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黄国恩 《中国法律》2010,(6):35-37,93-95
香港地小人多,人口密集加上经济的快速发展,突显了香港环境污染问题的严重性。香港主要的环境污染有空气污染、水质污染、废物的处理及噪音的问题,要完全根治这些污染问题并不容易,但我们必须要定下目标,至少要减少污染,控制污染不再恶化下去,让我们以及我们的後代,有一个健康和安全的生活环境.  相似文献   
有一个特殊的弱势人群,他们因疾病症状支配发生危害自己、他人和社会的行为,他们因疾病折磨丧失了劳动能力和生活能力,他们很痛苦,很无助,需要特别的关爱。这个群体,就是重性精神病人。  相似文献   
曲直 《公民与法治》2010,(18):27-27
世间百态新奇多,是非曲直来评说。我是曲直,今天说说城市养犬立法的问题。近一个时期以来,城市养犬带来的问题愈来愈多,已引起广大市民的强烈不满。  相似文献   
李芹  张甍 《公民与法治》2010,(18):38-38
随着生活水平的提高,饲养宠物已成为一种潮流。一方面,饲养宠物可以给人带来快乐及精神满足,另一方面,如果管理不当,则容易造成许多问题。比如动物粪便带来的卫生问题,遗弃、逃逸的动物带来的动物管理问题,以及由于管理不当导致动物伤人的问题等,都属于饲养动物所带来的一系列社会问题。  相似文献   
This paper emphasizes the foster children's right to family life and investigates whether change of custody and guardianship to foster parents is a successful option to achieve this right. Using CRC as the base for my definition of the right to family I will include the right to continuity, well-being and a family environment in the understanding of the term "right to family" in this article. These rights may, primarily, be fulfilled by the child's parents, and, if necessary for the best interest of the child, be complemented or substituted by foster or adoption parents. The analysis of different solutions concerning state interventions will base on Swedish law. In Sweden, a child in need of help or assistance as a result of abuse, neglect, or other inappropriate behavior in the home setting may be helped by the Social Welfare Committee-voluntarily or by a court order-in the child's home or a foster home. Other alternatives contain judicial involvement by changing custody and guardianship or making a decision for adoption. Since many years ago, the most commonly used alternative for children needing long term placements outside their homes in Sweden has become foster care. This development of many long-term placements has been criticized for not fulfilling the needs of the children, especially their needs for family continuity, stability and well-being. As a consequence, an amendment to the Social Services Act 200l was enacted in 2003 which states that the Social Services Committee shall consider the "permanence" of foster care by changing custody and guardianship to the foster parents three years later since a child starts in foster care, and every six months thereafter, as long as the child remains in the foster parents' care. Assuming that the foster parents are fit and willing to become custodians and guardians, and the child views the foster home as his or her home, the District Court can decide to change the custody and the guardianship to the foster parents. The assessment is to be based solely on the best interest of the child, and not on the fitness or wishes of the original custodian. However, can changing the custody and guardianship assist foster children's right to family? This paper elaborates on this question by describing a legal reform in Sweden.  相似文献   
随着经济社会的发展和人民生活水平的提高,对租赁房屋进行装饰装修,已经成为一种较为普遍的现象,相应地,在房屋租赁合同纠纷中,对装饰修物的处理成为租赁双方争议的焦点问题,建设部2001年11月11日颁布了《建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范》,  相似文献   
我国农村人力资源开发之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王德全 《法制与社会》2010,(28):227-227,232
进入二十一世纪以来,我国加快了社会主义现代化建设的步伐,而这在很大程度上取决于国民素质的提高和人力资源的开发。人力资源开发作为推动社会主义现代化建设的重要力量,开发农村人力资源,培养高素质的农民就成为中国经济发展的当务之急。本文分析了我国农村人力资源开发的现状及其存在的问题,并在分析其原因的基础上探讨了我国农村人力资源的开发之路。  相似文献   
信海光 《检察风云》2010,(13):78-78
看2010年各地的高考作文题,从广东的《与你为邻》到江苏的《绿色生活》,天津的《我生活的世界》,湖南的《早》,北京的《仰望星空与脚踏实地》等等,时事感确实大为弱化,这是一种进步。2009年高考结束以后,鉴于当年的高考作文题有较大比例过于贴近时事,比如《明星代言》、《圆明园兽首拍卖》、《弯道超车》等,而社会上对此又多有赞誉之声,我就提出:高考作文,能否离“现实”远些?  相似文献   
高亚飞 《中国律师》2010,(11):58-59
伴随我国社会、经济的飞速发展.人民生活水平的提高,夫妻财产问题和纠纷不断产生,情况复杂多样。为了满足不同社会阶层、不同家庭情况对夫妻财产处置的不同要求,2001年《婚姻法》进一步完善了我国夫妻约定财产制度,在第19条中规定:“夫妻可以约定婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产以及婚前财产归各自所有、共同所有或部分各自所有、部分共同所有。约定应当采用书面形式。没有约定或约定不明确的,适用本法第17务、第18条的规定。夫妻对婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产以及婚前财产的约定.对双方具有约束力。夫妻对婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产约定归各自所有的.夫或妻一方对外所负的债务,第三人知道该约定的,以夫或妻一方所有的财产清偿。”至此,我国夫妻约定财产制度已取得了很大进展。但仍在许多方面存在不足,如在基本原则的规定、约定的变更或撤销程序、约定的内容范围、约定自由度、约定的公示程序等方面存在缺失。  相似文献   
平心而论,我不是个时尚的人,努力了N次,到现在记住的服装,包包的牌子还是屈指可数,可是前两天电视里一场时装比赛,却让我从头看到尾,因为从第一眼开始,我就发现美丽的T形台后,无论是参赛者还是评委,都在无数次地重复一个词:纠结。  相似文献   
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