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论我国行政许可的设定事项   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政许可是行政机关根据公民、法人或者其他组织的申请,经依法审查,准予其从事特定活动的行为。文章对我国行政许可的设定事项问题进行深入研究,认为我国行政许可法在行政许可设定事项上“态度”不坚决,导致行政机关易对行政许可法第12条、13条理解有偏差。建议应把行政许可法第12条、13条设定行政许可的内容分成两部分表述,把普通许可和特许规定为应当设定,把认可、核准、登记规定为可以设定。对我国行政许可制度改革也提出合理建议和措施。  相似文献   
作为公共管理学科领域中的一员,在学习《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》和国务院温家宝总理就建议讨论稿所作的说明时,联系到我国公共管理实践和学科研究,是很自然的事。因为公共管理正是要为国民经济和社会发展服务的。在这方面,过去所取得的巨大成就和不足之处,都有公共管理状况的因素,今后在实施“十一五”的全过程中,仍然需要继续加强和改进公共管理。为了避免泛泛而谈,根据温总理所归纳的“十一五”时期的主要任务和需要处理好的几个重大关系,从公共管理角度加以论述。坚持统领发展全局和要全面贯彻落实的是科学发展观。  相似文献   
行政诉讼构造了一个由相对独立的法官、原告和被告组成的系统。在现代法治国家,由于系统内三方相对独立的法律地位,在行政诉讼过程中,各方主体会有不同的策略。  相似文献   
深化企业改革,充分调动广大职工的积极性,提高主人翁意识,保证主人翁的地位,发挥主人翁作用是国企改革成功的保证。  相似文献   
行政诉讼中举证责任分配的界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国行政诉讼中的举证责任,应在借鉴国外的理论的基础上,根据我国的审判制度、法律传统以及法官制度的结构,来确定我国举证责任的理念。具体应从诉讼的目的、举证责任的分配标准、行政诉讼中的举证责任来确定原告和被告各自的举证责任分配的标准与具体理由。  相似文献   
为了解决我国行政执法领域存在的部门林立、多头执法、重复执法、执法扰民与执法低效等问题,必须系统地进行行政职权的优化配置,积极推行部门行政职权相对集中,探求行政执法体制改革与创新的路径,实现行政精简、统一与效能。目前,推行部门行政职权相对集中,在认识因素、适用依据和保障机制等方面还面临着诸多障碍,这在一定程度上制约了部门行政职权相对集中的改革进程。为此,必须更新行政执法观念,加强行政法制建设,促进行政体制与制度创新,完善相应的保障机制等,以使这项改革取得实质性的进展,达到预期的目标。  相似文献   
默克尔自上台以来领导的"黑红"大联合政府,给不平凡的德中关系画上了浓墨重彩的一笔。这位在德国政坛上已活跃了两个任期,即将迎来她第三个四年任期的德国"铁娘子",使德中关系变得举世瞩目。默克尔政府在对华政策上采取为实现自身利益最大化的"人权问题"与"经济利益"双管齐下的方针,使中德两国关系一度紧张。然而,随着形势的发展,两国建立了全面战略伙伴关系。在这个过程中,中德双方不论在哪些方面打交道,默克尔政府对华政策都呈现出其独特的一面。  相似文献   
While there is a robust literature about using tradeable permits as a solution to pollution externalities, less work has applied these principles to the area of transboundary water management. This article proposes the use of transboundary water banking as a means for addressing issues of water externalities, conflict over water resources, and incentive compatibility. First, the article provides clarity to this discussion by synthesizing relevant literature over transboundary water governance, focusing on the experience between the United States and Mexico over the Colorado River. Second, the article formalizes the idea of a transboundary water bank and the efficiency of an auctioned versus grandfathered permit program. Third, the article provides a brief formulation of the market design elements of such a scheme, namely four conditions that enable a sort of Nash Equilibrium among agents. The article concludes by alluding to the parallels between energy and water markets. While only a start, this article seeks to catalyze more formal mathematical modeling of solutions to transboundary water governance.  相似文献   

The discipline of public administration in the Philippines has been undergoing its version of an ‘identity crisis’ over the past decade. This crisis has been manifested in four areas: (1) the inordinate influence of mostly American public administration theories and concepts upon Philippines public administration has led Filipino academics in the early to mid-1980s to ask the question ‘is there a Philippine public administration?’; (2) the perceived disconnect between theories of public administration as taught in schools and the realities in the outside world has raised questions of the relevance of the discipline to real world challenges; (3) the continued frustration over the perception that in spite of many public administration and governance reforms, the Philippines continues to be among the more corrupt nations in the region; and (4) the recent fascination of academics in other disciplines, especially economists, that ‘institutions matter’, has led some public administration scholars to argue that their discipline has been arguing precisely the same point since the 1950s.  相似文献   
Corruption is perceived in all societies as a social pathology that causes great material and moral damage and is a threat to the society's continual development. Especially in countries with a freshly consolidated democracy, as Slovenia, the phenomena of corruption must be treated with all due attention. This article emphasises that corruption in Slovenia is publicly perceived as one of the most important and even increasing problems in society. We are also analysing one of the crucial side effects of the corruption, resulting itself in ever deeper public distrust to most significant political and administrative institutions.  相似文献   
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