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纵览中外一些历史王朝的兴亡和世界上一些大党老党的成败,可以看到,人心向背是决定一个政党、一个政权兴亡的根本性因素。新时期,深入开展反腐败斗争是全面落实"三个代表"重要思想的本质要求和题中之义。  相似文献   
袁宏道的游记 ,其新意在于出色地表现了自然妩媚诱人的魅力和人与自然生命间情感的“对话”。声色之美是袁氏体验和表现自然魅力的重要形式 ,声色之美也是一种价值体认。这种创造性 ,与作者看重个体的享受生活和审美生活以及对存在的深刻领悟密切相关 ,代表着晚明文学个性解放的精神  相似文献   
We revisit the debate over the deliberate control of reproduction in historical China through a reanalysis of data from the Qing (1644–1911) Imperial Lineage that accounts for physiological or other differences between couples that affected their chances of having children. Even though studies of contemporary and historical European fertility suggest that failing to control for such differences may obscure evidence of parity-specific control, previous studies of historical Chinese fertility have not accounted for them. We show that in the Lineage, failure to account for such differences leads the association between the number of children already born and the chances of having another birth to appear to be positive, but that once they are accounted for properly, the relationship is inverted. Based on this, we conclude that lineage members adjusted their reproductive behavior based on the number of children. We also show that the sex composition and survival of previous births affected reproductive behavior. We conclude by suggesting that one way forward in the ongoing debate over fertility control in historical China is through application of such methods to other datasets and comparison of results. We also suggest that progress in the debate over fertility in historical China has been impeded by confusion over the definition of fertility control, so that some behaviors are recognized as fertility control by some parties in the debate but not others.  相似文献   
曹植一生文采风流,后期诗赋散文均达到很高的艺术境界。无论是运用审美眼光去观察生活,开掘生活的美,还是运用形象思维,艺术地表现生活,传达思致;或文学语言的锤炼、诗赋体制的更新,他都作出了超越前人的贡献,诚为文学新时代的开拓者。  相似文献   
明、清统治者基本上都继承了汉唐以来传统的“守中治边”、“守在四夷”的治边思想,都放弃了元朝以边疆地区为基地,积极用兵开拓徼外的做法。但由于所处时代以及面临的时代问题不尽相同,明、清统治者在对西南边疆的认识及治理思想上亦存在着较为明显的差异。受治边思想的支配,就使明、清两代在经营西南地区时,在具体举措上既有相似之处即清对明的继承,也有清朝基于时代的发展而具有的一些独到之处。由于明、清加大了对开发西南的政策和人力物力的投入,把西南与内地的政治、经济、文化联系提升到前所未有的高度。同时西南也在更大的范围内参加到全国的经济活动中来,成为全国经济发展不可缺少的重要组成部分。  相似文献   
A new statute, “Hiding New and Old Fugitive Slaves of Manchus,” was added to the first version of the Qing code in 1647, and this statute surprisingly regulated that any offenders would be excluded from any amnesties. This is especially noteworthy because, according to both Ming and Qing codes, only severe crimes, such as treason and rebellion, were excluded from any amnesties. Previous scholars have not considered why the statute excluded any amnesties, nor have they analyzed how this amnesty policy was implemented in practice. This article contends that the exclusion did not arise from Manchu tradition. Instead, it was an exceptional response to the norms of amnesties in the Ming and Qing codes. Because the fugitive problem, involving slaves of Manchus fleeing from the banner system, endangered Manchus’ interests, the Qing court was compelled to exclude fugitive criminals from amnesties. However, the Qing court did not strictly apply the amnesty policy of this statute. Criminals in fugitive cases were sometimes pardoned because of amnesties during the Dorgon regency period. Dorgon, Shunzhi, Oboi, and Kangxi all initially excluded those harboring fugitives from amnesties, but later changed their amnesty policies in this regard. Even though the crime of harboring fugitives became a permanent symbol of Manchu rule and was recorded in every emperor’s enthronement edict from Kangxi to Xuantong, the Qing court gradually came to accept norms concerning amnesties as practiced in Han society and treated fugitive cases as ordinary court cases during and after the Kangxi emperor’s reign.  相似文献   
清朝前期,统治者仍以传统的"守中治边"、"守在四夷"观念为治边思想。在西南,清廷的认识较前代进一步深化,并采取积极的治理与开发措施,加大了人力物力的投入,使西南边疆民族地区在清前半期得到了较快发展,在政治、经济、文化诸方面进一步密切了与内地的联系,边疆民族的对内认同大为增强,边疆与内地一体化的趋势渐趋明显,并呈加快之势。  相似文献   
论清代前期贵州民族教育的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从清王朝统一贵州到道光二十年 ,官学的兴起促进了贵州民族教育的发展 ,但在专制政府的民族压迫和阶级压迫下 ,贵州民族教育处境艰难 ,发展缓慢 ,成为制约贵州社会经济发展的历史根源  相似文献   
19世纪末20世纪初,边陲西藏已成为各帝国倾力争夺的热点,特别是英国对西藏广袤的市场觊觎已久,为打开西藏对外通商的大门,英国先后发支了两次侵藏战争,用武力攫取了对藏通商的特权,并进一步发动一场金融侵略战,在东印度公司制造了一种印度卢比大量运往西藏,以此控制西藏的金融命脉,从而独占对西藏贸易的广大市场,面对主权丧尽利权外的局面,清政府的明智人士能够正视外国货币与金融的挑战,坚决进行有力回击,不但发行四川藏元与印度卢比争夺市场,还从完善从地金融,加强对藏贸易等根本途径,驱逐印度卢比对西藏的影响和控制,维护了晚清在西藏的主权利益,这在当时历史背景下堪称世纪的进步。  相似文献   
夏敏 《政法学刊》2007,24(1):92-95
晚清创设中国近代警察制度多仿效日本。日本人川岛浪速创办的京师警务学堂是中国最早的警察教育机构,他的《上庆亲王书》提出了近代中国警政建设比较完整的方案。  相似文献   
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