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The 2007–2009 financial crisis has led to considerable debate about the role of financial industry actors in global regulatory processes. This article seeks to contribute to this debate by assessing when and why financial industry actors mobilise in order to influence securities markets regulations. Do these mobilisation patterns suggest undue influence by a small set of powerful industry actors, or do they reflect the engagement of a more diverse set of actors representing broader public interests? It is argued that variation in mobilisation patterns is a function of: (1) institutional opportunity (the openness and accessibility of regulatory politics); and (2) demonstration effects (how crises increase the salience of regulatory issues). Empirical analyses suggest that the financial crisis diminished the diversity of mobilising actors. This trend, however, is reversed when the news media disseminate information about the costs of weak financial regulation and thereby increase the salience of regulatory issues.  相似文献   
This article examines how evaluation induces policy learning – a question largely neglected by the scholarly literature on evaluation and policy learning. Following a learner's perspective, the article attempts to ascertain who the learners are, and what, and how, learners actually learn from evaluations. In so doing, it focuses on what different types of learners actually learn within the context of the evaluation framework (the set of administrative structures defining the evaluation goals and process). Taking the empirical case of three EU programme evaluations, the patterns of policy learning emanating from them are examined. The findings are that only two types of actors involved in the evaluation are actually learning (programme units and external evaluators), that learners learn different things (programme overview, small‐scale programme adjustments, policy change and evaluation methods) and that different learners are in control of different aspects of the evaluation (learning objectives and processes) according to the evaluation framework established by the European Commission.  相似文献   
Until recently, the concept of the ‘rule of law' (ROL) was exclusively used in relation to the domestic legal order of the state. Over the last two decades, however, it has entered the vocabulary of international legal scholars and experts. This journey of ROL from the domestic to the international sphere has provoked fierce debates between practitioners of international law, notably because, far from being a mere doctrinal controversy, it gave rise to practices impinging on the exercise of power at the international level and enabling diverse international experts to interfere in internal affairs of target states. This article argues that, in a somewhat paradoxical way, these developments impair the concept of ROL rather than expanding it into new domains. Indeed, while the established concept of ROL to a certain extent presupposed the principles of sovereignty and non-intervention, current reformulations of ROL weaken them while making new interventionist practices easier. Analysis of the legal rationalizations used in the context of contemporary EU and UN crisis management operations makes this clear. Drawing on insights gained from legal theory and international political sociology, this article highlights how the concept of ROL cannot simply be transposed into the ‘international' realm without hampering its internal coherence.  相似文献   
通过对华北协和女子大学的建校背景、学校前身、学校校长、建校时间、学校名称、规模概况、课程设置、学生运动及学校最终走向等方面的叙述,可以勾勒出中国第一所女子大学的基本面貌。该校填补了中国女子高等教育的空白,为培养中国近代第一批知识女性做出了贡献,在中国女子教育史上有着不可忽略的历史作用。另外,通过对史料的考证,可以发现燕...  相似文献   
在全球政府信息公开及环境保护立法快速发展的大背景下,我国已在政府环境信息公开领域开展了立法和实践,尤其是2008年5月实行的《环境信息公开办法(试行)》,更是这一领域的专门性立法。但是,通过与欧盟政府环境信息公开立法体系比较发现,我国政府环境信息公开立法存在着诸多问题:如环境信息公开的主体范围过为狭窄;环境信息公开的客体范围狭小及环境信息公开救济途径缺乏。本文在借鉴欧盟环境信息公开制度下,提出了完善我国环境信息公开的几点建议。  相似文献   
学习型城市的建构,自1990年代中期即持续受到欧盟的高度重视,并先后展开了一系列学习型城市的推动策略,俾以促使欧洲成为学习社会。然而台湾学习型城市的实务发展,迄今则仍乏积极的政策行动,有鉴于学习型城市的理论与实务探究,在台湾仍亟待加以进行。本研究旨在探究欧盟学习型城市的发展及其对台湾的启示,希冀透过欧盟学习型城市的发展分析与探究,深入了解欧盟学习型城市的发展内涵与特色,进而对台湾今后学习型城市的发展,提出具体可行之建议,以发挥他山之石,可以攻错之效。  相似文献   
始于美国的次贷危机,在全球化的推波助澜之下,迅速演变为全球性的金融危机。在这次危机中,几乎没有哪个国家或地区能够独善其身,欧盟也未能幸免。客观地讲,由于欧盟本身的经济状况和发展潜力,使得它在危机中遭受的损失异常巨大,恢复的过程也显得异常艰难。这些因素势必会影响欧洲一体化的进一步发展,也会影响欧盟在未来国际格局构建中的能力。具体而言,金融危机对欧洲一体化的动力基础、内部团结、外部环境,以及欧盟作为世界一极的国际地位及影响力等不同层面均造成不同程度的影响,使欧盟目前本不顺利的一体化道路更显荆棘,也为欧洲一体化的前景增添了许多变数。  相似文献   
1922年12月30日俄罗斯苏维埃联邦社会主义共和国与乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国、白俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义共和国、外高加索苏维埃社会主义联邦共和国组成苏联。苏联的成立虽保证了这几个独立共和国在苏联的平等地位,赢得几个独立共和国的信任,但也存在一系列的问题和缺陷。正是这些问题和缺陷始终没有得到很好的解决,为苏联的解体埋下了隐患,成了苏联解体的重要因素。  相似文献   
戈尔巴乔夫按照人道的民主的社会主义的建党思想对苏联共产党进行改革,使苏共在突如其来的转型中丢掉了马克思主义的建党原则,改变了性质,最终失去了执政地位。在苏共亡党二十年之际,反思戈尔巴乔夫的建党思想,对于中国共产党保持无产阶级先锋队的性质具有深刻的意义。  相似文献   
共产国际、联共(布)在指导中国革命的过程中重视中国农民问题,并在指导中国大革命中付诸实施了这一思想,推动了中国农民运动的发展。由于共产国际、联共(布)把解决中国农民问题的希望寄托在国民党身上,最后导致了农民运动的失败。究其原因,在于共产国际、联共(布)过高估计了国民党,轻视了共产党。  相似文献   
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