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When the Assemblée Nationale Constituante (ANC) adopted the first French constitution, delegates composed 11 articles whose purpose was to guide and govern the behaviour of members in a future legislative assembly. Procedures in three of these articles required that a bill receive three readings during its progress through the assembly. Beginning with works of René Descartes (1637) and Galileo Galilei (1638), I located sources for procedures that guide and govern the work of law-makers, applying their reasoning to the process of legislation. I explain how investigators went about identifying variables that captured conditions of possible experience. Narrowing my focus to three articles in the 1791 constitution, I extracted variables pertinent to the three readings of a bill, along with the permissible range of values that the text of these articles assigned to each variable. An Excel 3D Surface chart presents procedural choices which were available to French delegates to the Assemblée Nationale Constituante, the body responsible for drafting the 1791 constitution. The Excel chart is based on arrays of variables and the values assigned from the text of these three articles; these are located in Section II Tenue des Séances et Forme de Délibérer / Conduct of Meetings and Form of Deliberation’.  相似文献   
杠杆收购的本土化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杠杆收购作为公司并购的一种特殊形式,始于20世纪70年代的美国,80年代达到高峰。其特征在于收购资金主要来源于市场融资,收购的目的是以更高的价格出售公司或公司的股票。因此,杠杆收购较之传统意义上的公司收购有很大的区别。杠杆收购的发展,离不开低信用等级债券的辅助。作为杠杆收购中最有特色的融资手段之一,低信用等级债券的独特优势使其成为杠杆收购中最为最活跃的分子。在我国现实背景下,杠杆收购有其本土化发展的空间和可能性。  相似文献   
Document examiners are frequently asked to determine whether or not a colour printout has originated from a particular inkjet printer. The printer can rarely be identified unless some unique defects or irregularities of the printer are present on the printout. However, it is possible to decipher the make and/or model of the printer by comparing the ink-profile of the questioned printout with that of a seized inkjet printer cartridge or from one in a database. This paper presents an overview of a systematic approach to characterising and discriminating the inks of different inkjet printer cartridges using thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with multi-wavelength ultra-violet/visible (UV/Vis) detection. Ink samples from 23 different inkjet printer cartridges (including originals and substitutes) of different brands and colour printouts, printed by known printers were examined with newly developed chromatographic methods. Subsequently, a database of the ink-profiles was generated. The methods provide a useful tool for discriminating coloured inks in inkjet printer cartridges of different brands.  相似文献   
Legal context: When Congress enacted the Federal Trademark Dilution Act in1996, it intended to create a uniform federal cause of actionfor trade mark dilution. Unfortunately, the statutory languageselected by Congress created certain ambiguities, includinghow famous a trade mark had to be to merit dilution protectionunder the statute. Confusion developed as to whether a markmerely needed renown in a limited geographic area or industry—aconcept that became known as ‘niche fame’—orwhether it needed national renown to qualify as a ‘famousmark’. Key points: In 2006, Congress enacted the Trademark Dilution Revision Actand therein provided a concrete definition for a famous markthat ostensibly removed the