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邓小平权力制约思想是对马克思主义理论的继承、发展和对革命建设经验教训的总结,是邓小平理论体系的重要组成部分。邓小平权力制约思想的主要内容有:制度制约、法律制约、监督制约。邓小平权力制约思想对建设社会主义政治文明、构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要的现实指导意义。  相似文献   
赛珍珠文化相对主义思想溯源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国作家赛珍珠一生所从事的跨文化创作、学术研究和社会活动,均为其文化相对主义思想的体现.这一思想的形成首先来源于她的跨国界的生活,在几个不同世界的生活使其发现文化差异是普遍存在的现实,文化差异不是文化低劣的表现,相反,它赋予人类文化以多样性;其次来源于她的跨文化阅读,特别是对中国文化的研究性阅读,使得赛珍珠认识到文化差异存在的历史合理性,东西方文化因此应该遵循"和而不同"的原则,并在此基础上由沟通交流达到融合.  相似文献   
虽然对女性主义方法论的批评和质疑很多,但是作为一种追求性别平等的法律方法,女性主义方法仍不失为一种思考的视角。任何法学方法,最后都是为了案件得到正确判决,因此本文目的不在于提出理论,主要是结合美国宪法案件来分析女性主义方法在案件中的实际运用。由于中国的历史和文化传统中女性通常是"不在场"的,虽然宪法明文规定男女平等,但是司法实践中不平等却时有发生。笔者希望通过介绍女性主义方法能给出一些启示。  相似文献   
我国在中小学幼儿园校园突发事件的应对过程中存在应急管理相关立法滞后、安全管理机制和应急预案不完善、师生防灾意识不强及社会协调联动能力弱等问题。强化中小学幼儿园校园突发事件的应对工作应从完善校园安全立法、推进校园突发事件"一案三制"建设、加强安全宣传教育、提高师生应对危机的处置能力、强化校园安全社会网的构筑,同时借鉴国外的先进经验等方面,从学生、学校、政府和社会各方面采取相应的措施,保证校园安全。  相似文献   
本文剖析了非公企业中外来务工青年群体的生存状态和思想状态,并就共青团组织如何服务于外来务工青年作了从机制、手段、方法等方面的理论探讨.  相似文献   
在我国建设法治社会的背景下,在现代刑事司法追求惩罚犯罪与保障人权兼顾的背景下,在我国公民权利意识与程序意识越来越成熟的背景下,在我国社会对司法公正与正义的渴求越来越强烈的背景下,如何让我国的侦查讯问走向"法治化"是一项必须且迫切需要解决的课题。域外侦查讯问对我国的启示是:以权利制约权力是侦查讯问法治化的一种内在规律,程序法中法律规则立法之细致严密是侦查讯问法治化的重要条件。但是,规则之治也存在一定的局限,侦查讯问法治化的实现不仅需要规则之治,也亟需具备其他相关条件。  相似文献   

Why do public policies succeed or fail? The aim of this article is to contribute to answering this enduring research question in policy research through a comparative study of the variable efforts by Nordic governments to relocate their central agencies from the capital regions over a period of several decades. This was a radical redistributive policy program premised on a policy instrument – coercion – which was very alien to political systems characterized as consensual democracies. Hence, it is no surprise that only two out of seven relocation programs of any substance were successful. The really intriguing research question here is how any relocation program was achievable at all in a policy context where this was very unlikely. A broadly based multi-theoretical analytical framework linking interest groups, institutions, human agency in the form of policy entrepreneurship/design and situational factors is employed to solve this research puzzle. Findings from this study offer important contributions to the following research fields: comparative public policy, radical policy change and most specifically the so-called third generation of public policy implementation research.  相似文献   
Fracture matches are considered the strongest conclusion in the forensic examination of rigid materials, such as glass, metal, and paint. However, publications that support the fracture matching of polymeric films, such as tape backings, are limited. This study was designed to determine the validity and error rate associated with conducting end-match (fracture match) examinations on vinyl electrical tape. Test designs varied the source roll of tape, test preparer, or mode of separation from the roll. Results indicated that each affected the resulting severed tape ends. The analysts examining the end matches also had an effect on the results. Eight end matches in the study were not identified by the initial analysts and were considered inconclusive. One end match was misidentified, resulting in one false positive and an error rate of 0.049%. These results support a comprehensive physical and chemical tape comparison regardless of indications of an end match.  相似文献   
Central to traditionalist and revisionist perspectives of individual-level party identification is a debate about the stability of party identification. We revisit the debate about the dynamic properties and processes underlying party identification. We present a conceptual framework that defines heterogeneity and state dependence as endpoints of a continuum underlying partisan stability, which is important in understanding an individual’s capacity for updating partisanship. Using panel data from the 1992-1996 National Election Study, we estimate dynamic, random effects multinomial logit models of party identification that distinguish between heterogeneity and “true state dependence.” In accord with traditionalist perspectives, our evidence suggests that in general, minimal state dependence underlies party identification; party identification is strongly stationary. However, we find that age enhances the magnitude of state dependence, which provides some support for revisionist theories. Overall, our work showcases how explaining individual-level dynamics expands our knowledge of partisan stability.  相似文献   
犯罪测量是犯罪学的重要课题。,近年来西方犯罪学发展缓慢,原因就在于测量量具缺乏标准化。测量量具不标准不利于犯罪学核心概念的精确,不利于实证研究的比较,不利于理论与实证互动,不利于研究成果的累积与转化。对于初学实证的我国犯罪学界,普及量具标准化意识有独特的意义。犯罪学测量量具标准化有利于西方犯罪学理论的中国化和我国本土犯罪学理论的验证。量具标准化不会影响犯罪学的多元比较,它是灵活的、发展的,不是固定的、模式化的。量具标准化不是一劳永逸的,它需要定期评估。  相似文献   
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