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企业临时性岗位用工从业人员的增加和国家对劳动用工的管控不断加强,临时性岗位用工问题凸显,企业投入解决劳资关系的精力明显增多,且在劳资纠纷中经常处于被动。本文通过分析当前企业临时性岗位用工存在的问题及具体原因,探寻临时性岗位的合理用工形式,并对企业未来临时性岗位用工管理给出合理化建议。  相似文献   
通过文献资料法、实地观察法和访谈法,对江苏省泰州市海陵区新区暂住人口居住方式与对当地社会治安状况的影响进行了研究。结果表明,经济比较发达的中小型城镇暂住人口的居住方式对社会治安状况的影响有一定的规律。根据这一规律,在“以房管人”的基础上对暂住人口进行分户、分层管理,在很大程度上提高了暂住人口的管理效率,为建设和谐社区,促进社会协调发展起了一定的促进作用。  相似文献   
“挂职”是培养干部、锻炼干部的重要途径,挂职干部欲实现“受教育、长才干、作贡献”的目的,要做到到位而不能越位、勤奋而不能“勤论”、化解矛盾而不能陷入矛盾。  相似文献   
This article investigates the situation of non-camp Syrian refugees living in ?zmir with a focus on socio-economic prospects and challenges concerning their survival and integration on the one hand and social acceptance by the host Turkish society on the other. The data were generated by semi-structured interviews conducted between February and April 2014 with non-camp Syrian refugees and Turkish citizens living in ?zmir. The empirical research intends to contribute to the literature through insights on the socio-economic conditions of non-camp Syrians, their level of integration to Turkish society, difficulties and challenges encountered and the perception of Turkish citizens about the rising Syrian population in Turkey. It argues that Turkey’s open-border and ‘temporary protection’ policies are approaching their limits with the increasing number of new arrivals and the concomitant difficulties faced in integrating into Turkish society. The paper suggests that there is an urgent need to create a ‘rights-based approach’ with a long-term integration policy and presents policy recommendations which aim to extend and secure the rights of Syrians through socio-economic adjustments without jeopardizing their social acceptance from and peaceful co-existence with Turkish citizens.  相似文献   
Zimbabwean migration into South Africa represents a challenge to standard global models for responding to large-scale migration flows. South Africa's existing legal and institutional infrastructure for migration management and refugee protection is not adequate for responding to this challenge and yet the country has not planned or implemented alternative responses. The paper outlines the complex ‘mixed’ nature of current Zimbabwean migration to South Africa and describes how South Africa's range of legal and institutional responses are ineffective in protecting both South Africa's national interests and the rights of Zimbabwean migrants. After presenting a series of factors against which future responses should be evaluated, it lists various possible forms of response, including legal and humanitarian interventions, and discusses their respective appropriateness in the South African context. Finally, the paper suggests six possible policy scenarios, taking into account institutional and political realities on the ground in South Africa.  相似文献   
20 0 1年 6月 2 2日 ,美国国际贸易委员会根据美国贸易代表左立克的要求 ,启动了对外国钢铁制品进口的保障措施调查程序。 2 0 0 2年 3月 2 0日美国总统布什正式实施临时保障措施。本文从保障措施的含义、法律制度及其地位入手 ,提出我国在入世后在保障措施方面的对策。  相似文献   
虽然《刑事诉讼法》第214条只规定"被判处有期徒刑或者拘役"的罪犯可以适用监外执行,但从法理及法律解释的角度分析,对于被判处死缓和无期徒刑的罪犯,无论其是在原判处死刑缓期两年执行或者无期徒刑后来又被减刑为有期徒刑的,还是原判死缓或者无期徒刑的罪犯在死刑缓期执行期间和无期徒刑服刑期间,都应当作为暂予监外执行的适用对象。  相似文献   
随着私家车的日益增多,交通的压力越来越大,车路矛盾越来越突出,而西安道路临时停车收费中存在的最大问题是停车难,停车场的管理也比较混乱、松散,乱收费现象严重,且收费标准缺乏科学合理性。规范西安道路临时停车收费,其收费标准的制定要科学合理、便民利民、依法规范、公开透明、简便易行,具有前瞻性。  相似文献   
建立选拔优秀民警借调公安院校担任指导员的长效机制,可以使公安院校长期拥有一支年轻的、富有战斗力的指导员队伍,有助于加强学校与基层公安机关在人才的交流、培养等方面的联系与合作,能使培养的学生更贴近公安实际,从源头上提高公安民警的素质,增强公安队伍的战斗力,能促进学校的学管乃至其他各项工作,提高学校的总体办学质量和办学效益,有利于被借调民警提高组织管理能力,更新公安业务知识,对于推动公安教育训练的理论创新与制度创新,不断提高公安教育训练工作的质量和效益,具有极为深远的意义。  相似文献   
中国是《巴黎公约》、《马德里协定》和《尼斯协定》的成员国 ,又随入世加入乌拉圭回合达成的《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》 (以下简称TRIPs) ,而现行的商标法有许多与之不相适应之处需要修正 ,以缩短与TRIPs等国际公约的差距。  相似文献   
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