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This paper examines policy outputs associated with the 2004 Bhutan antitobacco law, including 2009 amendments, to determine if the law is congruent with punctuated equilibrium or social policy realism theories of policy change. There was no direct and sudden tobacco policy output change in Bhutan due to a shock to the policy system contrary to what punctuated equilibrium theory would predict. Rather, policy change was sweeping but nonpunctuated. This paper reconfirms prior findings of social policy realism theory that various and complex policy output patterns occur due to a mixture of contingent and complex factors. Under social policy realism, a complex interplay of factors drive policy with the state, corporate actors, and interest groups, and the market often playing a primary role. These complex policy outputs have a direct impact on society and the natural environment reflected in government policy output actions or inactions.  相似文献   
“金砖国家”概念的提出,是“金砖五国”等新兴经济体实力不断壮大并伴随全球经济格局深刻演变的产物。包括中国在内的五个新兴国家无论是在经济发展还是社会进步方面都受到了前所未有的瞩目,五国的反腐败及廉政建设亦是备受外界关注。近二十年来,金砖国家在反腐倡廉建设方面付出了诸多努力。但是,清廉指数3.4分左右的平均分仍然时刻提醒着各国腐败形势依旧严峻,反腐败工作还有很长的路要走。  相似文献   
青年政治取向的反叛指与传统的、主流的文化相冲突。是否存在一个青年政治取向的反叛时期,西方学者有两种截然相反的观点:一种持肯定的态度,另一种则对此加以否定。之所以出现这种现象,除了研究角度的差异之外,也因学者们侧重的时代以及比较的对象不同所致。  相似文献   
西部欠发达地区由于受到资金、技术、人才等多种因素的制约和限制,完善的基层政府绩效评估体系几乎还是一片空白。我国政府绩效评估起步较晚,在相对落后的西部地区建立完善的政府绩效评估体系,需要借鉴国外的成功经验。因此,本文结合我国西部欠发达地区的特点以及经济社会发展的现状,从考察美国政府绩效评估的经验入手,探索完善我国西部欠发达地区基层政府绩效评估体系的路径。  相似文献   
Small states, argued Peter Katzenstein a quarter of a century ago, were different. Faced with the fluctuations of world markets, they adopt democratic corporatism and domestic compensation, thus ensuring political legitimacy and successful economic adjustment. The Baltic countries are an interesting case study for this framework, because in many ways they are “smaller” than the seven countries analyzed by Katzenstein. This article finds that, on a broader level, Katzenstein’s framework is very helpful in highlighting the key developments in the Baltic countries. On the other hand, the specific causal mechanism that can be drawn from this framework running from smallness, to democratic corporatism, to political legitimacy, as well as domestic compensation, has not developed in the Baltics.  相似文献   
农村水利建设是西部贫困地区扶贫开发工作的重要内容。作为西部欠发达地区,广西农村水利事业在扶贫开发中取得了长足的发展,提供了可资借鉴的经验,但仍然面临着农村饮水不安全人口多、小型病险水库数量大、农业灌排设施老化失修、水环境持续恶化、水电资源无序开发等突出问题。在新一轮扶贫开发中.必须从更新观念、理顺体制、加大投入、强化队伍建设等方面予以加强。  相似文献   
西部农村基层党组织建设面临的挑战及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
西部农村基层党组织是我国西部地区农村各种基层组织及其各项工作的领导核心。改革开放以来,随着市场经济的推进,西部农村基层党组织建设面临执政、领导与管理等多方面的挑战。加强完善西部农村基层党组织建设要从落实党建工作责任制、加强村"两委"班子建设、推进村级组织决策议事民主化、加强基层党建基础设施、提高村干部待遇、完善村干部奖惩机制和畅通村干部队伍出路渠道等方面着手。  相似文献   
本文通过对东南亚国家中具有代表性的泰国、越南、新加坡3国与中国关于妨害风化犯罪的立法比较,发现其各自不同的法律特色;东南亚国家与我国在法律文化上有诸多共性,这对我国法律的完善具有极大的参考价值。  相似文献   
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