ability to qualify for dilutionrelief where the mark was famous only within a particular niche.It was uncertain how courts that had previously favoured theniche fame theory would apply Congress's new definition. However,a district court in the Ninth Circuit, one of the strongestproponents of niche fame, recently held that niche fame is nolonger a viable theory under the Lanham Act or California statelaw as a result of the 2006 amendment. Practical significance: This decision portends that courts will fall in line with Congress'samendment and will deny dilution relief under federal law toparties whose marks are famous only in a particular geographicarea or industry. Additionally, the decision provides some guidanceand predictability as to how states may interpret the viabilityof niche fame under their respective dilution statutes in lightof Congress's 2006 amendment.  相似文献   
中国高等教育顾客满意度指数模型的构建   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
办人民满意的教育是我国高等教育的宗旨,对高等教育质量进行评估是受教育者的权利.根据我国高等学校的具体情况,在借鉴美国顾客满意度指数模型(ACSI)的基础上,尝试建立了由高校形象、顾客期望、感知质量、顾客满意、顾客忠诚和顾客信任等结构变量构成的中国高等教育顾客满意度指数模型(CHE-CSI).依据顾客满意度测量理论,设计了包括自我发展、专业课程设置、教师队伍、教学质量、图书馆、文娱活动和校园服务等质量因子和通行的满意度测量因子的指标体系,并编制了相应的问卷.总量表信度达到0.8999.因子分析表明,学生对高校教育质量的感知主要包括教学质量和校园服务两个方面.利用结构方程分析软件LISREL8.7对沈阳市六所高校的596名学生样本数据进行了模型验证分析.各项拟合系数均表明数据与模型拟合良好,其中RMSEA达到0.064.  相似文献   
目的 观察细胞因子在小鼠皮肤切创组织不同时间的基因表达变化及其与损伤时间的关系。方法用免疫组织化学染色法和RT-PCR法,检测小鼠皮肤切创组织中不同时间的白细胞介素-1α和-1β(IL-1α、-1βB),以及单核细胞趋化蛋白-1(MCP-1)、吞噬细胞炎性蛋白-1α和-2(MIP-1α、-2)的基因表达变化。结果 皮肤切创后在早期可诱导IL-1α和IL-1β的基因表达,6h达第一次高峰,24h下降,第3d再次出现高峰后,第6d下降至正常水平;而MCP-1、MIP-1α和MIP-2则在损伤后6h左右开始出现,3d达高峰,然后呈下降趋势。在这些被检因子中,以IL-1α、IL-1β、MIP-1α和MIP-2的变化幅度较大,而MCP-1的变化相对较小。结论 切创组织中IL-1α、-1β和MCP-1,以及MIP-1α、-2的基因表达随伤后不同时间呈现一定规律性变化;同时对同一组织多种细胞因子检查推测损伤时间完全可行。  相似文献   
Das neue Unternehmensgesetzbuch, in Kraft seit 1. 1. 2007, nimmt von der Anwendung seines Vierten Buchs (Unternehmergesch?fte) diejenigen Gesch?fte einer natürlichen Person aus, welche lediglich die Voraussetzungen für die Aufnahme eines Unternehmensbetriebs iSd § 1 UGB schaffen sollen (§ 343 Abs 3 UGB). Diese Ausnahmeregelung wirft neben der Frage ihres pers?nlichen Anwendungsbereichs die praktisch noch erheblich wichtigere nach ihrer Ausdehnung auf die übrigen Bücher des UGB auf.  相似文献   
以实验室工艺为基础,用发酵罐培养,对培养基、诱导剂及诱导条件、通气量、菌液灭活条件等进行了筛选优化。结果表明,重组菌株BL21(DE3)(pXK88acST3LT5)培养的最适培养基为改良LB培养基;乳糖为适合于工业化生产的诱导剂,其最适浓度为100 mmol/L,诱导时间不低于6 h;2×105mL发酵罐培养的最佳通气量为500 L/min;培养菌液的灭活条件为按菌液总量加入4 mL/L甲醛溶液,37℃灭活48 h。按上述工业化生产条件生产疫苗5批,检验结果均安全有效。  相似文献   
Die Anfechtung eines Teilsachbeschlusses gem § 36 Abs 2 Au?StrG über die Rechnungslegung des WE-Verwalters ist nach stRsp als materiellrechtliche Frage der Rechtsrüge zuzuordnen. Weil sich aber der Revisionsrekurs seit dem 1. 9. 1999 (§ 17 Abs 1 Z 1 WEG 1975 idF WRN 1999) – ebenso nach § 20 Abs 3 iVm § 34 WEG 2002 – nicht nur gegen formelle M?ngel richtet, sondern den Au?erstreitrichter auch zur Prüfung der inhaltlichen Richtigkeit der Abrechnung des WE-Verwalters verpflichtet, ist ein Teilsachbeschluss (des Erst- oder RekursG) unzul?ssig. Da nach § 52 Abs 2 Z 2 WEG 2002 im Abrechnungsverfahren s?mtlichen Wohnungseigentümern Parteistellung zukommt, steht allen auch eine im Au?erstreitverfahren verbesserte Abrechnung des WE-Verwalters zu, selbst wenn einzelne von ihnen die ursprüngliche Rechnungslegung gebilligt haben.  相似文献   
华富公司在开拓俄罗斯建筑市场中实施建筑精品战略,依靠打质量牌;坚持诚信第一的理念,依靠打信誉牌;立足夯实发展后劲基础,依靠打经营牌;大量启用当地人才,依靠打本土牌;正确估量俄罗斯市场,依靠打远见牌取胜,取得巨大成功。  相似文献   
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