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目的利用实验数据对法医学二代测序STR分型测序深度与分型结果准确度的关联性进行评估。方法使用商业化基因组DNA制备单一来源和混合的DNA样本,以Thermo Fisher公司的25重早期测试试剂盒进行目的STR片段扩增,每种扩增产物分别使用4种不同的序列标签平行建库,并控制标记每一种序列标签的文库上机量依次占一张Ion 318芯片的1/4、1/8、1/16、1/32。经Ion PGMTM基因测序仪测序,以及Ion Torrent SuiteTM软件进行数据分析;同时对庞敬博等人发表的基于相同试剂盒和测序仪检测的95名中国汉族无关个体的6928条等位基因、影子峰和噪音序列进行测序深度统计分析,寻找测序深度与STR分型准确度的关联性。结果各基因座测序深度随文库上样量减少而呈明显下降趋势。对于单一来源样本,每张芯片上样不超过8个均一化文库可实现全部基因座的完整分型;对于1∶20比例的混合DNA,每张芯片上样不超过4个均一化文库时,未发现微量组分的等位基因丢失。人群数据测序深度统计显示,该体系基因座间存在不均衡性,有必要针对各基因座分别设定分析阈值参数。结论测序深度与法医学STR分型结果的准确性密切相关,各基因座最低测序深度与平均测序深度的比值可作为设定分析阈值的重要参考指标。本研究确定的单张芯片上样数量仅适用于本实验体系,但相关实验设计和方案可供其他实验体系开展类似工作参考。  相似文献   

The integration of a full-time family counseling specialist into the Pupil Personnel Service (PPS) Team of the modern public school is described. The roles of the present specialists are delineated as well as the problems inherent within the present Pupil Personnel Services Team. Inclusion of a family counseling specialist on the PPS Team would help schools avoid the antagonist position they find themselves in when a family opposes their suggestions and interventions. In such cases, the PPS Team attempts to wrest control of the case from the parents which subjugates the family, limiting the family's inherent resilience and strength. The family comes to resent the PPS Team, seeing them as blameful and controlling. Conversely, the PPS Team comes to resent the family, claiming it is “dysfunctional” in some way and using diagnostic labels to satisfy themselves that their “expert” actions are justified. This antagonist position in the schools arises more out of fear of litigation than good case management. We propose a new integration of family system and school system. Creation of a family counseling specialist who is highly trained in systems, narrative and structural/strategic family therapy could ameliorate this antagonist problem. Numerous functions for such a new specialty are listed as well as suggestions for including this member into PPS Team work.  相似文献   
文章通过对中共十八大报告有关建设文化强国的目标和战略转型的解读,对建设中国特色社会主义文化强国的基本方法与具体路径进行了系统的分析,同时从核心价值引领,道德文明素质支撑,文化生活保障,文化创造提升,文化产业驱动等方面提出了建设文化强国的一些具体对策和措施。  相似文献   
实现宁夏跨越发展不仅需要调整经济结构,转变经济发展方式,创新体制机制,还需充分借助良好的区域形象这一无形资产通过阐释中阿经贸论坛背景下宁夏区域形象塑造的必要性,全面分析目前宁夏区域形象现状,从加强对外宣传、发展优势产业、加强文化交流、拓展旅游市场、注重研究设计等五个方面塑造宁夏新形象的战略理路。  相似文献   
党的十七届五中全会指出:“当前和今后一个时期.我国发展仍处于可以大有可为的重要战略机遇期。”安徽省委八届十三次会议强调:“未来五年是安徽省大有可为的黄金发展期”。监狱工作始终与国家和社会的发展紧密相连,国家的战略机遇期、安徽省的黄金发展期,同样也是监狱难得的发展机遇期。作为全省最大和全国特大型监狱,白湖分局更需要抢抓机遇,主动找准服务经济与社会发展的着力点.将监狱的发展置于国家和社会发展的大局中去谋划,奋力推进监狱良性循环发展常态化,切实履行白湖分局在“科学发展、全面转型、加速崛起、兴皖富民”进程中的重要职责。  相似文献   
王帆 《外交评论》2020,(2):1-22,I0001,I0002
改革开放四十年,中国经济得到长足发展,与此同时也带来了对外依存度偏高的风险,而经济上的对外依存与战略自主之间存在密切的相互影响关系。回顾一些大国的对外战略可以看出,相互依存直接影响对外战略,对外依存度过高会导致战略自主性的下降,从而极大缩减战略选项,甚至在一些关键节点不得不诉诸战略冒险。中国的对外依存与战略自主的关系也经历了复杂的演变过程。新中国成立后,中国一度采取"一边倒"的对外政策,在一定程度上影响了战略自主。改革开放之后,中国经济对外部市场、技术和能源的依存度不断上升,也在一定程度上限制了中国对外战略的全面自主发展。因此,中国的大国战略必须在外向与内顾、国际与国内之间保持适当的平衡,更为合理地协调对外依存与战略自主之间的关系,将全面深度改革开放与全方位外交布局紧密联系在一起。唯其如此,中国未来的大国外交才能行稳致远。  相似文献   
经济结构战略性调整是我国本世纪头 2 0年的主线 ,要抓住这根主线 ,就要把经济结构战略性调整与加入WTO、进一步融入国际社会结合起来 ,与迎接经济全球化和信息化挑战结合起来 ,充分发挥好比较优势和后发优势 ,并立足于人力资源开发这个关键 ,以谋求 2 1世纪我国经济的持续快速健康发展。  相似文献   
建立"中国-东盟文化产业合作区"的战略构想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
施惟达  林艺  靳柯 《思想战线》2006,32(1):62-67
在中国—东盟自由贸易区的基础上,构建“中国-东盟文化产业合作区”,可以实现这一区域内文化产品的交流、贸易与服务,促进文化产业的发展,保护文化多样性,共同维护这一区域的文化安全,抵御西方文化深层介入。这一合作区域的建立不仅是实施中国文化产业发展“走出去”战略的重要实践,更有助于中国文化产品和服务在东南亚市场的拓展。  相似文献   
This study examines the role of the UN’s programmes for environment and development (UNEP and UNDP) in the genesis and implementation of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). This is set in the wider context of the changing dominant focus of the international agenda, from ‘environment’ at the Stockholm Conference in 1972, to ‘environment and development’ at Rio in 1992, and ‚sustainable development’ in Johannesburg in 2002. UNDP is a development organisation strongly rooted in its country office network. Its role is becoming increasingly normative however, particularly since 2002 when UNDP opted to root most of its activities on the Millennium Development Goals. UNEP, as an environmental organisation has been successful at catalysing MEAs at the global and regional level; but without a significant increase in its budget over 30 years, its capacity has been spread very thinly. Many of the institutional arrangements for MEAs have effectively become independent of UNEP resulting in a very loosely and sometimes poorly coordinated network. Two case studies are used to illustrate the current institutional arrangements: UNEP’s Regional Seas Conventions and Protocols, and the Convention for Biological Diversity. These illustrate the fragmentation of current institutions, the need for strengthened technical and scientific support, the importance of addressing problems at their root causes and the need to increase the devolution of global governance to the regional level. Satisfying the identified needs requires actions within the remit of both UNEP and UNDP. It is argued that current institutional arrangements have not kept pace with the requirements of evolving policy. As part of a reform process, one option may be to merge the two programmes into a single structure that conserves and strengthens vital technical functions but enables a balanced and integrated approach to sustainable development.  相似文献   
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