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众所周知,英国的全称是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,其中大不列颠包括英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。作为联合王国的一个重要成员,苏格兰在历史上也曾是一个独立的国家,且与其近邻英格兰冲突不断,导致了一系列血腥战争。18世纪初,苏、英双方都意识到紧密的政治、经济联合会给彼此带来更多的益处,  相似文献   
2012年9月27日,英格兰及威尔士法院举办了例行的、由首席法官自己发言的年度新闻发布会,英国皇家首席大法官贾奇(Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales,Lord Judge)回答了记者的提问。  相似文献   
Western scholars have argued that image making and image management are a preoccupation of the judiciary. Images of the judiciary may take a variety of forms and be produced for kinds of audiences. One form of judicial image making and image management is live performances in the courtroom and other court settings. Another is the written judgment where the preoccupation is the style of the written text. Press and other mass media reports of judicial activity are another. The audience for judicial images is equally diverse, from fellow judges, lawyers in the courts and the wider legal community, the litigants before the courts to the executive, legislature and the public both in the courtroom and beyond. The image of the judiciary that is available to the public has a particular significance in Western rule of law democracies. As a general rule courts and the judiciary are required to operate in public and their activities must be open to public scrutiny. A recent policy manifestation of this goal is debated about confidence in the justice system and initiatives designed to improve confidence. In the majority of cases public scrutiny of judicial activity and public confidence in the judiciary relies upon the media. Objective and accurate press and media reports play a key role in shaping public understanding of the judiciary and generating or undermining confidence in that institution. Reports in regional and national newspapers have long been an important source of information, shaping public knowledge and facilitating public scrutiny of the justice system. In the UK, there is almost no scholarship on these representations past or present. The result is little known about the representation of the courts and the judiciary in press reports. Little is known about what the diligent reader of these reports can learn about judicial activity. The aim of this article is to take a first step towards changing that state of affairs. It uses a data set made up of 205 contemporary domestic newspaper reports of court and judi  相似文献   
陶短房 《廉政瞭望》2012,(23):64-64
10月15日,英国首相卡梅伦和苏格兰首席部长萨蒙德达成协议,规定苏格兰人将于2014年秋季举行“全民独立公投”,从而决定联合王国的未来命运:是继续保持现状,还是任由苏格兰独立,自身则变成“英格兰一威尔士和北爱尔兰联合王国”。  相似文献   
颜颖颛 《党建文汇》2007,(12):38-38
最近,英格兰布里斯托尔大学公布了一张电脑制作的图片,图片上显示的是一种远古巨蝎和人类的体形对比。20日,英国和德国的研究人员共同宣布,他们发现了一种史前巨蝎,这种蝎子体长超过2.5米,体重超过400磅(约362.8斤),“能够轻易将人类撕成碎片”,幸好这种蝎子早在3.9亿年前就灭绝了。  相似文献   
据外媒报道,英国皇家防止动物虐待协会近日迎来了一对儿“黑白双侠”——4岁大的狗狗弗兰克和艾莉。弗兰克和艾莉平时形影不离,因为艾莉眼睛失明,弗兰克一直都为艾莉充当“导盲犬”,不离不弃。  相似文献   
10月15日,英国首相卡梅伦和苏格兰首席部长萨蒙德达成协议,规定苏格兰人将于2014年秋季举行全民独立公投,从而决定联合王国的未来命运:是继续保持  相似文献   
周琼 《人民公安》2013,(11):44-51
最经典的偶像,总是或者人生戛然而止,或者奇迹永无止歇。贝克汉姆永远不会是第一种,却有很大的可能成为第二种里最好的那一个。今年5月16日,38岁的英国球星贝克汉姆宣布,他将在本赛季结束后退役。他没有拿过一次世界杯或者欧洲杯,也从未收获顶级的个人荣誉。他退役的这一天,距离他职业生涯的巅峰状态,已经超过10年。  相似文献   
徐杰 《台声》2013,(11):107-107
10月12日,不夜城,伦敦,灯火通明。波光粼粼的泰晤士河上,董淑贞为促进两岸三地旅英240多名青年学子交流举办游船派对之旅:《六十亿分之一的可能,茫茫人海遇见你/妳》。中国驻英大使馆参赞李晖及英格兰台湾商会会长梁秋生等特邀嘉宾参加了活动。此次举办游船活动已是第3次。  相似文献   
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