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全国团校系统的后勤社会化与其他高校相比有同有异。团校系统应建立在服务和服从于后勤改革的目标和宗旨上,采取托管、联合等多种形式,加快后勤系统与团校行政管理体系的规范剥离,解决好后勤行业特性与教育特性等多种关系,真正建立起团校后勤系统的服务实体,这将是新型的团校后勤保障体系的主要组成形式。  相似文献   
在深刻认识农村青年中心建设社会背景的基础上,本文分析了高校与农村共建青年中心的必要性和可能性,并在浙江师大与井冈山拿山乡共建青年中心的实践基础上,总结经验,探索乡校共建农村青年中心的新途径.  相似文献   
高校共青团组织要始终保持先进性 ,为社会主义现代化建设事业做出应有贡献 ,就必须积极适应时代发展的新要求 ,与时俱进 ,确立科学的工作理念 ,多措并举 ,努力实现工作观念、工作方式方法、工作组织体系和工作支撑体系的现代化  相似文献   
在高校共青团组织中开展品牌创建工作是新形势下加强和改进共青团工作的创新之举。当前高校基层团组织在开展品牌创建方面存在着一些问题和不足:品牌活动建设缺乏个性,创新不够;不注重与学科专业结合,专业特色不明显;疏于活动宣传,影响力不足;缺乏有效总结,未能建立长效机制。在品牌创建工作实践中,高校基层团组织应当遵循导向性、创新性、实效性、系统性和可持续性原则,不断转变思想观念,强化品牌意识;善于挖掘整合品牌资源,凝练打造特色品牌项目;加强管理,确保品牌活动持久深入开展;加大投入,为品牌创建打下坚实的物质基础;注重宣传,不断提升品牌活动的形象和影响力。  相似文献   

Whenever African literature is discussed there is an articulated incorrect assumption that this relates to all the regions of Africa, except North Africa. A related further assumption is that only men in North Africa write. Female writers from the North barely receive critical attention, although they have been writing creative works. The aim of this article is to dispel the notion of literary drought when describing North Africa. Using the text, Women writing Africa: The northern region, the article demonstrates the different sensibilities that female authors in North Africa have created and manifest, when writing against patriarchy as well as against ideological philistinism within their communities. It is argued that female authors from North Africa – African-Arab women – are versatile in their imaginations as they engage with social reality from the perspective of creative art as well as political discourse. The article concludes that this assertion removes the literary veil so that North African female authors can begin to be appreciated artistically, more than has been the situation up to now.  相似文献   
共青团十七大对增强团的自身建设、提升团的活力提出了新的要求.提升团组织活力的着力点是狠抓基层、贯彻“工作到支部,全团抓落实”的方针.当今特别需要从以下几个方面做出努力:高举理想信念的旗帜:密切联系青年、竭诚服务青年;维护青年的合法权益:开展适合青年特点的活动:为青年提供鲜活的学习榜样;增强团干部具有亲和感的人格魅力.我们必须坚持党建带团建,以改革创新精神加强团的自身建设,切实增强引领青年跟党走的凝聚力、青年对党的向心力、共青团的影响力.  相似文献   
优化设计新形势下高校党建带团建的实现路径对全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程、增强高校共青团组织凝聚力和战斗力、加强和改进大学生思想道德建设、实现团员青年自由而全面发展具有重要意义。基于首都部分高校党建带团建的案例解读,凝炼了党校和团校教育、形势政策报告会、共青团干部到基层挂职锻炼、共青团工作经验交流、青年人才技能培养、服务社会建设发展等高校党建带团建的实现路径,以及新形势下高校党建带团建路径设计的几点原则。即正确认识并处理好新形势下的党团关系,兼顾团的青年属性与高校的“学校特色”,尊重团员主体地位、激发团员自主意识,实现“社会-党-团-青年”的有机统一等。  相似文献   
增强团员意识教育是加强共青团自身建设的重要内容。随着社会经济的快速发展以及多元文化的影响,大学生团员的思想观念、价值取向也呈现多元化发展趋势。因此,在新的形势下,针对大学生团员的新特点要不断开拓教育途径,及时进行实践教育来增强团员意识。  相似文献   

This article examines the development of the relations between Jews and Arabs in Haifa during the British Mandate period from the perspective of the Sephardi and Oriental Jews (Mizrahim). It focuses on the two Sephardi neighborhoods in Haifa: Ard al-Yahud and Harat al-Yahud. The article examines the character of the shared Jewish-Arab space that existed in both these mixed neighborhoods, which were inhabited by both Jews and Arabs. The character of this spatial system was exposed during the course of a local political struggle to secure representation for the Sephardi and Oriental Jews and to improve their social condition, as well as during periods of security tension. The article also examines the attitude of the Sephardi leadership toward the ‘Arab question’, and discusses the manner in which everyday life in Ard al-Yahud and Harat al-Yahud manifested the existence of an Arab-Jewish identity during the Mandate period.  相似文献   
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