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刘同君 《法学》2022,483(2):21-33
长期以来,农民群体由于自身的社会地位与社会制度等客观因素导致其在政治、经济、文化、社会等方面的正当权利得不到有效保护。以社会公平正义为价值依归的"弱有所扶"、相对贫困治理、实现全民共同富裕等时代要求,为农民权利倾斜性保护制度安排提供了正当性依据与价值基础。要实现真正意义上的农民权利倾斜性保护,必须坚持农民主体的权利地位、改变农民主体的弱势地位、维护农民主体的职业地位等基本价值定位;必须切实实现保护农民政治民主权利、土地经营权利、社会保障权利的价值承诺。惟此,才能逐步实现城乡居民权利的均等化,从而真正达到对农民权利进行倾斜性保护的目的。  相似文献   
近年来,行政管理专业的发展遇到了很多问题,许多高校甚至开始考虑撤掉这个专业。诸如在人才培养目标定位模糊、课程设置泛化、教学过程僵化等方面,行政管理专业的问题愈发凸显。面对这一现实,行政管理专业迫切需要寻求自身存续和发展的突破点,回归专业建设之初的本心,重新追溯、审视、反思其学科价值,在对自身知识价值、育人价值及发展价值的追问、探讨、澄清、挖掘中寻找摆脱现实困境的方法,在此基础上对人才培养模式予以调整、重塑与变革。从学科价值的角度来说,这不仅体现的是一个专业对于社会的责任、对于学生的责任,更是对于自身存续发展的责任。  相似文献   
In this report, we applied the TissueFAXS 200 digital pathological analysis system to rapidly and accurately identify neutrophils during regeneration of contused skeletal muscle, and to provide information for follow-up studies on neutrophils to estimate wound age. Rat injury model was established, and skeletal muscle samples were obtained from the control group and contusion groups at 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, and 6 h, as well as at 1, 3, 5, and 15 d post-injury (n = 5 per group). The expression of nuclei and neutrophils was detected by hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining and immunohistochemical (IHC) staining. A total of 20 injury site areas of 0.25 mm2 (0.5 mm × 0.5 mm) were then randomly selected at all time points. A TissueFAXS 200 digital pathological analysis system was used to identify the positive and negative numbers. Knowledge of five professional medical workers were considered the gold standard to measure the false positive rate (FPR), false negative rate (FNR), sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve (AUC) of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. As a result, with a staining area of neutrophils from 8 µm2 to 15 µm2, the FPR was 4.28%–12.14%, the FNR was 12.42%–64.08%, the sensitivity was 35.92%–87.58%, the specificity was 87.86%–95.72%, the Youden index was 0.316–0.754, the accuracy was 82.80%–88.30%, and the AUC was 0.771–0.826. The AUC was largest when the cut-off value of the staining area was 12 µm2. Our results show that this software-based method is more accurate than the human eye in evaluating neutrophil infiltration. Based on the sensitivity and specificity, neutrophils can be accurately identified during regeneration of contused skeletal muscle. The TissueFAXS 200 digital pathological analysis system can also be used to optimize conditions for different cell types under various injury conditions to determine the optimal cut-off value of the staining area and provide optimal conditions for further study. Furthermore, it will provide evidence for forensic pathology cases.  相似文献   
张实 《思想战线》2001,27(3):88-90
通过介绍参与性农村评估的理论,并结合在民族调查中的实际运用,描述了参与性农村评估在民族调查中的具体运作,分析了参与性农村评估在民族调查中的优势和不足,为民族调查提供了一个新的视角.  相似文献   
大学生信用档案是大学生在信用活动中形成的第一手资料,它通过制度来规范大学生的诚信行为,其建设过程蕴含着重要的诚信教育价值。因此,高校应充分认识大学生信用档案本身和建设过程包含着的诚信教育内容,并将诚信教育贯穿于信用档案建设过程中。  相似文献   
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Since the early 2000s, the governments in ASEAN (the Association of South East Asian Nations) countries have developed ‘good agricultural practices’ (GAP) as public approaches to field-level quality assurance. Besides the primary goals of consumer food safety and quality assurance, these public GAP programs aim to support small-scale farmer inclusion in mainstream markets. This goal represents the antithesis of the prevailing trend that private GAP approaches have tightened integration with resourceful, large-scale producers in global value chains. This paper examines the compatibility of the goals of safety assurance and social justice in a public GAP approach through comparative analysis of Thailand's Q-GAP between two local contexts of fruit production and marketing. The research findings suggest that while the public GAP scheme could draw the participation of a broad cohort of local small-scale producers and serve to certify their production, its impact on changing producers' on-field practices and catalyzing their access to the global market through food safety assurance is limited. The binding factors include the lack of producers' understanding of the principles of the programme, limited additional economic merits for them, and the influence of extra-local market forces that stress economies of size and food quality rather than food safety.  相似文献   
2000年政治经济学和社会主义经济理论热点问题集中在关于深化对劳动和劳动价值论的认识;公有制在社会主义制度中的地位;社会主义经济和有中国特色的社会主义经济的关系;政治经济学基本理论和方法的坚持与发展等几个方面.在研究和探讨中,见仁见智,推动了对相关问题的深入认识和理解.  相似文献   
李旭琴 《桂海论丛》2009,25(6):55-58
随着传统公共行政向现代公共治理结构转型,官僚体制下的“独白式”体制的逐渐解体,话语垄断权的打破.建立在民主参与取向、责任取向、正义取向、回应取向和伦理取向基础上的公共治理价值体系初步形成,开始走向“对话式”体制。在治理主体和治理对象的“互主体性”关系中践行公共治理价值体系,是实现行政哲学由独白走向对话的必然路径与选择。  相似文献   
刘梦娟 《桂海论丛》2009,25(6):109-112
百色起义是我党在大革命失败后较早在我国西南少数民族地区实行的“工农武装割据”的光辉实践,由百色起义所孕育的百色起义精神具有深远的历史作用和巨大的现实价值。它对中国革命道路的摸索,对建设有中国特色社会主义道路的选择具有重要的启示作用;它所体现的对理想信念的执著追求和不怕牺牲的大无畏精神是引领当代人价值取向的一面旗帜;它所体现的辛勤劳动、艰苦奋斗的作风是当代人应发扬的优良作风,也成为社会主义荣辱观的主要内容之一;它所蕴涵的依靠群众,全心全意为人民服务的思想与当今共产党人“以人为本”的执政理念息息相通。  相似文献   
张华民 《桂海论丛》2009,25(5):97-101
现代服务型政府是一个代表公众利益、提供公共服务、接受公众监督、承担公共责任的政府.行政决策法治化是行政决策体现多数人意志、实现和保障多数人利益并使之规范化的过程.行政决策法治化与服务型政府建设在根本动力和价值追求上具有一致性,即二者根本动力在于公众有效的参与、二者价值追求在于公众权利的实现,行政决策法治化是进一步推进服务型政府建设的关键.  相似文献   
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