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在犯罪嫌疑人与证人身份重合的情形下,合理界定身份是依法取证的前提,否则,就会出现取证过程和证明过程中的身份矛盾。在不同的过程中,同一人因同一事而身份不一致,不仅可能产生非法证据,而且还可能侵犯人权。因此,我们不仅需要在司法取证及证明过程中合理界定当事人身份,而且还需要在立法上为科学界定当事人身份创造条件。  相似文献   
Leaving in Peace     
正As China faces a rapidly aging society,the experiences of the nation’s first hospice could offer solutions to some looming problems By Yuan Yuan Li Wei starts all of his college lectures with the same statement,"I have good news for you.You will die in less than 20,000 days."  相似文献   
The New Breed     
正The debate on GM food continues,raising more concerns over food safety among the public On March 30, the Hainan Provincial Agricultural Department released a statement on its website, saying that nine corn and cotton samples out of 107 specimens planted in the southernmost Chinese province were identified as genetically modified (GM) last December and that they had been immediately destroyed The department also revealed that the samples came from il-  相似文献   
正Washington and Tokyo issued a joint statement on April 24 during U.S.President Barack Obama’s Japan tour,claiming that the Treaty of Security and Safeguard Between Japan and the United States extends to"all the territories under the administration of Japan,"including the Diaoyu Islands.And"the United States opposes any unilateral action that seeks  相似文献   

The paper explains and differentiates the concept of ‘fact’ in the legal setting. Fact and evidence, fact/falsity distinguished; fact and law considered -- a real difference or a pragmatic device? Questions of fact and degree considered, in themselves and in the context of jury trial and of appeals. Primary fact, factual inferences from primary fact, questions of classification of fact are considered. Whether inference is supported by evidence, and whether classification is correct may be questions of law. Issues of fact and opinion, fact and comment, relative to freedom of speech, defamation etc: no clear distinction available. Legal problems concerning absence of workable distinctions.

失信行为进入司法程序往往形成虚假证据、虚假陈述和虚假诉讼,对于该类失信行为的鉴别和证伪需要依赖物证鉴定、心理测试等多种司法鉴定的科学方法和手段。所以,司法鉴定工作对于诚信建设而言,是通过科学和可靠的方法揭示和惩罚不诚信行为,进而保障和促进诚信建设的积极因素。实践中应当以司法鉴定制度中鉴定公示与意见开示、规范诉前鉴定、维护鉴定活动的诚信、科学手段的更新和方法规制等方式来促进和保障诚信建设。  相似文献   
随着"不得强迫任何人证实自己有罪"这一原则写入到刑事诉讼法第50条中,在法律上已经确立了这一原则,从而对刑事诉讼程序的各个阶段都会产生重大影响。作者从检察机关审查批准逮捕实务工作出发,拟探讨这一原则对审查批捕工作的工作形式和工作内容方面产生的影响,以便更好的在实务工作中践行这一原则,维护和保障人权。  相似文献   
随着经济全球化和教育产业化的发展,高校之间的竞争也日益激烈起来,决算报表作为反映高校财务经营状况的基本依据,报表质量显得尤为重要。由于高校财务收支项目具有其特殊性,现行决算报表的内容无法全面、准确、完整地反映高校的真实情况,对于决算报表的使用者而言,无法通过报表做出正确的经济决策。针对这一问题,通过调研及结合自身的工作经历,分析高校决算报表所存在的一些不足,提出了一些改进的措施和建议。  相似文献   
柳宗元的历史哲学观和政治观内涵丰富,他从天神与人,君王与民的关系中,阐述了人在自然和社会中的地位与作用,彰显着人本思想的光芒,他强烈关注民生疾苦,其民本思想及善政实践,对于当今的各极领导增强以人为本的公仆意识和群众观念是很有启迪作用的。  相似文献   
我国民诉法对当事人陈述的程序功能仅仅定位于证明案件事实,关于当事人陈述的程序规则规范缺失。在充分认识当事人陈述的程序功能基础上,应准确定位当事人陈述的法律性质,借鉴大陆法系国家当事人听取程序和当事人询问程序,对我国当事人陈述制度进行程序化改造,建构我国当事人陈述程序规则,以充分实现当事人陈述之多元化程序功能。  相似文献   
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