质,添加者故意将其添加到原牛奶中并卖给"三鹿集团"的行为,在性质上属于生产、销售有害食品。制造并销售"蛋白粉"的行为不应当如法院判决的那样构成以危险方法危害公共安全罪,而应当与添加者的行为构成生产、销售有害食品罪的"连锁共犯"。"三鹿集团"的行为,应当以2008年8月1日检测报告出具明确结论为界分为两个阶段:在前一阶段,其直接负责的主管人员构成重大责任事故罪,在后一阶段,"三鹿集团"的行为在性质上属于生产、销售有害食品,与生产销售伪劣产品罪存在法条竞合;根据《刑法》第149条关于择一重罪处罚的规定,应按第140条的规定构成生产、销售伪劣产品罪;对"三鹿集团"直接负责的主管人员两个阶段的罪行应当数罪并罚。  相似文献   
Negative observer reactions towards victims may be related to people’s expectations of the characteristics and demeanor of an ideal victim. We examined how expressed emotion, victim sex, and type of victimization influence observers’ perceptions of victim credibility, victim character, and harm. Our hypothesis was that angry victims, male victims, and victims of sexual violence are perceived less positively than sad victims, female victims, and victims of physical violence. Additionally, we anticipated that expectancy violations following expressed agentic/high status, or passive/low-status emotions of the victim would lead to negative reactions. Participants (N?=?335) read a written victim impact statement, by a male or female victim of a sexual or physical assault, in which anger or sadness was expressed. The results show that observers generally respond more negatively to male victims than to female victims, and to victims expressing anger rather than sadness. However, a two-way interaction between expressed emotion and type of crime revealed that expressed emotion only significantly influences character derogation and victim credibility in cases of physical violence. Finally, emotion expectancy violations based on ex-ante expectations lead to derogation and diminished credibility. The discussion focuses on how emotion expectancy violations seem intimately tied to stereotype-ridden features of victimization.  相似文献   
The crime of deliberately rendering an arbitral award in violation of law was provided at the end of Article 20 of the Amendment VI to the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China. Such a crime is likely to be misunderstood because views are sharply divided on its implication and scope of application. In addition, pertinent provisions are not manipulable. The wording of violation of law should not be included in articles of the law, as legalese. The charge is the product of redundant legislation, whose provisions are bound to be considered as pieces of blank paper. The creation of the crime disrespects arbitration, and removes the peculiarities of it. The charge of the crime undermines the profession of international arbitration. Therefore, the crime should be repealed. Where cases were arbitrated wrongly, and social harms were caused, criminal law and other laws would serve as remedies.  相似文献   
曾赟 《河北法学》2006,24(3):93-98
宪政之维的刑法可谓刑法"宪法化"了.刑法的目的不仅保障社会中善良公民的基本权利,而且保护犯罪人的权利.刑罚的执行不是给罪犯带来痛苦,而是要注重如何保障罪犯的权利.国家的刑事政策与自由、平等、法治等宪政理念紧密相连,其目的在于个人自由之保护,而不是警察国家模式所追求的刑事政策的惩罚性.刑法"宪法化"最重要的标志是刑法司法必须接受宪法的限制.美国式违宪审查模式与德国式宪法诉愿模式将宪法对刑法的限制加以建制化.  相似文献   
司法实例统计表明,我国民事司法实务中严重违反法定程序的识别与认定存在混乱与无序,突出表现在法院界定严重违反法定程序的非法定情形时未遵循科学统一的识别标准,导致裁量权的滥用。作为例示规范的《民事诉讼法》第170条第1款第4项的失范是根本缘由,其择取的程序违法列举情形仅凸显违法程度的严重性,未体现出发回重审程序违法应满足侵害当事人审级利益与存在续行言词辩论必要的特质,严重违反法定程序的概括事项也未因应发回重审程序违法事由的基本要义。为求得程序正当与程序安定的衡平,应当以程序规范的不同效力等级作为识别严重违反法定程序的标尺;仅当诉讼行为违背强行规范时,方可界定为严重违反法定程序。  相似文献   
伪劣种子导致农作物减产或绝收,该损害赔偿责任的定性在理论和实务上有较大争议,国内外司法实践存在违约损害赔偿责任和侵权损害赔偿责任两种责任定性。英美法国家几乎都采用前一种定性方案,适用违约责任的救济规则。我国存在两种责任定性的立法和司法实践,适用合同救济规则还是侵权救济规则不甚明确。种子损害赔偿责任应定性为违约损害赔偿责任,适用违约救济的相关规则。  相似文献   
减灾防灾的制度安排,决定着灾害救援和重建的成效,也是重大自然灾害应对能力提高的关键。"举国体制"是我国抗震救灾可操作性强、反应灵敏、效率高的法宝;举国体制,表现的是一种工作机制,然而体现的更是一种政治实力,它与现行经济、政策有着密切的相互关系。举国体制是被灾害救援与重建过程的实践证明了的、体现中国特色社会主义制度优越性的一种制度安排。  相似文献   
防卫人对现实中并非真实存在的不法侵害实行防卫时,确实存在防卫行为的强度超出制止其假想的不法侵害所需限度的情形,即不法侵害事实的欠缺不是否定假想的防卫存在过当性的前提。假想防卫过当虽与假想防卫有诸多共同之处,但假想防卫过当中防卫行为超过防卫所需限度的特征决定了它是一个独立的概念,并非被假想防卫所包容。对假想防卫过当概念的界定应注意其与防卫限度错误的关系以及行为人对过当性认识的问题。  相似文献   
我国现行刑事政策反思及完善--以维护社会稳定为切入点   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
我国的刑事政策是党和国家长期历史经验的总结 ,在社会主义革命和建设时期都曾发挥过重要的作用 ,但是 ,我国的刑事政策自身也存在着许多问题 ,需要进一步完善。刑事政策的制定应以维护社会的稳定为出发点 ,并以此对犯罪和犯罪人进行分类。面对日益严峻的社会治安状况 ,我国在今后较长时期内应采取“轻轻重重”的刑事政策。  相似文献   
I first offer an account of serious crime that goes beyond victimizing crimes committed by individuals against other individuals. This approach extends the well-known framework offered by von Hirsch and Jareborg to include crimes undermining welfare-producing institutions. I then consider how the seriousness of crime justifies preventive measures, including the criminalization of acts preparatory to the commission of serious crime. I shall defend preventive measures, including highly intrusive ones, for the most serious crimes, such as terrorism in the form of mass killing, but I shall take issue with very expansive conceptions of serious crime that include what are intuitively much less serious offenses than terrorism or murder. In England and Wales, the Serious Crime Act (2007) lists relevant types of serious crime in its Schedule 1. This and other pieces of serious crime legislation in the UK are discussed critically.  相似文献   
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